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in the past

Fucking amazing expansion but holy shit the amount of nerfs has completely destroyed my muscle memory for this game.

Esta cojonudo que hayan cogido el mod mas currado y lo hayan vuelto contenido oficial. El nuevo spritework es una pasada, los jefes son increiblemente buenos y nada injustos como el cabrón de delirium y los nuevos objetos y secretos y todo lo que añaden hace que el Isaac brille muchisimo. Lo de que añadian unas 500h aprox era verdad. Pero la cantidad de nerfeos se nota muchísimo

Holy Shit, This Game Is An Utter Masterpiece. And I Though Re-Birth Was Better!

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This is seriously one of the best content updates I've ever seen in my life. Just the sheer amount of content, and the quality of said content is insane, it'll easily double your play time from Afterbirth+ if you choose to 100% it. However, I think the most exciting part to me are the balance changes because, holy crap the game feels amazing now.

The days of instantly running to the first devil deal possible because angel deals fucking suck is done now, both paths are viable and choosing which route you'd like to pursue is a genuine choice you can make. The nerfs to many "hard carry" items have caused health management to become a much larger aspect of the game as you can't rely on maw of the void getting you 10 black hearts every floor. Health management has also become more serious because of the hard mode changes, almost all of which cause the game to go from a snoozefest where you can be constantly at 12 hearts to something intense. I died on Womb 1 playing this DLC for the first time and I have about 700 hours in Isaac across all DLCs.

And this is all without mentioning the alt path, because my god the alt path is fantastic. The new enemies and bosses are just so awesome to fight and being able to choose between an item or a "blind pick" in the item room adds even more dynamic elements to your run where your knowledge of synergies can truly shine. Hell, even the option of choosing to GO to the alt path is a huge choice you're able to make every run. You can choose to stay on the easier path or pursue a harder path because that blind pick can be ever so valuable.

This is without mentioning the fact that this game adds 19 fucking new characters, most of which are extremely unique. Some of the characters like Tainted Isaac or Tainted Lilith are so insanely different that I almost can't believe I'm playing the same game at some points. It's incredible thinking about how much work has gone into making all of the tainted characters feel truly special, each in their own way.

Finally, there's the true path and the confrontation with Dogma and The Beast. While I think Mother is a harder boss than either of these two, the ascension sequence and the entire vibe of both fights is fucking amazing, and I nearly leapt out of my seat at the game shifting from a top down to a side scrolling style experience.

I feel like I've already typed enough, so I wanted to end on the final note that they're STILL updating this. They may not add tons of new content, but the rebalances to some of the older content (Delirium) will be greatly appreciated in the future and make this an even more coherent experience. The binding of isaac is a truly special game to me, it's probably my favourite game of all time, and while afterbirth and afterbirth+ added some..."controversial" content, repentance is definitely a homerun and I'll probably be playing it for years to come.

As foolosh as it may be this is kinda my comfort game

I've been playing The Binding of Isaac since 2012, just after the Wrath of the Lamb update to the original game. Following this game through all its iterations has been at times frustrating, but there were always aspects that kept me coming back. I stopped playing quite so much as I developed a love for other roguelikes, and I hadn't touched it in over a year by the time Repentance came out.

Let me be clear: Repentance an incredible way to cap one of the most important games in my life.

Repentance is brutally hard, and it revived my love for Binding of Isaac in a way that I didn't think was possible after the distaste I had for Afterbirth+. The music is amazing, the new characters are unique, and the small facelifts to animation remind me of the charms the original Flash game had. There is enough content in this DLC that I could frankly call this a new game in the series, and it's going to keep me occupied for years to come. This is the definitive version Binding of Isaac.

The definitive way to play the game. So much end-game content added to an already very good game.

Utter perfection. The game is complete.

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Been playing this game since I was a sophomore in high school and I never would have ever thought that when picking up this game because one of my buddies played it that I would ever invest so much time into a masterpiece like this. I didn't even hop on the ride from the beginning, I played when ab+ just came out, but seeing the game grow to what it is now is mind blowing. Feels like an entirely different game with the amount of content they've added. So many characters with a variety of playstyles that are all really fresh and fun (Besides (redacted) Cain and Magdalene), SO many items that the rabbit hole for synergies is virtually endless, and I'm still discovering more every single day. So many different routes that are all really fun now (besides delirium until they rework it) since the changes they've made to so many of them. Amazing music. A story that's very disturbing, but also really interesting to read about. Mod support that's really good and has inspired tons of designs that are in the game now with a community of extremely talented individuals. I still haven't gotten my hands on Revelations yet, but sometime down the road I will.
-- Spoiler Territory --
The addition of Tainted characters was something that I absolutely could not believe they had done. After doing both routes I knew there had to have been something I missed and there had to have been another character or something that was kept secret. And then there it is, pressing a button on the character select revealing what is pretty much an entire extra roster of characters. I genuinely could not believe what I was looking at. I sat there looking at the menu, listening to the remixed theme that's far more twisted and unsettling, star struck. Something about the music was like my developing realization about how much content there is now, and that this is the big secret they hid the ENTIRE time throughout their blogposts updating us about this expansion, and it wasn't leaked either thank god. Even now when I listen to it I'm still filled with goosebumps.
The game was made in modern times, and a big complaint I often have with games nowadays is that I miss when developers on old consoles had to work with a sound chip for sound design. The sound design back then felt a lot more unique and memorable in comparison. Isaac takes this and does so much with it. Of course they didn't use a sound chip, but the sound design in the game feels just like that, both in game and with some of the music.
The wide rollercoaster of emotions this game has made me feel (and will still feel since I haven't 100%ed this expansion yet) is something I will almost certainly never get to experience with any game ever again. If I could experience it again, I would do it 1000 times over and over again.
From the bottom of my heart, I 100% recommend this game, and all of its expansions. I promise it's worth the price.

Este juego es un pacto con el diablo. Él te ofrece diversión infinita, y tu solamente has de darle todo tu tiempo. Mi opinión, merece la pena.

Made me come back harder than ever to the game. And MAAAN the quality of life changes they made are TOP NOTCH. Also, the story was already sad enough already, but the new ending gave me goosebumps.

I don't know why I keep only fighting mom's heart. Where's the devil and angel from before?

I wasn't expecting much out of this latest Binding of Isaac expansion, after the disappointment of Afterbirth+ and the train wreck that was the Legend of Bum-bo, but after several weeks with this game, I can safely say that Edmund McMillen has redeemed himself.

While I do still have to dock half a star for the fact that there are STILL several quality-of-life issues that have lingered since the Flash days (along with some new ones in the content ported from Antibirth), I can't really be mad because I've played this game almost every day for the past month and a half. Hëlp

Super addicting and charming.

my expectations were high but HOLY FUCK IS THIS KINO.

The sheer amount of content, reworks, secrets, changes, etc. are fucking ludicrous with this "expansion pack". Repentance is basically a new game with the same engine. I don't think I would recommend it to isaac newcomers, as some of the changes are particularly unforgiving, and 60$ is a steep up front price. But if you're even considering repentence, something tells me you arent a newcomer.

Edit: I dead godded! Buy this game

i fully expected another couple items and new bosses but holy shit this is like a new game. the fact they could breathe new life into a nearly 10 year game is absurd

You litte F*ker
You made a shit of piece with your trash Issac it’s f*
King Bad this trash game I will become back my money I hope you will in your next time a cow on a trash farm you sucker

Una expansión exageradamente buena, con millones de cambios y nuevas rutas extremadamente imaginativas y originales en cuanto a caminos.

Que mejor cierre para el mejor roguelike que esto.

The amount of content this expansion bring to the game is MASSIVE, I'm talking your mom kind of massive. A fuck ton of bosses, enemies and new items, two new routes with their respective final bosses, endings and floors, two new characters, 17 alternate versions of all of them, SEVENTEEN and new music tracks. The new hard mode also makes the game actually hard. The only downside I can think of is that they nerfed a lot of great items which makes picking them up not that interesting anymore but you eventually forget about it in the great scheme of things. It's fun as fuck and a must get if you are a fan of the game

They succeded in making it much harder, I'd say that much. I beat Afterbirth & Afterbirth+ over a dozen times yet only managed to beat this about 3 so far and I started a clean slate.

It is still varied in terms of pick ups and more varied in terms of bosses but it seems that you're far less likely to find those OP power combos like before.

"OVER 500 HOURS of new gameplay", threatens Isaac.

This expansion is essentially the point where I took my first real plunge into this game. I was interested in Isaac after years and years of hearing "no two runs are ever the same"-esque platitudes, but it's kind of just "you'll never see this specific concoction of a handful of +/-1 stat passives ever again" so far. I'm fully willing to accept that the game only really opens up dozens of hours in; seeing the item list with like 600 greyed out boxes is very enticing, but I'd also be lying if I said I'm having any fun with this early game.

Dull item pools bloated with effectless stat ups and active items, with next to no wriggle room for rng manipulation - It really doesn't feel like I'm playing Isaac as much as the seed is stringing me along to whatever predetermined end it has devised for me, until I'm cut down by a slew of terrible and untelegraphed zero-delay room-wide lasers or pounces. The options to manipulate your luck with characters and items that synergise like mad just don't feel present at all until apparently tens of hours in? I had a 15 loss streak broken by a run that was so ridiculous I saw Delirium for the first time and killed him with such ease I could spare the time to play with my cat. It kind of shredded apart my honeymoon period. Nobody likes a pity win - which is how it feels. The variance is peaks and valleys with no in between. My successes feel obvious and detracted because I'm given a loadout where it's almost impossible to fail, not even helped when one follows a string of runs where I feel underpowered to the point where failure appears inevitable.

Granted, I could just read a wiki or watch some streamer with thousands of episodes of playtime so I can get a grasp of how to play efficiently. I COULD. But I'd rather just hold R until the shop stocks Chaos. A man can only Lemon Party so hard.

Exceeds at being addicting as fucqe, though! This soundtrack is filled with hummable earworms, and it's easy to get lost in a cycle of "just one more go" in the hopes I'll find two items that go together like olive and feta. (I think I'm just gonna aim for all the endings, then I'll bounce.)

EDIT: Finished the Repentence content finally! Well, Final Ending - I don't care for anything else. I can honestly say without a hint of stockholm syndrome that the content of this DLC is genuinely fuckin incredible. These new floors look STUNNING, with rooms, encounters and bosses that are tough but completely fair. As a basic rule of thumb; if I like something, it was added in Repentence. Hilarious to think that this game took nearly ten years for there to be bosses that ACTUALLY TELEGRAPH their attacks with great animation quirks. Nice surprise to see it end on a deus ex machina sequence i was convinced was beyond the scope of the engine. would prob have hit harder if this game wasn't mostly just a boring trial by fire that bothered to ingratiate me with the setting but hey. They said "what this game needs is a Wonderful 101 finale" and they were right.

The item pool expands to fit passives and active items that greatly alter your approach to a given run - made better with outright upgraded crown rooms and item shops. What was once an absolute pittance of reward, ensuring that you had to follow the RNG's rigid script laid bare; you eventually become able to make risky decisions that let you feel more in control of your fate.

It absolutely fuckin should not have taken this long, my first tens of hours of playtime could mostly be chalked up to sheer spite playing, frantically trying to see the appeal - which thankfully rears its head up to a point. An honest to god easy improvement you could make would be to reduce all "Kill X boss Y times" unlock criteria to just one. Just dump items on you for beating a boss, who wants to fucking grind.

I luv u mr mcmillen pls release mewgenics already

Una expansión de absoluta locura a todos los niveles. Una cantidad de contenido brutal, una dificultad inmisericorde, nuevas sinergias, más desafíos, muchísimos más personajes, zonas y jefes... McMillen no bromeaba cuando decía que Repentance se sentía como una segunda entrega.

¡Y espera, que por fin está localizado al español! Con una traducción bastante decente, por cierto.

Fucc, I messed up getting further into the devil pits. I mistakenly left the room.

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Finished the alt path, plus the true ending, just to realize I need to do it 34 times. I'm in love with this DLC, it's basically Isaac 2, and I can't get enough of it. Amazing work, Edmund!

One of my favorite games, there's so much content that even after playing for years I'm still unlocking new things left and right. A simple yet effective gameplay structure that is surprisingly hard to get bored of.