Reviews from

in the past

Love the storyline, good old undercover cop work, I miss these kinds of stories.

É até gostosinho de jogar. Mas Horizon é melhor.

The physics feel like a wet paper towel.

Interessante toda a ideia por trás dele, só não ouve nada para me apegar ao jogo, e pra piorar o coitado saiu no mesmo ano que o forza horizon 2 que dava círculos em volta desse jogo.

Fun game, doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

Started game.
Drove across the map.
Found house.

one of my favorite racing games of all time, currently my favorite ps4 game but will likely be usurped by gran turismo 7. i will genuinely weep when this game's servers get taken down

edit: nope, still my favorite. sorry polyphony.

The actual racing didn't feel the best. Some of the locations were pretty cool though.

Me tocó uno de esos tantos juegos de Ubi que prometian una "experiencia de nueva generación" y no cumplieron con las expectativas. Debo ser sincero, me da cierta nostalgia. Cuando llegó la nueva generación por aquel 2013-2014, fue una epoca rara, se despedían de una anterior y se daba paso a la siguiente con la pata izquierda, además, la industria estaba con una crisis y éramos tan inocentes que nos engañaron en la cara con cientos de promesas y se cumplieron medianamente.

Con este juego me basta para saber cómo es un mundo abierto de Ubisoft, ya con este los experimente a todos, debo admitir que tiene buenas ideas y que cuando brillan a la hora de viajar de una punta a otra por la versión en miniatura de Estados Unidos, te brinda una sensación de viaje satisfactoria (además, se remata con una buena selección musical), la física de los autos..., enserio, Ubi no sabe de físicas, pero se sienten correctos y llegan a ser satisfactorio conducir.

¿Qué más?, ah, sí, la historia no da tanta pena, es funcional, como cualquier otra historia de un juego de Ubisoft: al prota le quitan a alguien o algo y se lanza en un viaje de venganza contra el antagonista, que pincha, ni corta ni brilla, no me acuerdo quien es, lo juro. Por cierto, ¿se han dado cuenta que hay una escasez de juegos de autos?

PS: yo no lo compre, fue mi padre, literalmente después de este empecé a comprar mis propios juegos, juro que ya no dejare que mi padre vuelva a comprar juegos.

I honestly forgot I played this, but I remember it being unironically great once DLCs started rolling out

Open world racing with detailed customization. So much content with a variety of cars and types of races, from street to rally to formula, there is always something new to do. I found myself playing well after beating all of the missions and the crew aspect is a nice touch.

This is still one of favorites to this day, it just got old. The PvP was where I had the most fun, it was just such a blast playing with friends back in the day, especially crown at the airport, oh my that was a classic. The map was so vast and just took an eternity to explore. Loved this game and I bet some still play to this day.

Si quieres kilómetros y kilómetros de escenario y algo de diversidad visual, tírale, a no ser que juegues con amigos o rushees desafíos se hace muy aburrido

I enjoyed this a bit simply because the map is the ENTIRE United States

minha experiência com esse jogo foi bem mais ou menos: bugs constantes, missões chatas e má otimização, fora a física esquisita desse jogo. de que adianta um mapa enorme dos EUA se o jogo parece completamente inacabado?

The concept of this game sounded so cool before it launched, what we got on release wasn't perfect but it was a nice racing game with MMORPG elements.

forza horizon so que pra hetero

the criu,
grq dla kurew dobra, i nie tylkq,
podruz artisticznie mozliwa

Ig it was too much to ask to not have the game look and feel outdated by 2 console generations

Back in 2015, this was my number 1 racing adventure. I pre-ordered it because of being so hyped for it. I spent probably 100 hours of cruising through USA. Excellent memories.

The way the cars handled felt off, and this just felt like a bad attempt at a (bad) Need for Speed game with the (bad) narrative forced in. One of the weaker racing games I played this gen. Probably the weakest one with a budget this high.

another one with poor reviews but that I had a lot of fun playing with friends

Pretty good story for a racing game, along with some ok missions and gameplay.

I bough the game, but i really never played that much.