Reviews from

in the past

Simply one of my favorite games of all time! This is the game that introduced me to large, open-world, story-driven games. I still find myself revisiting it from time to time, even though I purchased the game nearly 7 years ago.

I gave it a good rating Todd, please let my family go

My dark secret is that I've never played more than 5 hours of an Elder Scrolls game.

Fun when I played, don't remember shit about it though

played it but it felt charmless and kinda dull

Kind of just feels like more Oblivion in a lot of ways... only with less memorable quests. There's nothing really wrong with Skyrim, but it doesn't do much to stand out from Bethesda's other games.

I've heard it all. Yeah, the combat can be better. The bugs are plenty. The story is serviceable and the reused voice actors make the world feel smaller.

But god damn, if this game doesn't just TRANSPORT you. The world is so large, varied, and alive, and I feel like every open world game since this has just been desperately chasing the high you get from your first playthrough.

n curto esse
travava no meu ps3 perdi um save de sei la quantas horas vsf

This game is like getting lost in the supermarket

Jack of all trades, master of none

The game itself is missed opportunities and the real 5 star experience is gotten with the help of mods

Open world games just are not my thing.

heh good game. even with all the glitches there's fun shit to do and it's wacky. Some of the questlines are pretty good.
Best fully open-world RPG and it's 3 stars cause most open world rpgs and open world games generally suck ass

remember when we released the same game 6 fucking times

this game is like hours upon hours of fun i just wish i wasn't afraid of spiders

I do not like Skyrim, but I like the cool stories other people seem to squeeze out of it.

i've technically never completed the main plot of this game but we all know that's not why people play skyrim. people play skyrim because there's some sort of timeless enjoyment to be had in it and modding the absolute shit out of it until it breaks.

Somehow BGS managed to make this engine work one last time and it pays off, one of the best games ever made and one that still has life today (even if thanks to mods).

Goddamn those bugs are game breaking

i hate this game with every fiber of my being. todd, you did it again.

I'm only not giving it five stars because it clearly has bugs up the wazoo I may have only completed all of it once with mods but I love it so much and have replayed it so many times.

Honestly, if I hadn’t played Morrowind and Oblivion before this I would have loved this game. I don’t think it’s a very good Elder Scrolls game and I don’t like this era of games that decided to make the games look colourless and dingy.

It's a fun game, I can't deny that

immersive sim, fun to play and explore, poor writing and shallow combat.

After trying once right when it came out and ruining the game by becoming OP. Finally came back and beat it the right way. Its never quite captured the feeling of Oblivion but still pretty great.

While there are games that do each individual feature Skyrim does better, few games are able to achieve Skyrim's balance of open-world exploration, roleplaying, and questing.