Reviews from

in the past

Don't open Motong's review replies if you don't wanna get spoiled anyway great game great story and characters you should play it :)

This is truly the best Ace Attorney has to offer

From the best soundtrack to the best storytelling, this duology is where Takumi shines at displaying how much he's improved. More concise trials, almost everything in both entries linking together to form a nigh perfectly cohesive story accompanied with equally strong character writing.

His grasp on his wackiness and mystery hasn't left him one bit with how colourful the side cast is while making them more human than ever by utilizing the new setting.

I don't have much more to add without spoiling but some of the themes and dialogue exchanges in this game are basically poetic, it's insane how contrasting it is to older entries at points all the while keeping its core charm.

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for the collection itself, its satisfactory. the costumes being GAA2 exclusive was dumb, albeit understandable because they were technically in that game only originally. i think being locked at 30fps as well as having inherent resolution issues was lame, though mods can easily fix that (apparently there was audio issues too but i dont care about FLACs or whatever)

GAA1: i think that its one of the best ace attorney games straight up, herlock is one
of the best characters, and i think a lot of the others were super neat too. I think case 1 being one of the hardest and probably longest case 1s was fun, and this was a good one to boot. case 2 being entirely investigation shocked me, but i think it was overall for the best. case 3 was interesting because youre so obviously defending the guilty party. case 4 was a decent case, though, i wouldnt call it something special. case 5 was really easy, but it was also an amazing case and an easy favorite.
GAA2: i think that this one relied on 1 a little bit too much. i think case 1 was a mixed bag, it was way too easy, but it just dragged on and on, i figured everything out as soon as male aya was introduced, and had already figured out the how and why before that anyways. case 2 was another soseki case, and i dont particularly mind him, but i dont think that 1-4 was one of too much note to ride the coattails of, although, i did enjoy 2-2 more than 1-4. case 3 was really neat, but harebrayne's side of the story was definitely not the interesting part. cases 4 and 5 being different was a cop out just so there would be 5 cases, and honestly i would have preferred there just be 4 cases in the game. i think that herlock having created holograms and robot walkie talkies was also going too far.

one of the best games ive ever played

i have just completed tgaa2. absolutely amazing experience. i love these games so much. the characters are so well done and the story was fantastic.

i have watched the english fan translation of the first game around a year ago now, so i skipped it to focus on completing the second game. i am planning to play through the first game by myself, while also playing through the series again with my friends!

such an amazing side series that i was so happy to be able to play with an official english release :D (though i wish they didn't change some of the japanese names!)

Brilliant on every level. There’s really not a single bad case, the characters are impeccably fleshed out and lovable, and the climax arguably tops that of Trials and Tribulations. “Great” game. (Get it?). The collection also offers some great extras that I wish were included in other Ace Attorney games and were a fun bonus.

Very few games have put a smile on my face in quite the way the deductions -in the DGS duology have. Whilst maybe overly simple, they are emblematic of what makes DGS really, really work in my opinion. This Duology has some fantastic cases and a strong overall plotline, but throughout, it is also a game that frankly, would have been carried by it's characters and presentation anyways.

To elaborate, i'd just note the second game's second case. It's pretty fucking bad. A big speedbump in both the overarching plot, has some dumb logical leaps, and is effctively a footnote on the worst case from the first game to boot.

Even then, the game is good. It is the only case in the duology where the case quality dips enough where the appeal gets cut down to it's base. And what a base it has. DGS's core presentation and it's cast of characters are just utterly fantastic. From an adaptation of Sherlock holmes that i was fully prepared to hate but ended up absolutely loving, to the best Prosecutor in the series, to a protagonist that's engaging to see grow in confidence and resolve, all animated absolutely wonderfully and under the chorus of an impeccable soundtrack. The DGS games are games where the baseline of just sitting in a coutroom with Von Zieks opposed to Ryunosouke bouncing off each other is pretty damn high and carries it in it's worst moments. And when the cases rise up to meet that strength, and engage with those characters and the presentation, its an absolute joy. I have taken way too many screenshots on my switch of moments from the second game in particular where i was just so fucking hyped for the goings on. And maybe that, did somewhat come at the cost of DGS1 being so devoted to buildup and leaving the payoff to the second time around, but frankly, that game's still pretty great, and even if it was sacrificed wholesale - it would probably still have been worth it.

So yeah this is pretty great. I could probably go on for way longer about how it's a wonderful reflection on the original AA trilogy, how its more unique case setup keeps things more engaging, how it has a much more focused theme than the other AA games i've played, that Shu Takumi somehow wrangled one of the best adaptations of the sherlock holmes character in the middle of an ace attorney duology - but im honestly not versed enough in the series beyond the first three and these two to speak that authoritatively about them.

Regarldess, this is something really special. Compared to basically every other "law/trial/investigation" game, this absolutely blows everything out the water that i've tried. And I don't think i've had a smile on my face as big as in this one playing a game in a good long while.

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TL;DR: Great game, great story, great cast, great everything. Climax of Resolve is flawed but it can't be understated how amazing both games are, everything fits together perfectly.

I really can't praise this game (or should I say games?) enough. It was just masterfully written and kept me entertained throughout, leaving me with a big smile on my face when I was through with it all. Admittedly, I still do prefer Phoenix and Maya, but I adored the cast of The Great Ace Attorney. Ryunosuke felt similar enough to Phoenix, but also set himself apart by being more openly sarcastic and witty. Susato was nothing like the many other quirky teenagers accompanying the protagonists (like Maya, Trucy, and Kay), and although I love those characters too, I found her more reserved nature to be a welcome change, with some goofiness used sparingly. Herlock Sholmes (Sherlock Holmes) is probably my favorite depiction of Holmes from the books. He really feels like what the character would be if he were a real person, which is not the often cold sociopath that is always used, but rather an eccentric but warm amateur detective, retaining his intelligence (especially as it implies his mistaken deductions are - occasionally - an act). Iris Wilson (Watson) is also a great character, but I did think having her be an accomplished writer and doctor of medicine while being only ten years old was a bit of a stretch.

If I have one criticism of the gameplay, it's that presenting evidence sometimes wasn't clear and I had to resort to looking up a guide.


I loved how everything since the first case of the first game all connected together - everything mattered. The game also didn't waste its time with some easily guessable plot twists; the identity of Van Ziek's masked assistant introduced in case 3 of the second game was revealed at the end of case 3, for example. The mysteries themselves were pretty clever and were either a version of a Sherlock Holmes story, or that story tied into it somehow, so I also enjoyed the twist on some of the familiar stories, like The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, or the most important, The Hounds of Baskervilles. However, at the very end, two times in the very last episode, the plot pulls a deus ex machina. Although Sholmes and Iris were shown to be accomplished inventors, we find out Iris has made a wireless phones disguised as dolls. This game takes place in the early 1900s. These phones were used so Sholmes could tell Ryunosuke he found a critical witness for the final trial. Not only that, but to catch the ultimate villain of the whole story, we find out that there's another invention, where Sholmes can project a 3D image of himself wherever he wants, while also capturing footage of the trial to show Queen Victoria what a bad bad person the villain is. THIS GAME TAKES PLACE IN THE EARLY 1900s, I REMIND YOU. This is the game's only critical flaw, the story was perfect up to this point and keeps me from giving this game a 5/5. Aside from that, I can't recommend this game enough, it's really just wonderful all around with a great and memorable cast of characters. It may not beat Trials and Tribulations for me (Bridge to the Turnabout still kino) but it damn near comes close.

"Bro was it Gas or the Ratio?"
They ask me this while we're literally standing at the gas station
Review: Gas.
10/10 game, truly Capcom's peak in terms of both storytelling and gameplay when it comes to Ace attorney games.

Best Ace Attorney since Trials & Tribulations, easily. Herlock Sholmes is my husband.

Oh yeah I played DGS1's fan tl and watched DGS2's fansubs a while back. I plan to replay the chronicles in english sometime.
But yeah this is easily the best AA game and possibly one of my favorite games in general. Fantastic characters, pacing, story, music, new mechanics that do not feel forced or hard to understand, masterful presentation, beautiful art
This game has it all. If you're checking out the reviews here because you're thinking about getting it, DO.

A masterful tour de force of a duology. They really are meant to be packaged together, adding and building up on the themes of each other and the franchise as a whole. The games really play on the expectations of the franchise for incredible twists and turns, great characters beats, and compelling narrative angles. Ryunosuke and Susato might be my favorite protagonists of the franchise, with the supporting cast demonstrating fascinating depth and character beneath first impressions.

There's a few flaws, of course. You can really tell that the second game was under stricter budget restrictions and the pacing is often a little odd as a result. There's simply no time to show how a character relationship has drastically changed between cases after a bad first impression. And sometimes its a little unclear if an anti-authority story beat is intentional or accidental.

But even then, I can't find myself docking points. The entire game soars into a delightful package. Capcom put forth a quiz asking people why they were buying GAA and one of the options was "Shu Takumi writing." And rightly so! There's a direction and intent with his games that the modern mainline games lack. You can feel the passion he has for justice and the characters and more. I would love for him to make more Ace Attorney, but I would also love for him to just... make anything! Everything he touches just works. Even when it starts to get silly or a little too soap opera, I accept it because it feels real coming from him somehow. Its a genuine triumph.

While the new 3D animations are absolutely stunning, this is not a game. It's an interactive movie. This is not a graphic adventure like old games, all you do is read through a shitload of text, and watch how other people resolve the case for you. I wouldn't recommend it to fans of the original trilogy.

EDIT: I did not forget to disable story mode like people are commenting. I literally mean Herlock solves the case for you, and all you have to do is fix the two things he got wrong.

DGS 2 is literally top 3 games i've played no fucking CAP

The minute I booted up this game I felt all of the almost five years it's been since Spirit of Justice hit North America. While I wish these games didn't take this long to get localized, I'm ultimately happy I got to play them back to back as they're essentially two halves to one whole. Not that they're bad games standalone just the first game creates and leaves so many loose ends I imagine it was just begging you to buy the sequel when it came out.

Outside of all that, the stories are good, the characters and the writing are good, the music is great, the new mechanics for the trial and investigation periods are great and the presentation is absolutely fucking phenomenal holy SHIT.

review of Adventures, the 1st game
a bland ace attorney with boring cases (except the last one maybe), bad rhythm, a new soundtrack that isnt exciting at all and annoying baby simple new mechanics

von zieks had potential and hes cool and all i guess but the game decided that he cant express emotions and he cant talk longer than 5 words

example of bad rhythm: really telling that whenever phoenix (and the player) had a big revelation he crushed every objection of the prosecution maintaining momentum. meanwhile ryunosuke flinches at the slightest counter, making you wait during his lament before finally presenting the next obvious evidence that you knew anyway from the start

as a plus this is the first 3D ace attorney that doesnt look terrible and some animations are actually great, but still not as good as apollo justice (nintendo DS game)

i have written way too much about this game

susato my beloved

This game, bar none, is the best Ace Attorney experience I’ve ever had, one of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve ever had, to the point I doubt these two incredible games will ever be topped, in their series or otherwise. They didn’t drop the ball a SINGLE time in this entire collection, to the point where “good” doesn’t aptly describe a single one. Every single case is on par with some of the series’ greatest, a great cast of interesting characters, a great overarching story, great investigations, great trials, it has EVERYTHING. Truly deserving to be named "The Great Ace Attorney".

herlock sholmes make funny i lol

The two games together make for the best Ace Attorney experience to this date.

I think the first game is just alright, it's a lot more consistent but at the same time also doesn't have any really stand out cases or moments.

The second game though... they turn it up to 11 and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. Fantastic reveals and plot progression culminate in one of the best final chapters offered by the entire franchise.

All in all, it's a pretty fun experience and I had little difficulty navigating the investigation sections, which is not something I can say about most of the Ace Attorney games. Not my favorite out of the franchise, but it's still got a great cast and I'd say it's very much worth your time.

yeah, there's a GREAT amount of emptiness in me now.


Fuck the Arthur Conan Doyle estate.

I didn’t think this day would come, maybe there would be a game that I like a bit more than Ace Attorney Trilogy, sure, but never once did I think a game would come along delivering the same emotional impact Ace Attorney Trilogy bestowed upon me. Shu Takumi proved me wrong with the magnum opus of his career, showing his growth in maturity and competence as a writer to deliver the best story I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when I will be able to further dive into what makes this game so special to me, but out of the courtesy of others and spoilers that won't be today.

A few issues (mainly case 1-4 and 2-2) but great story overall.