Reviews from

in the past

A young woman named Tachibana is invited to Daiusu, an isolated Christian village that's existed since Christianity was oppressed in Japan. Due to its isolation, the town's beliefs have diverged wildly from orthodox religions, worshipping a Jesus-like figure known as the Saint, who's supposed to return someday. The leaders of the town hope that by connecting to the outside world, they can help the village stretch outside their weird culture and gain a better understanding of the world.

And then the Saint actually shows up. Things QUICKLY spiral out of control.

Easily one of the weirdest of the visual novels I've been playing. Its got a unique art-style, 3D models matched with unmoving stained glass outfits for NPCs. Its really jarring, but you get used to it, you can actually pinpoint how different stained glass patterns highlight the distinction between seemingly identical background characters. It really rewards careful observation.

Once the first act plot twist hits, the story really shines as an existential nightmare. It never has any monsters per se, but it feels like a horror story that's gradually dialing up the heat. Its careful to avoid cliches too. A character tries to do a hero speech about how "you need to live life for yourself," only for that to immediately backfire and escalate the problems even further.

Surprising character depth for such a short three hour story too. You're flip flopping between potential villains for a while before you really understand where all these characters are coming from. I think the story fumbles slightly on how it tries to solve the Existential Problem the town is dealing with, but the falling action after the climax throws more great zags at you that shows no, this solution still had consequences that you're just gonna have to sit uncomfortably in.

tl;dr really bizarre but FASCINATING visual novel that I'd highly rec if you're willing to accept the story and visuals as is and enjoy the ride its on

"Salvation won't come for me while I still have something to worry over, it seems..."

3D visual novel with an ethereal and surreal atmosphere that supports an effective and engaging mystery story. We are transported to a village located on the edge of reality and in a suspended time, populated by inhabitants represented as abstract and enigmatic figures, behind which lies a plot of occult beliefs and existential themes.
I found very interesting how the particularity of the visual presentation combines with the unraveling of the narrative, as I initially found myself rather disoriented in deciphering the visual elements, intricate between 2D and 3D parts, while as the mystery unfolded I gradually got used to it and began to appreciate its unique aesthetics: The Midnight Sanctuary is a bizarre and dense tale in which one is immersed by all means in a different reality, with distant values and traditions to come to terms with, and all the fascination and horror that can come with it.

None of this was in the Bible...

Visually, it's obviously super striking, and the writing and story are intriguing. Can't say it had much of an impact on me though, I don't think it's one of the all time greats but it definitely stands out in the sea of visual novels.