Reviews from

in the past

O jogo mais fraco de toda a franquia, além dos loadings longos o jogo tem poucos incentivos para continuar a jogar com a mesma família por muito tempo.

puta que pariu, hein ea...

Given up trying to make this game work.

EA owns me, playing the sims is selling your soul
I have not expectations when they announce a new expansion pack, dlc, update , and yet, I have them all
Please EA, set me free, I can't keep making secret sims that live in a basement with no exit that have painting as their only action for the rest of their life so I can have income in the game for the rest of my life

Como é que eu descrevo esta masterpiece?

Not personally my favorite in the series, but it has it's moments. Too much for all the DLC, though.

i wish the expansions would permanently go down in price ever but there's a lot of funny bullshit you can set up if you're into the idea of turning albert wesker into a live streaming sensation and such

I can't decide if my Sim's life is better than my real life

It's fun for like friend stuff but boring sometimed idk

Seria melhor se nao tivesse tanta DLC, mas né, EA

Could've been the best version of the Sims if it weren't for those abhorrent paywalls. At its core it's still a decent game but man is it a waste of time. There's just something about spending too much time on it that doesn't sit well with me.

Nao gosto desse grafico generico de clique jogos,é meio sem objetivo,me senti como se tivesse perdendo meu tempo

esse jogo me fez perceber que eu tenho medo de ficar velho porque eu comprava aquela poção do rejuvenescimento pro meu carinha continuar com a mesma idade pra sempre

A very good starter pack with a ton of features, but unfortunately the vast majority of the game's content is locked behind hundreds of dollars of DLC. The base game even has mechanics that cannot be used because they are entirely dependent on features that were cut out and are sold separately. There are also several basic features that were present in previous installments of the series, that are mysteriously absent from this game.

My rating is with all the content (yes I have bought every dlc) combined, you could play this game forever. Playing the simulation part is not even that fun to me, mostly I build houses and restaurants and stuff like that and the person I am playing with plays with that. I will decrease the rating though for the ugly pricing. People saying you need to pay 500€ are not correct, since the origin pass saves you money and there a so many offers thoughout the year for this, or you just buy keys online which are cheaper as well. Still then the pricing is expensive and most of the times you get not your money worth but in the grand scale of things every improvement on the massive game is just fun. Also there is a dlc for a dlc like seriously cmon...

This game runs superbly well and offers a brilliant build mode and create-a-character options, but it's a step down in every other facet.

The main gameplay feels hollow. Your world no longer seems to have any schedule or structure. You can invite sims over at 4am and they'll come over. The Sims 3 did have an empty community lot issue, however this compromise doesn't work for immersion.

The sims are constantly happy. Some people like this utopian paradise tone, but it gets old fast. The emotion system is quite buggy as it will constantly fluctuate if objects or sims in their vicinity come and go.

This game does have a brilliant modding community which saves it. I mostly run it as a mod simulator. They really carry the experience.

Base game is limited and empty. You'll have to buy multiple packs to have a decent enough of variety in your game, and those packs don't come cheap for what they offer.

If you want a boxed Sims experience, I recommend 2 over this one. It has more charm, realism, and stuff to do and offer.

It's almost insulting how they made a point of emphasising the 1-to-1 port onto console, despite the amount of content sims 4 scrapped from the sims 3, but I also know how taxing and impractical a lot of it could be. That being said, sims 3 and 4 are very different games in their own ways, and there's pros, cons, and things that one did better than the other with both games, even though the base game can feel pretty empty

muito legal e divertido mas enjoa em alguma hora

My first Sims game, by most accounts, a bad introduction. The character creator is great, the graphics are fine, the house builder is pretty cool (though I suck at using it), but compared to other Sims titles, it's very bare and boring, at least the vanilla. My biggest issue is this game is expensive as a bitch. So much fucking DLC, so much additional content that isn't worth its price, it's ridiculous. I'm not interested in the game enough to spend any money in it, and luckily I got it for free, so yeah shoutout Origin.

It's fun for the first few days, much like any Sims title, but in comparison, it kinda sucks.

Wow this game fucking sucks, mods add more content than the dlc and it costs like 2000USD to get all the dlc, this game is boring without any dlc and costs far too much with it, just plays sims 3 cause its a far better game with way more content.

Quando você joga esse jogo com todas as dlcs se torna uma experiência incrível, mas sem elas o jogo é vazio é triste


ayo fuck EA, yar har!
It's a fun game, with mods. Can't imagine it'd be that great without them. I'm bad at building. I make my sims fuckabunch w Wickedwhims because I'm mature. I adopted a cat and it immediately ran out my apartment and proceeded to beat the fuck out of every one in the vicinity, so that was fun.