Reviews from

in the past

Nowhere near as good as its predecessors, but still fun whenever I get addicted to it ig?

Will never be as good as the previous games to me but I do like the better graphics and the bit more realism of it. EA ruined the franchise by realising the most useless expansion and stuff packs just for money grabs. I played it a lot when it first came out but lost interest the more and more stuff they released, and it was never the things we actually asked for.

Não sei quantas horas passei nisso, talvez menos do que o 3, mas me divertia demais com os mods (devo ter pego uns 40 trojans), só parei de jogar quando meu note n aguentou mais

I have a love hate relationship with this game. I love building and decorating houses and designing and playing with sims, but I don't know if it's my pc being unable to handle the packs I have (16) or EA's incompetence, but each time there's an update (which is very common), my pc has a stroke (freezing, stuttering, windows sometimes not loading) and I have to uninstall the game to make things normal again. After the third time I gave up. Maybe when I get a computer from NASA I will play it again. Also the packs are expensive. Great game, awful developers.

O jogo por si só é vazio e enjoativo, só fica bom depois que você adiciona as expansões (mais de R$1,6k) e mods pra complementar, depois disso é divertido e da pra jogar muito tempo sem cansar.

i’ve racked up nearly 1,000 hours in this game— so trust me when i say that it’s absolute horse shit. if you pick up the Sims 4 looking for substance, you’ll find CRUMBS of it the form of paid DLC. the modding community is the only reason this game is playable and fun.

Eu tenho uma namorada, emprego, casa própria, dinheiro, amigos

i don't think there's a point where you "finish" this game... you just play it. but i'm going to mark it as such since i've put about 400+ hours into it. it's the sims. it's also EA, and everyone knows how they are. so, there you go. you spend money on it, for packs & expansions, and you get a game that gets boring without mods and cc. yet i could play it for hours! how?

Its a sims game, so theres not really a whole lot to say about it. It is fun, but there is not much you can do with just the base game itself- it's recommended you buy at least a few packs or install custom content in order to enjoy it more.

$700 is how much money you'll need to pay EA to play TS4 in its entirety. Mind you, many packs are still BROKEN. Most of the time, your Sims will be stuck in simulation lag, just standing around staring at nothing. Mods will make this game a fun ride, until the bugs and glitches suck the life out of that too.

Given how EA treats the Madden series, the Sims series, and the Alice games, I'd never put any money towards the Sims 4. But if you do try it, try it with mods. Wicked Whims is a 10/10 and so are LittleMsSam mods.

Não me orgulho de ser do tipo de pobre coitado que é viciado nisso.

I love this game so much but it's becoming more and more clear that it was never designed to have all of the content it does now. The Sims 4 is full of bugs and glitches, some of which lead to your game being unplayable. I have to play with the MCCC mod or my sims autonomously queue "What's Happening?" six times in a row or pick fights with their neighbors. And good luck getting your teens to attend prom! I really wish EA prioritized the game actually working over adding mountains of more (paid) DLC.

would be higher if you didnt ahve to pay a bajillion dollars a for a bajillion different dlcs

Cansado de viver a sua vida? Esse jogo é pra você

Simulador de interior de design. Os sims são uns imbecis e tem muita DLC. O 3 é melhor

Olha esse jogo é TERRÍVEL, nunca vi algo tão preguiçoso, mal feito e capitalista, mas eu tenho 350 horas pq minha vida é uma merda e até ano passado era um dos poucos jogos que rodava no meu PC. É viciante, mas não compensa e não vale a pena. É só um jogo de construir casinha... 350 horas é um período da faculdade de arquitetura já

Woohoo! Atohteh! ! Shpansa! Wabadebadoo!

This is available for free on steam and I downloaded it. Love trying to get the sim to reach all kinds of achievements, but I kind of cheated with the money cheat.

LOVE LOVE LOVE !! i love to make my buddies and act like we live in a content house

Without the (expensive) dlc's the game's too raw.

girl. dont get me staarted. i have every single expansion. every single game pack. every single stuff pack. i refsue to buy the kits, thats a waste of money. this game is a waste of money. spend all your money on this btw. i love sim

solid. gets boring if you dont have music you like playing

No way i spent money on this and a month later they made it free.

There is a lot that I can say about this game. I'm a fan of OG Sims, been playing the Sims franchise since I was 5 years old. It holds a special nostalgic place in my heart. There's a lot of things right with this game, as is wrong. But at the end of the day, I have a game that I will pick up, play religiously for about two weeks, and then drop for months. I love adding mods and custom content to my game, I own almost all of the additional packs. I can create whatever kind of world/life that I want, make whoever I want, and do whatever I want. I enjoy the intricate building options, and all of the items you can use to fill/decorate your homes. Being able to do things like go to school/university/work with your sims is an interesting take on the game that may or may not be enjoyable for you, I enjoy it sometimes, I also like that it's optional. Over the years EA has made updates to add things in that make the game more inclusive (pronouns/ability to be trans, medical devices for some disabilities, things like vitiligo, and even partnering with black content creators to make things more racially inclusive) and good on them for that, but I certainly feel they could do better. Fortunately that is where some really good CC comes in. You might argue that if you need to mod a game then it isn't good, but I disagree, it just gives you the option to customize the game to YOUR liking. At the end of the day that's what playing the Sims is about. Playing your story, your way. That's exactly what this game does.

I made a slutty John Marston and Arthur Morgan.
(Also Tik Tok star Tophia Chu).

-1 star for making my computer heat up that much lol
Could spend hours playing this game, actually did. I am mostly a builder, but my favorite is building as my sims family grows