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Me: Mom I want to play Embodiment of Scarlet Devil!
Mom: We have Embodiment of Scarlet Devil at home!
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil at home:

Better than the original, but it's not something you would recommend to non-players.

Very good touhou game, good remixes and stages

(1cc no continue, normal)

Touhou Makuka Sai ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival (phew, that's a title) is a fangame that people call "remake of EoSD (touhou 6)", but the correct word would be "Re-imagined".

This fangame adds only 1 new original character, which is Nix, boss of stage 1.

Fantastic Danmaku Festival focuses more on "playful" patterns that try to confuse you, moving all over the place and give nice visual effects, and this is seen from the first boss, which if I'm honest, I love it, because always stage 1 bosses are too boring.

I didn't like the music at first, but as I tried to make the 1cc I liked it a lot more. They are remixes of original touhou songs, but not dubstep remixes of those that have nothing to do with touhou, they are remixes that have that Touhou feel.

A feature totally different from the other touhou, are the "Spell Challenge" which are spells as difficult as the Lunatic, but are so difficult that they are exclusive to this mode. There are 6 spells for each stage (including the extra one ;) ).

It took me 12h to get a 1cc, and I enjoyed every fucking moment of this game.

it's also a very accessible game for new players, it has 5 continues and you can practice the stage even if you haven't passed it, and that's very appreciated, besides the lives you get them very easily, because if you pass a boss without using bombs and without getting hit, you get a piece of life, this encourages you to play the game hitless xd

But just as it's accessible, its patterns in Lunatic are destructive even for those who play in Lunatic. Something that is quite appreciated

If you like Touhou and especially EoSD, I highly recommend playing it, mostly because there are a lot of people who didn't play TH6 due to the fact that it has several issues on Windows 10+.

EDIT: The more I play this Touhou, the more I like it. I'm still trying to get through it on Hard to then do Lunatic, and the spells that are added and the difficulty curve is incredibly comfortable. I love it.

Also, another thing I didn't clarify before, is the fact that they add more prominence to some characters, like Koakuma (little devil), midboss of touhou 6, stage 4. Almost nobody remembers her unfortunately.

The only thing I can find "bad", is that sometimes they exaggerate a bit with the enemies and their amount of bullets. But not in Lunatic, which is the highest difficulty, rather in the Extra. You have to play a 7 min stage, with very difficult enemies, 4 minibosses, 2 midbosses AND THEN the final boss (which has probably one of the most cancerously destructive spells of all Touhou.) Ah, and all that with no continues and no way to practice it ;), plus the achievements look ugly. but for everything else? highly recommended.

The only thing this Touhou needs to be perfect is a Spell Practice mode. There is the Spell Challenges mode, but not the "Spell Practice", something I miss a lot from touhou 8.

eosd with bonus character cool

Fantastic Danmaku Festival's sequel is better by all accounts - art, danmaku, music, its original boss, but the first isn't bad either. It's a fun take on EoSD with being able to play as patchi and there are some fun revisions of danmaku here too. Perhaps a little dated, but if you have a spare few bucks, it's worth it imo.

O primeiro Touhou que cheguei a terminar todas as fases e foi bem divertido

Não preciso falar que as músicas são ótimas, é Touhou
História super simples, mas é basicamente a mesma que o EoSD, então nem é algo que prejudique muito

Dificuldade surpreendentemente mais fácil comparado aos oficiais, tirando a fase EX, que fiquei um mês, mas apesar de ser bem frustrante é bem satisfatório também

Recomendaria para quem nunca jogou Touhou e queria experienciar, obviamente jogando pelo Easy a primeira vez

A primeira parte de Touhou Makuka Sai, uma série de fangames de Touhou, é um ótimo bullet hell que leva consigo uma ótima apresentação e uma dificuldade apropriada até mesmo para novos jogadores desse gênero de games.

Enquanto este primeiro jogo peca um pouco na variedade, em geral ele é uma experiência bem balanceada, sem muitas spell cards "armadilhas" ao contrário do segundo jogo, o qual achei muito mais dependente da memorização de certos ataques.

A música, como todo Touhou que já joguei até hoje, é ótima, e lembra bastante as composições dos jogos oficiais.

No momento que estou escrevendo essa review, só fiz 1cc no Easy e no Normal com a Reimu, então não irei escrever sobre as outras dificuldades e nem sobre o Extra, então o resto da review fica aí pro futuro lol.

Resumindo, se você gosta de Touhou em geral, compre as duas partes (ou a parte que te falta)!