Reviews from

in the past

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erika is great as an antagonist because she captures the essence of having that one entitled shithead in the dangan ronpa roleplay who is convinced they're the main character and too cool for this story while they make everyone else in the game exhausted and miserable

Whatever peak fiction is this is the complete opposite.

Edit: Nevermind it made me fucking cry. 5 stars.

esto paso en la boda de mis primos de alicante

battler with a cape should be illegal how am I supposed to read a 150 something hours visual novel while also trying not to be continuously turned on by this man

still my favourite 6th part to a story

help girl im trapped in a logic error with witches endlessly cackling at me

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Uh oh! You friccin moron. You just made a logic error!!!!

zepar and furfur please return my calls

I mean, I feel like I don't really have much more praise to say I haven't said before, but yeah Umineko has been definitely worth the hype lol.
Only 2 more episodes to go!

Good, but not as good as I was expecting it to be. Some parts of the logic error feel like rushed(but most of it were really good), and the love part were really 8 or 80 most of times, but overall It did have good moments, but nothing exceptional.

Furudo Erika is still the best thing of answer arcs yet, she's just the best xD

This is easily the most experimental and metatextual episode so far, so I have to give it props for that. I think this is probably the first episode where the theming is more interesting than the characters, which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, just a change of pace. I wanted to like it more overall, but I think some of the stuff involving the servants' romances were integrated a little haphazardly. Like the two even-numbered episodes preceding it, this is another Umineko episode that tries to do a little too much all at once, does a good job of most of it, but doesn't take the necessary steps to tie everything neatly together.

"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a logic error

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now THIS is more like it. so many characters like lambda, erika, the metaworld demons, little or big, they've had their times to shine in this chapter a lot, and also giving light to more background of the witches in general.

the love trial was kind of a drag though, even though it was linked with the twilights, therefore was still nessasary for the story but eh

Huge step up from Episode 5. I enjoyed pretty much all my time with this episode, except for the stuff near the end, I guess. I'm not really into the main ship this game wants you to root for, and I want justice for my scrunkly.

llorando sin control por el episodio 6
mi vida acaba hoy

This one is stellar. I like episode 5 more probably but this one is instrumental in driving home what its all been about and exploring some of the meta commentary further. I really like how ryukishi07 uses each episode to drive home a new idea and facet of the themes he's exploring. The worst part of this one is probably Zepar and Furfur love battle but obviously that is really important and meaningful too so I can't even knock it.

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me sowing (battler being placed into actual real peril, and finally getting some really fucking good psych horror): Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

me reaping (battler being barely present in the back third, which is taken up by boring magic shit): Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

at least the ending was good, but this was a pretty mixed bag. some parts are great (all the logic error stuff) but some are shockingly just okay-ish especially this far into the story (the romance stuff just isnt interesting this time around, most of the magic people (the seven sisters, the chiesters, etc) continue to be just kind of annoying, and the ange fourth-wall breaking feels a little pointless as of now). im gonna keep reading of course but im not as confident in the vision as i was walking out of episode 5

alternatively: not me thinking i'd get answers and that the status quo would be finally broken for the second game in a row 😭

erika en su arco más femcel

i have never felt more intense hatred towards a fictional character than I did towards Furudo Erika during this

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the main thing this episode reminded me of is the mountain goats song "love love love" and specifically this quote from john darnielle on its meaning:
"The point of the song is, you know, that we are fairly well damaged by the legacy of the Romantic poets–that we think of love as this, you know, thing that is accompanied by strings and it’s a force for good, and if something bad happens then that’s not love. And the therapeutic tradition that I come from–I used to work in therapy–you know, also says that it’s not love if it feels bad. I don’t know so much about that. I don’t know that the Greeks weren’t right. I think they were–that love can eat a path through everything–that it will destroy a lot of things on the way to its own objective, which is just its expression of itself, you know. I mean, my stepfather loved his family, right? Now he mistreated us terribly quite often, but he loved us. And, you know, well, that to me is something worth commenting on in the hopes of undoing a lot of what I perceive as terrible damage in the way people talk about this–love is this benign, comfortable force. It’s not that. It’s wild, you know?"

having finished umineko it'd obviously be a stretch to say that ryukishi is this cynical. even within this episode the character who says a similar sentiment is the hateable erika. but i think this episode (and ryukishi's work as a whole) shows that love is not INHERENTLY good, or at the very least that an individualistic love isn't. the primary failure of the characters in umineko and higurashi is their inability to understand the other, and it's only through understanding and connection that they can save themselves from tragedy. i think this episode follows on from higurashi chapter 3 in suggesting the consequences of love when it comes from someone who does not understand the other. umineko's large cast is used to great effect to show different varieties of these consequences. battler's neglectful response to the chick beatrice emerges out of his love for the past beatrice - a love that consumes him so much that he fails to recognise and respect the chick beatrice as an other. when george kills the eva piece it's out of a belief that his love matters more than anything. kyrie's monologue sees rudolf as someone to be claimed rather than someone human, and it seems that rudolf treats women in the same way. this possessiveness turns love into a self-imposed prison. rosa is trying to reunite maria with her father, but as we saw in episode 4 she also neglected her while trying to do that. i like this moment because it's not used as a handwave to justify rosa's abuse, it's just another moment of someone doing something out of love, or at least what rosa thinks is love. but when your act of love leads to you neglecting your daughter does it mean anything? and finally the love trial as a whole is driven by the lovers' failure to understand sayo and sayo's inability to understand herself. neither george nor jessica can see sayo as a whole, no matter how much they love the part they see. and for sayo the fear of not being loved as a whole is too much. the love trial is so cruel because there's no real winning result. can you truly be loved when you have to kill a part of yourself to feel accepted? can you truly love when you don't understand who you love?

Umineko finalmente tem uma trama deveras emocionante.

starts slow as fuck (its umineko) but def best chapter so far imo. god its actually picking up now thank god. i do admire the fact that this far into the game only one thing has been answered though