Reviews from

in the past

minecraft com zumbi? count me in!

if u hate on this game suck my nuts

Me hice una base en medio de una isla y me sentida dios

played this back in 2017 when jerma played it once and im horrified to find out its still being updated

I'd consider myself a fairly "optimistic" gamer, but this game is really just shovelware. It's free so it's hard to be upset but there are better free games so even that can't stand as an argument. Definitely does not feel like a game, not even an unfinished one. In a way I suppose that's marginally better than shipping a "finished" title that's complete ass. There is some sort of "student project-first game prototype" charm this game exudes that I suppose helps it to elude my outright frustration. The creators, whoever they are, their heart was in the right place, that's all you can ask for. Their inspirations are apparent, and are all more or less AAA titles with infinitely more funding than they have. It's admirable really, it embodies the human spirit. The notion of trying against impossible odds to express yourself, and to be known.

To be knowin this game is trash.

met my boyfriend on this game :)

edit: nvm

I can definitely see that this was probably someones first game, and I can see the effort but its not very good regardless.

Idk, seemed good but didn't like.

russians hacking inside my base at 3 am, feels like amogus before amogus came out

i was playing alpha it was fun

O Jogo é muito bom, o problema é que pra jogar co-op com amigos você tem que fazer um trabalho do caramba que ainda pode dar errado..

é bom, mas trabalhoso pra jogar com amigos.

I do not care about the actual game and think it kind of sucks but, I have some funny memories with this. I don't know how this joke started but, in the cafeteria at school, anytime someone said "Unturned has planes" (or boats) we would run across the cafeteria and slide across the floor like a plane or a boat. I am sure the principal did not like Unturned.

How the fuck did they get away with voxel DayZ?

Quality = 4 / 5
Gameplay = 3 / 5
Story = 3 / 5
Soundtrack = 1 / 5
Pacing = 2 / 5
Enjoyability = 2.5 / 5
Challenge = 4 / 5

Overall = 2.4 / 5

Barely played it but I've heard it's pretty solid. The Long Dark gameplay with roblox graphics.

gostava quando mais novo, mas não pretendo voltar

It can be really fun if you have friends to play with, otherwise it's terrible.

Me killing a server admin was the best thing to come out of this game.