Reviews from

in the past

i never finished this game i think i'd like it more if i had it on pc

those last few levels made ME wanna swing...

Super fun at its best, unfathomably unfair at its worst

kan ikkje spele det uten joel sin beatboxing

Como ya otras muchas reviews han dicho, es un juego de balancearte muy divertido en los primeros 80 niveles. Luego pega un subidón de dificultad que, si pruebas lo suficiente, consigues pasar. hasta el nivel 96-100. Esos 5 niveles, en cada uno, sube de una manera absurdísima y la diversión pasa rapidísimo al aburrimiento y ensayo y error durante decenas o cientos de veces. La música que a tantos gusta, a mi no me ha dicho nada, pero bueno, supongo que ahí seré el raro. Para acabar, decir que sabes que un juego se ha pasado de rosca con la dificultad (en el ultimo mundo y sobre todo en los últimos 5 niveles) cuándo solo encuentras speedruns solucionando el juego.

Starts off as an easy to learn, hard to master kind of game with how it controls, taking you through a bunch of cool looking levels that ramps up the difficulty reasonably well. Then you get to the final 20 levels and that curve turns into many peaks with few valleys. That said, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a good time with those last few levels, albeit in a masochistic way. I needed to grow more hair on my chest, anyways.

I don't think this is a bad game, it just didn't vibe well with me, has really cool aesthetics but the controls really threw me off.

The last 10 levels are cring but i beat them so there's that

fun game to play in a sitting but the last levels should be bonus lvls imo

im really bad at this game but it looks pretty

Has a great aesthetic, but flounders in the last stage unfortunately. The game crescendos in intensity until reaching its climax and then continues to blare on loudly, past the point where it's enjoyable at all to complete levels.

This game is incredibly fun, gets me really feeling like I am Spiderman! The whole vaporwave aesthetics it has going for it is pretty, i like it. However that final 10 levels literally just make things turn to borderline torture. I wouldn't put it pass ya if you dropped it entirely after getting stuck in that stretch of the game.

An absolute joy to play for most of the runtime, but jesus christ level designers have a reasonable difficulty curve in a game that already has plenty of challenge with its ranking system challenge (impossible!)

I liked the vaporwave aesthetics, and the game in all was pretty enjoyable. Swinging around and building momentum was fun, and the music wasn't bad either. But when I got to the last 10 levels, they were so hard it felt unfun. I still finished it to prove that I could do it, but more than satisfaction I was glad that I was finally done with this game.
total skill issue moment i know but i wish they were challenge stages instead lol