Reviews from

in the past

Games made after movies tend to be pretty bad overall, same goes for movies made after comics/books. So, why do I kinda like this game made after a bad movie made after really good comic books? I don't know, I guess it just delivers some good TPS action, I mean, the TPS bit is just average so nothing to worry about but then it adds the curve bullet mechanics that help keep things interesting in the shootings. Can't remember anything about the story tho so just read the comics.
Yeah, it's and average game of course but it's a lot better than most licenced games.

Disregarding the dumb pointless plot, the combat in this is one of a kind! It’s super satisfying stringing together a bunch of curved bullets, and the snappy cover system is pretty good. Would love to see this type of shooter on a next gen system without all the loading screens (ideally as an original IP not based on a forgettable movie from the 2000s).

Most video games based on movies are notoriously terrible and thankfully the trend has mostly ended. With game development costs through the rough, it’s not feasible or profitable to pump out a game in 6 months based on the next big movie. Weapons of Fate is the rare video game only sequel to a movie because the movie bombed. The story seems interesting at first. The voice acting is great and many of the original cast from the movie return, but the game is over so quick the story doesn’t get time to unfold. It plays out like a typical Hollywood action movie. Lots of cool and interesting words like “The Immortal” and “The Fate of the Loom” but it means nothing in the end. It seems almost like an Assassin’s Creed-type storyline where you play as a child of an assassin and are trying to find the killer of your mother. There are legendary real-world assassins who are buried in special tombs and so on.

It’s just an action sequence and repetitive shooting sequence to the next cut-scene. These are abrupt and frequent, but it’s still not enough to shell out the lore that this type of storyline needs. There’s no backstory to any character. You just get introduced by a few lines and that’s it. Why do I want to kill these people? Who do I care about my two characters? Who cares about any of this? The game at least tries to give you interesting abilities, decent gunplay, and some scripted moments. There are even a few boss fights thrown in for good measure. The game plays like any third-person shooter. You run around the incredibly linear and cramped levels and can take cover behind things and pop out and shoot. This seems standard enough, but I have to give GRIN compliments for good hit feedback when you shoot enemies and they aren’t bullet sponges.

You slowly unlock a couple of abilities. There are adrenaline shots you use for bullet bending and slow-mo dodging between covers. Honestly, the bullet bending is a really neat gameplay idea. You can pull up a line that you move around that locks onto enemies. When it’s white the bullet will get them around cover and corners. The downside is they can’t be moving, but if you hit them you recover that adrenaline shot back. You can chain these together easily, but it kind of falls apart towards the end of the game. Tougher enemies get introduced and can dodge your bullets. Bullet bending no longer becomes one-shot that kills most enemies. Usually, they stagger out of cover and you have to continue the kill. You still get the shot back, but it can get quite annoying because all of these enemies do become bullet sponges in the end or require melee attacks.

Bullet dodging only became useful during a couple of boss fights and that’s it. Each level is filled with cover and enemies use it too. There are moments where you get to use a sniper rifle, mounted machine gun, and cinematic bullet doge sequences in which the game slows down between animations and you have to kill whoever is blocking your way. They’re fun and shake things up a bit, but the repetitive level design and the constant barrage of killing enemies behind cover get tiresome towards the end and the bullet bending loses its charm fast despite how cool it is. There are rare occasions where a shielded enemy will confront you and you can suppress them and sneak around the sides and flank them. This was in the main tutorial like it was a constant thing. I ran across less than five of these guys through the whole game.

That’s all there is to the game. You just run around shooting, bullet bending, and killing each wave as you push through the levels. Each chapter has an end boss that isn’t all that tough, but they’re there. You can eventually acquire your dad’s sub-machine pistols towards the end of the game and his suit. You go back and forth between the past and current times. The game is over in less than 4 hours and you’re left with 4 hours you won’t get back. There’s literally no reason to play this game at all unless you’re super bored and want a decent afternoon with an HD-era shooter.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate is like the movie. Senseless, stupid, edgy as hell but MY GOD I love this!
The shooting is really repetitive but this game is fortunately short and doesn't overstay its welcome unlike Terminator: Salvation made by the same team, which is boring as hell.
The PC Port needs some fixing but it plays well on modern hardware and hey... it has a longer ending than the console versions, which caught me off guard!

This game looks fucking hilarious

The menu sound effects feel like I'm stuck in a Vine Boom Compilation video. Shoutouts to PUSSY difficulty though.

Melhor do que as pessoas podem pensar. A mecânica de curvar tiro é super viciante e eu gosto da ousadia de ser mais baseado na HQ do que no filme. Na real me incentivou a ir atrás do material original por causa disso.

A game that strives to implement its main hook decently (bullet curving) into the gameplay loop, but then keep it standard procedure for everything else. Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a third-person-shooter based off the movie released the year prior. Not completely following the story of the movie, considering it follows Wesley & his father in different time periods; attempting to take down “The immortal”

While the curved bullet element of the game keeps stuff semi fresh it's unfortunately the only element really of note in the game. The environments are pretty drab & uninspired, not really leaving much of an impression. The bosses too don’t really stand out in any particular way, only things I remember is the first boss being pretty jank to deal with & the last being an absolute bullet sponge… Which does remind me roughly 1⁄2 way through the game certain enemies also end up becoming very bullet resitant too.

At least it’s a short game, roughly 3-4 hours, but I'm not really sure I want to recommend it to anyone. Only really if somebody has interest in the bullet curving mechanic sorely. Because that’s pretty unique & can’t pinpoint another game where it can be experienced otherwise.

A genuinely rubbish movie tie-in experience thanks to properly shoddy controls, poor visuals and uninspired gameplay. The one saving grace, bullet curving, becomes frustrating to use by the end of the incredibly short campaign because it no longer kills the enemies in one swift arc and feels deeply unsatisfying.

I'm a simple man. All I needed from this game to give it a good review was a decent bullet curve mechanic and it delivered.

Besides the bullet curve mechanic working really well the snap cover to cover mechanic worked really well. This game wasn't broken or buggy at all. It was a breeze to get through. Throw in a decently easy trophy list and it all adds up to a mildly fun experience.

It didn't even take me 3 hours to get through the whole thing on the medium difficulty.

But seriously this game is pretty rinse and repeat. There's next to no variation. It's mildly fun for a run through but it's ultimately pretty shallow. The graphics are ok to good for 2008/2009. They didn't get James McAvoy to voice his role but they replaced him with Jimmi Simpson of all people which is sort of random but also awesome so I suppose that's a wash.

Overall I think a 6 out of 10 is pretty fair for this game. I got a decent bullet curve mechanic and it's literally all I Wanted from this game. Sorry. I'll see myself out now

Bullet bending is really fun and I would have loved to see that mechanic explored in a better game.

Bullet Curving was the gimmick here. Everything else was lame. But the gimmick carried the game making it good for at least one playthrough.

Super fun action shooter with a great bullet bending mechanism.

Short as hell, sadly.

Like in the movie, the game is just as senseless. Developed by Grin, this game is a continuation of the events of the movie. It follows Wesley Gibson as he seeks out the French fraternity. The game has fun moments, obviously, but it just becomes bland and uninteresting, just like the movie.
Just another product of the late 2000s with basic cover-to-cover shooting and bland QTE moments. You can have fun; just have a few beers and play with a friend.

Eu não sabia que esse game era baseado num filme que era baseado numa HQ. Mas enfim, a história eu não achei lá memorável e é bem curtinho, e a gameplay é até que decente graças a mecânica de fazer curva com a bala, que deixa os tiroteios mais divertido. Em geral, é mid.

This game is low-key awesome, but it's way too short.

silah çeşitliği olsa daha iyi olur

I wish I could go back in time and unplay this mediocre piece of shit

Apesar da mecanica das balas curvas (que é legal) o jogo é meio generico em tudo e um tanto quanto repetitivo, pra mim, não vale a jogada apesar de não ser horrivel. Só mediocre mesmo.

This third-person cover shooter only had one clever idea going, and that was the ability to control your bullets in slow-motion. Bullet-control gameplay was fun and raised this game above most other similar games of the time, otherwise it's forgettable and generic.

I don't remember much but I do remember I enjoyed this game as a kid.

Day 1 of begging Overkill to add The Killer to Payday 3