Reviews from

in the past

The raw 90s energy this game exudes is impeccable. Frustratingly hard, sometimes unfair, but genuinely kinda satisfying to get down. Also, it was totally supposed to be a Wolverine game.

Oh... em... gee... I had totally forgotten about this game. I had a blast with it.

Look, this game having an average rating of 2.3 is complete bullshit.
You know it, I know, even some little old lady in the Amazon knows it.
This game is epic.
Playing as a werewolf out to save the world?
“You’re goddamn right!”
Yes, it’s hard. Damn hard.
I have loved this game for years. And I have never even beaten it. Because it’s so damn hard.
But the action is tight, the animation is pretty good for a game on the NES.
Heroic werewolves are practically non-existent in all media.
Yes, it sucks when you are human. The answer? Don’t pick up blue Ws. Those will revert you to a human.
I just can’t even with you people.

A relatively generic action adventure game of the time. I will never understand why so many of these games had your super powerful protagonist walk at a leisurely pace everywhere.