Reviews from

in the past

Kinda shit!

Its just more of the first game except with more versatile dual-wielding, some short side-missions, and another gimmick that comes in about halfway into the game. Said gimmick is one of three "contraptions" that compliment a style of play, I call it a gimmick because it didn't really have much of an impact on my playthrough, I chose the ram shackles cause it made the game more braindead to play so I could just rush through it and be done a little quicker.

This game also suffers from having an obnoxious difficulty spike at the ass end of it because there is NO ACTUAL BOSS FIGHT, it's just another encounter except with an onslaught of the game's harder enemies at the arena before you go run up and press your melee button/key to kill the boogeyman villain of this game.

The story is forgettable, I played this late Nov-early Dec and I already dont remember much of it besides the things that made me roll my eyes. The characters are mostly one-dimensional or just kind of there for a gag.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pay for this game cause I gameshared it off a friend's account. If I actually paid money for this I would've been disappointed more than I already was and dumbfounded. TNO didn't really set a high-bar, the word disappointed isn't really something I should have to use when I wasn't even expecting much in the first place.

If you want to try it out, torrent it.

congrats to this game for taking the joy and fun out of killing klansmen by having them just be regular nazis wearing their garments for no reason

Not as good as New Order, but I still enjoyed it. The level designs here are, frankly, bad. The story goes over the top in ways that pushed past entertaining stupidity and into stupid stupidity. Still though, there's fun to be had here.

The worst game I have ever played

Dotô, mió fps q joguei em 2 anos

It was really weird seeing that this game didn’t really draw me in. I had a lot of fun with the previous game but for some reason once I got to New York in this game (which is pretty early on) I didn’t feel compelled to keep playing. However, I’ll chalk that up to the fact that I tend to not resonate with most FPS campaigns.

Futuristic Inglorious Bastards 2.

كانت احسن شوتر لعبتها ... لغاية ما لعبت دوم ايتيرنال

Massively disappointing sequel. Generally poor level design and the tone is all over the shop. The Venus segment is great though, felt more in line with the first game.

Amazing story. This on hardest difficulty makes Halo 2 Legendary shed a tear.

It's okay. The story isn't silly enough to enjoy, and gunplay was just, same as always, nothing new.

No one expected Wolfenstein: The New Order to be good, and this game proves that the developers felt the same way. The New Colossus copies TNO almost beat-for-beat, as if they were unsure what exactly they got right or what was safe to change. However, the safe sequel has dangers of its own, and this game managed to run into all the usual pitfalls. Not only is the plot almost the same, the emotional beats meant to grab your interest are nearly identical, so the story is a write-off. The gameplay is just as good as the original, but since it doesn’t exceed it in any capacity, it’s easy to see how The New Colossus is generally accepted as a downgrade. That doesn’t mean the gameplay isn’t fun, and I enjoyed it a lot, but if you’re looking for anything other than satisfying gunplay then you’re in the wrong place. It puts me in a tough spot when it comes to a recommendation, because I got my money’s worth from it and had a blast, but spending any time thinking about its other parts leaves me confused and frustrated. I suppose that boils down to telling shooter fans to pick it up when it’s cheap.

Unplayable with bugs and crashes for first month of release then it felt like actual content was removed. Dogshit game. Killing nazis was still pretty pog

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This game let me go to Venus and kick Hitler in his stupid head and I think that's just great.

i feel myself in a weird slump when it comes to this game. on one hand, the character writing is incredibly sharp and personal. on the other hand, i got bored of this on two separate occasions, meaning the game took me nearly a year to finish. on another hand, the gameplay feels pretty loose and tight at the same time, meaning taking out nazis is a bit of a smooth experience. on yet another hand, the stealth gameplay, unpolished as it is, demands to be at attention lest you feel like a dipshit fighting hordes of neverending enemies because you dared fire a gun in an FPS.

i don't know. what a weird game. it's not particularly long, either, but it feels like forever. playing it gives me the impression that no one on the team really wanted to make an FPS and just did their best, the story's certainly good, and i did admittedly look at it through the lens of someone annoyed with the ad campaign surrounding. it's definitely a good game. it's not really a great game, but it IS a good game, certainly. sure, play it.

Still really fun in terms of gameplay, and character writing. The story feels a little unfocused at times though, and like it doesn’t know whether to go for silly or serious, making it a little awkward tonally.

yeah this is definitely a video game

These new Wolfenstein and Doom games are some of the absolute best and most fun first person shooters in recent memory. Good on you Bethesda, ID and whoever else is all responsible. It's so refreshing that these games can be such a blast without having to rely on the multi-player aspect. The story here is so-so but where else are you going to get a pregnant top less woman dual wielding machine guns blasting through a fire breathing robot nazi dog as blood rains down on her? Fantastic. The gun play is awesome. Blasting through nazis is always satisfying. A few small complaints. There didn't seem to be very memorable boss fights this time around. The trophies aren't as easy as last time. No zombies or aliens this time. And the weapon selection/swap system was sort of annoying. The stealth didn't feel like it worked as well as it should have, but I think that's just because I suck at stealth and have that same complaint with every game. That's more of a me problem than a game problem. This game has plenty of replayability. I love alternate history/reality worlds. I love the overall look and aesthetic of these Wolfenstein games. I love that this one went full on hokey and dove further into it's sci fi B movie inspiration.

It starts off okay, before becoming a bit dull for a few hours. Once you get through that the game really picks up and bar the random difficulty spikes, this game is really good and comes with a very satisfying conclusion, especially after the unexpected twist.

Really excellent shooter with a heartfelt story. It's cool to turn a nazi into mince with a full size shotgun in either hand.

making a shooter where every enemy has a hitscan weapon fun is incredibly difficult, and new order and old blood did it so well you wouldn't even notice it. this game throws out all the nuance those two games (okay more like one and a half, whatever), had in exchange for levels and fights that run the gamut from confusing to repetitive to utterly frustrating. enemies literally feel like they're dumped into levels without any thought.

at least the over the top pulpy story is still good here. also the lasergewehr is the best-sounding weapon ever, i could listen to that BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all day. neither can save it from being one of the most disappointing sequels ever though. sucks that this series plays second fiddle to doom once again.

I really loved the story, but I completely understand why people hate this. Definetely not the game to use as a medium. Everything about it is fun, but the sum of its part make a really weird experience overall

"This game is fun, but I'd rather play doom" is the best way to summarize it. Don't get me wrong, both games offer something different to the table, but Wolfenstein offers less. It has a better story than doom, but the shooting mechanics aren't as good as DOOM. Based on themselves though they are still very fun and the game offers quite a challenge. The dual-wielding is fun and offers a different strat than not. It offers extra post-game stuff with the missions, but I never really did them. I want to play this game again because it is still a great game, but I'd rather play DOOM.

The peak of all the modern Wolfenstein games. Dual wielding with any two weapons, fun gadgets to use, enemy variety, it's great.

It's cool when the game ends in the middle of the game