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A tarefa do jogo era superar ou igualar a ótima surpresa que foi Wolfenstein: The New Order, o primeiro game da franquia. Felizmente The New Colossus acerta em trazer a mesma fórmula de seu antecessor, a mesma jogabilidade frenética e insana, mas com novos elementos de jogo e uma história muito boa.

O protagonista e história estão melhores do que nunca.
A história do game brilha, expondo as fragilidades do protagonista. O arco narrativo beira uma "Novela Mexicana" pelo tanto de coisa que ocorre (O patriotismo incomoda mas é aquilo né, o game é estadunidense...)

Os novos personagens ajudam a abrilhantar o jogo (Tá aí algo que esse game é bom, em construir bons personagens).

Apesar de simples, a história do game é absurda e divertida o suficiente para prender o jogador até a conclusão da historia.


- História muito boa.
- Jogabilidade divertida.
- Personagens carismáticos.

- IA beira o injusto em alguns momentos.
- Curva de aprendizagem falha.

This one took me a while to get properly into, admittedly. The tone was a little different and I wasn't big into it for the first few hours. But at a certain point, it finds its feet, does away with all the shit I wasn't into and you know what? Yeah it's different to the first two even after that point, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't damn fun.

As a Brit, patriotism is a little lost on me, but man if William J. Blazkowicz doesn't have an infectious attitude. This series is so good, I can't wait for Youngblood to implement girl power and co-op and definitely maintain the quality :')

Unfortunately this game bungles some good ideas by leaning too hard into ra ra American nationalism. It wants to delve into important themes, like the USA's long history of institutional racism, but can't really stick the landing because BJ is at his very core a patriot. This game recognizes that racism is deeply ingrained in American society, but thinks that recognition is enough.

For me, on a par with or even better than its predecessor. Yes, the story my be a bit too over-the-top at times, but hey, it's Wolfenstein :D I actually really liked the writing for the most part. It had a certain Tarantino vibe, which I found very fitting. Playing the game was just as fun as it was in The New Order. And again, and I can't stress this enough: Killing Nazis was, is and will always be extremely fun :D

Espancar nazista é sempre bom

Achei que não ia ser superior ao anterior mas me enganei, Wolfenstein II atendeu todas as minhas expectativas, jogabilidade gostosa e perfeita que sempre funciona, só a furtividade que é meio meh

A história desse aqui achei do caralho, os personagens muito carismáticos e sempre dando um certo alivio cômico na hora certa, mas sem faltar aquela pitada de drama que mostra o lado frágil do William e de sua equipe, achei sensacional a ''desconstrução'' do personagem, sem toda aquela gama de cara badass, peço por mais protagonistas assim.

Pra mim esse aqui é nota máxima, foi diversão e emoções do início ao fim, e alias, seria pau no cu da minha parte avaliar mal um jogo que te permite estraçalhar facista e nazista. (peço por mais jogos assim também)

God damn this game was kicking my arse towards the end. Maybe I just suck really bad at it, but I'm just gonna complain about it anyway. The amount of explosions in this game is ridiculous! Some horribly unfair enemies with these super high damage attacks. That final boss fight is the main culprit for this. I played on the medium difficulty, yet the boss would kill me in just 2 hits and the attacks were extremely hard to avoid, because of the massive blast radius. Super frustrating. I literally had to save scum just to get past it. Good fun though apart from that. I enjoyed the more expansive levels and the ability to return to the areas and kill the remaining commanders and get the collectables. The story is so dumb and so fun. Compliments the gameplay very well. Maybe a tad bit better than The New Order?

Wolfenstein II é um jogo brutal.
O mais legal desse jogo é a violência, sem dúvidas. Você controla B.J Blazkowicz, um matador de nazista casca grossa que carrega duas RPK com 100 balas cada, consegue arrancar as pernas de nazi como se fosse manteiga, derrota milhares de soldados, morre, volta ainda mais forte e mesmo fazendo tudo isso ainda consegue casar e ter duas filhas. O cara é FODA!!!
Foda também é a infância dele. O cara se f#deu a infância inteira por causa do pai horrível, que obrigou o filho a matar o próprio cachorro e entregou a esposa, judáica, aos estrumes (nazistas) por algumas moedas, além de ser um completo racista arrombado...
De história boa, o jogo só tem isso mesmo. Sinceramente, o que compensa a ausência de uma lore boa são os personagens, cárismaticos e memoráveis, e uma ambientação incrível. É uma doideira pensar como seria o mundo se o eixo tivesse vencido a guerra, e o jogo faz até de modo realista. Um mundo dominado pela Alemanha, repreensora de qualquer coisa que não for de acordo com o ideal nazista, com uma política nojenta e cruel que utiliza uma técnologia bélica extremamente desenvolvida, indo desde robos gigantes de guerra até foguetes que levaram o homem para Vênus.

Além disso, o jogo também tem uma jogabilidade excelente. É uma mistura perfeita entre DOOM e CoD, que resulta numa gameplay arcade mas ainda com mecânicas realistas como stealth e ADS. Mesmo assim, é muito frenética, ainda mais que você pode usar duas armas ao mesmo tempo, tem horas que você se sente tipo uma máquina ou algo assim. Mas mesmo sendo tão poderoso, o jogo não é facil. É até bem balanceado na maioria esmagadora da campanha, mas tem uns 3 momentos que o jogo perde a mão e fica MUITO díficil. Não é um difícil chato, devido a jogabilidade rápida, fica até legal ficar repetindo as seções.

Enfim, a review deve estar ficando chata (diferente do jogo) então já vou terminar.

Conclusão: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus é um ótimo FPS para quem quer um jogo divertido e violento, ou pra quem quer ver uma história fictícia legal.

Racism against people from Arizona.

Historia Zika, e gameplay divertidissima, muita pouca coisa pra dizer sobre, o jogo me fez pensar pra caralho, o 1 e o 2.
O Dialogo com a cientista lá da nossa base e tudo, a historia da mulher preta FODA e tudo mais, inclusive a Review dos dois games é a mesma, porque os dois é mesma coisa.
O 1 sendo um pouquinho mais fraco.

Welles had a point when he said that a movie's message could be inscribed on a napkin. Though that doesn't excuse The New Colossus, which proves incapable of solving the most obvious of equation :

To relate the sacred body of Blazkowicz to the Nazi Übermensch, and then interrogate this troubling connection.

The graphics look sick and runs like a dream on my rtx 3060 laptop, I would've never imagined to run a AAA title that looks this gorgeous at 150 fps at 2k max. Shame how pc ports are this horrible now, this game looks as good as any new AAA game if not better and the fact that it performs ten times better🤌🏽. I did not like the game's tonal inconsistency and would've really appreciated a better auto heal feature like other fps games. Loved the combat and gameplay even if I felt the last part of the game against the twin robots to be a little too overwhelming. The transition between the game and cutscene sucks ass, actually the visual quality of the cutscenes in general sucks ass. Story kinda sucks too (don't get me started with the dialogues) but yeah definitely feel like the villain was good, but still 0 depth except that she's a nazi psychopath.

How the hell has saying "nazis are bad and are always justified being the enemy in games because you get to kill them" gone from a universal truth to even a tiny bit controversial online fucking weirdos

nunca pensei que wolfeinstein teria personagens e uma história interessantes

The story is stupid fun and the gameplay delivers again. The only thing I like less about this game than the first one is the lack of boss fights or similar big encounters. This game felt like it had none of that.

at several points in the duration of the new colossus, i have to admit i enjoyed it more than the new order. that's not a reflection of the quality of the new colossus - everything is worse here - but it's a reflection of the fact that i can play this kind of game on PC now. no doubt in my mind if i had played this on console i would have thoroughly hated it. mastery of doom '16 and even eternal on console is achievable, because despite being pc games at their core the tenets of their mechanics (forward momentum at all costs, easily defined hurtboxes and hitboxes, hit and run strategy, weapon chaining, enemy prioritization) are within the realm of gamepad execution. ultraviolence, demanding though it is on a pad, remains an exhilarating affair. wolfenstein, with its emphasis on overwhelming the player, is far too reactive to have struck such a balance. your reliance on headshots and general precision is too great, your movement too improvisational and prone to jerking around, your fight against enemies who can rip you apart is breathless and unabated, all while no resources exist to readily replenish you. these games are simply more at home in this environment. so i did end up having fun, with the difficulty tuned up to my liking, at times greatly so, but there's a paucity of virtues here actively enabling that enjoyment. everything here feels like a first draft, so there's not actually a lot of refinement to the formula, but rather a feeling that things have been pared down, particularly with regards to stealth - not only are your approaches generally more restrictive due to less intricate level design, but your objectives are placed too 'conveniently' (ie the commander, who may call in reinforcements if alerted, is almost always just before the next segment of the level) for their consequences to matter. this also ends up greatly frustrating in the case of the titles optional ubercommandos, equipped wIth kampfpistoles that can easily knock you down and slug you while you're getting up, forcing you to restart several of those segments from the point of origin.

some of the loudest umbrage concerns the issues people have levied with the titles level design, actually. and its true that exploring this cluttered, often inadvertently abstruse geometry often yields little purpose or reward, and sparks no imagination. there's a moment halfway through when you gain access to one of three movement options, for instance, and as soon as you think levels will open up as a result, what ends up happening is the next barrier to progress will simply have three methods of progression all literally right next to each other (in this case a gate, a vent, and a window) to accommodate you and make sure you didn't have to look too hard. even beyond several frustrating incidents like this, in general i think this games problem has less to do with its errant level design and far more to do with its lack of meaningful escalation. the worst offender of this would have to be the final level reusing one of the opening levels environments to do much of the same, culminating in a shrewd arena fight that's only a little bit more taxing than its predecessors, and before you know it the games abruptly over in ten minutes. but there are several instances of this kind of deflation, partially a result of the games lack of evolution and scale. a dream sequence played out for subversion hardly feels like a climax because anyone paying attention can recognize it's a dream; a trip to venus that invokes the aesthetics of doom hardly feels as playful, missing the spark of adventure often found in the new order; a title depicting revolution spends so little time with any perspective that isn't BJ's.

that last point is crucial, because the new colossus is endlessly hokey. any intriguing subtext raised in the first half is promptly dropped in the second, where the game quickly becomes more embarrassing by the stage (either be a machismo-laden power fantasy or don't, stop interrogating this thread half-heartedly especially if you're going to contradict all of your imagery). configuring its assault on nazi ideology through a lukewarm 'the old shall perish at the hands of the progressive young' lens or, worse yet, a game about abusive parenting, ends up really cartoonishly flattening a great deal of the games narrative threads and stakes. BJ, the only mover and shaker in the story, is the only perspective afforded any material representation, so despite being a story about revolution enlisting all walks of life one never gets the sense they're truly liberating anyone, changing anyone's ways of lives, or making any sort of impact. by the time the game resolves what little conflict against its antagonist it had, and it closes on a truly awful cover of a song i won't be spoiling, it becomes apparent it couldn't have ended any other way.

don't be surprised if this eventually turns to 1/5, is all im saying (it did, i can't stand this kind of superficial treatise that people regard highly that nevertheless remains every bit as regressive and annoying as other works before it). discussing whether or not a game has 'aged' mechanically often gives me pause, in part for me because it's difficult to definitively say that they can, but wolfenstein II is an instance of an all-too common type of game: one that has aged narratively. and it's only going to get worse and worse from here on out

Probably the most fun shooter i replayed i first played it on switch but now i had a chance to replay it on PS5 and holy shit 60fps makes this game even better than it already was

Cara, a história é um pouco melhor que a do primeiro e do spin off, mas os outros títulos tem maior variações na gameplay, Wolfenstein 2 é basicamente a mesma coisa do começo até o fim. O gun feel me parece pior que os outros também, simplesmente não gostei de atirar nesse jogo.

I showed up to these games looking to shoot Nazis and instead I found a really well written protagonist and story AND you can hatchet Nazis

they nerfed bj blazkowicz's eyes

Going in guns-a-blazin' provides for some of the tightest action and shooting seen in a Wolfenstein game, and I think that speaks highly for a series that already struck a golden gameplay standard with the New Order and further polished in Old Blood. And that goes to say that some of these individual set pieces are just as, if not more, breathtaking than what was seen in previous games. The tools and setup were all here to make for a truly excellent Wolfenstein experience, but there was definitely a level of misuse in these factors that led me to feeling far less satisfied than I did with New Order.

Stealth has practically been neutered to hell in this game. I played on the "Do or die" difficulty and I never felt like I could get any good stealth kill streaks in. Sometimes the linearity and cramped nature of the maps kept you way too close to the enemy to reliably sneak around and I swear guards randomly noticed me at some points when they really shouldn't have. Chock this up to me being bad at stealth if you will, but I never had this issue with New Order or Old Blood and I kind of miss being able to reliably swap sneaky vs ultra-aggressive playstyles without one being heavily favored over the other.

The gadgets were more wasted potential if anything. I was actually very exciting when I got to choose one out of three options as it felt like a decision that could carry some weight and really change how my campaign would play out. There's definitely unique uses for each one, but nearly every time there was a roadblock that required a gadget, there would be others to accommodate the others nearby. So in the end, they all took you to the same place; it's what you used to get there that's different.

Neither of these flaws would be damning to a truly amazing game in my opinion but I think the biggest ball dropped here is with its story. Taking the already loveable cast from the New Order and continuing the story from that game's ending was a no brainer. And for the most part, the characters still have that level of charm to them. The actual plot however feels rushed in areas and never feels like it uses its concepts to their fullest potential. So many plot threads like (minor spoilers?) Wyatt taking psychedelics and BJ's tragic childhood feel like they're brought up either for gags in Wyatt's case or sympathy in BJ's case and then just dropped where they really could have been tied up better. It feels like they cut out a couple chapters in the late game and thus is paced very weirdly, almost like they had to glue it together and jump to the climax without clear buildup. I can't help but feel hollow inside when I game only begins to captivate me with its story right as it ends without much of a rhyme or reason.

As stated before, I really enjoyed the moment-to-moment shooting mechanics and feel this is a game with great aspects and mechanics behind it, but I find it hard to ignore how rushed it felt in some areas and how weak of a note the story ended on (albeit the main villain's death was fairly satisfying for what little buildup there was).

Playtime: 14:20 Hours

Longer, bigger, crazier, better? Not quite, but part two of Machine Games Wolfenstein reboot series is at least on the same level as the very good first part. It's hard to believe that the game was released in 2017 as pretty as the graphics are, especially the lighting effects and character models.

Apart from that, this second fight against the regime is filled with some really stupid but at the same time ingenious twists, really brute action interludes and a lot of black satirically charged humor. It all works much better than in the first game and the DLC.

Unfortunately, the gunplay is not as good and unique as in the predecessor. This one feels more like Call of Duty, has less impact and less of a trash factor. The level structure is also sometimes opaque and confusing and the AI is no longer as clever as it was in "The New Order". Nevertheless, the Hollywood-ready production and the crazy pace, as well as the action and humor, are really very successful. All in all, a very strong second part, but one that can't outdo the first.

Zafer Partisi İl Başkanlığı'nın içine girince ben.

I really loved the story, but I completely understand why people hate this. Definetely not the game to use as a medium. Everything about it is fun, but the sum of its part make a really weird experience overall

To start off, I think this game was absolutely overhated. A lot of media attention from actual Nazis who can't stand the idea of being confronted by their problematic ways.
Gameplay: The guns felt even better than the first game somehow. I know that's a common complaint, but they felt so much more punchy and had more impact. Where I take issue is the map design and difficulty spiking. Large circular maps with enemies flanking constantly and no indicator for where you're being shot from leads to a VERY rough time on the highest difficulty. There were even some fights where I had to lower the difficulty because a checkpoint would load me in front of a brute enemy with 20 health and no shields. I played relatively stealthily, so sections with forced openness became pretty grating. I imagine if I played with the ramming shoulders those sections would have been more fun. Also, for a cover shooter, sometimes it was impossible to actually have good cover and the maps were a bit too open. Other than that, I had a great time turning Nazis into viscera. Levels with hallways and lots of cover felt amazing.

The writing, on the other hand, was all over the place. There were some really amazing sections, but they were followed by things that were WAY too goofy, especially in contrast to the first game. I think the humor was at least effective though. This game had me laughing a lot. A lot of people complain about a lack of interesting characters, but I thought Grace and Horton were great, and the interactions between characters in the hub areas make the game feel alive.

All in all, I had a great time playing this game.

"Oh, William, I wish we could spend some time alone, but...

...we're so close to New Orleans"

Extremely heavy hitter. An escalation of everything great about the first two games. How they managed to make me care so much about this ridiculous, over the top story I will never know, but I can't wait to see what's next for Wolfenstein.

I'm one of the few that thinks this is the best of the new Wolfenstein games.

My favourite part of these reboots has been the deconstruction and subsequent rebuilding of BJ as this generic action hero into an empathic, vulnerable and intensely relatable character.

This game doubles down on adding layers upon layers to BJ - but it admittedly falters in almost every other aspect in comparison to the other reboot entries.

No esperaba que fuera excelente, pero es excelente.

There is no game I've wanted to give 5-stars to more than The New Colossus. From its incredible (and incredibly timely) story to the ferocious creativity in its world building, level design (okay, Manhattan is a bit ponderous) and characterization, The New Colossus was a titanic achievement of feel and style.

I mean, I played 18 hours of this, the campaign portion practically straight through. I earned my first trophy just after Noon on November 5th, my last trophy (of the campaign) just after 2PM on November 6th, then dabbled in toe Übercommader stuff for about a week and walked away. That's fucking DEVOURING a video game!

Unfortunately, it doesn't always feel great to play. The previous game had a heavier dose of stealth than this does, but those roots are still lain and thus at times this game incentivizes anything other than laying waste to Nazi scum at the most brusk pace possible. I get it, the Nazis won and are very dangerous - I still would rather feel like a lawn mower than a field mouse! Speaking of danger, the A.I. itself isn't particularly robust, but this game has a hard time communicating damage as well as its source, leading to many frustrating deaths wherein you can't be entirely sure you were actually playing the game poorly.

There's a side of me that says, ah whatever, this has syphilitic Hitler, pregnant women double wielding uzis, weird secret Jewish space tech, character deaths* just as shocking as anything on Game of Thrones and one of the single most empowering, feel good endings to a video game there's ever been.

If anyone's ever told you that The New Colossus can be a frustrating experience, believe them! After two of these I'm actually not entirely convinced MachineGames are excellent video game designers. But they are certainly some sort of visionaries, daredevils beyond measure, and I really hope we get to hear from them again soon.