Reviews from

in the past

Degno capitolo anche questo. DLC poco accattivanti.

I was kinda disappointed by this one at the time I think, but you do get to kill a bunch of alternate history sci-fi nazis in radical ways, and there's a mad bit with Hitler that is worth the price of admission alone.

É na minha opinião o melhor dos 3 jogos, os personagens são muito carismáticos, a jogabilidade esta no padrão de wolfenstein, a historia é bem legal... resumindo, é um ótimo jogo...

Masacras nazis, le crujes el cuello a nazis, ahogas a nazis, apuñalas nazis, apalizas nazis

This is truly the best game i have ever played. The ending was so satisfying and overal everything was smooth and nice i would recommend this 1000 times.

This game kinda threw out pretty much everything I liked about the previous modern Wolfenstein entries.

I'd rate it lower, but you get to kill Nazis.

I played it on Switch and I have to say this must be the most impressive "miracle port" I've played so far, even more than Doom Eternal. It really looks great for an outdated tablet. I never played New Order so I was kind of lost with the story, but I really enjoyed the narrative even though it ends anticlimactic. The thing that wowed me the most is the acting direction in cut scenes. Maybe the best I've seen in gaming overall, it really felt like an actual movie instead of the usual wooden performances and dialogue you see in most videogames.
The gameplay though... wasn't the best. I feel many of the AAA fps games feel similar, with minimal differences between them. The guns have a nice feeling, but there's no meat in the game.
The level "readability" is terrible. This is a linear game and you don't know where you're supposed to go. You have to constantly spam the (super tiny) waypoint icon just to see where the hell is the next door. Maybe I was too harsh with the yellow paint in Resident Evil.
You get hit all the time, but you don't even know it cause there's no indication until it's too late. Often the enemies are hidden in such dark shadows you can't even see them let alone shoot them.
Overall it was nice, but I had many problems with it.

Oyun oynanış ve grafik konusunda ilk oyundan daha başarılı.Oyunun hikayeside bir noktadan sonra boka sarıyor.Boss savaşları önceki oyunun yanından bile geçemez.Optimizasyon iyi değil.

к сожалению гавно потому что разработчики не дают нормально настроить управление

This game is a sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order and differs quite a bit from its predecessors. The atmosphere in this game is far less serious and more morbidly humorous, especially during the cutscenes (which felt like they took up a bigger portion of the game). I personally did not feel that the new characters they introduced in this game were as likeable as the first game's characters. Graphics are a huge step up from the previous games, with textures and effects looking way better. While level design is not too different from before, and some levels felt like they were rehashing or putting a new coat of paint over old concepts (Venus level), these levels seemed more enjoyable and/or memorable in comparison. Player choice exists in this game to a somewhat greater degree, more so in gameplay rather than story as you can choose between three contraptions that allow unique playstyles and abilities. The perk system has been replaced by a weapon upgrade system that requires you to find upgrade kits hidden around each level. The achievement grind in this game was brutal, culminating in the frustratingly difficult Mein Leben run (you have to complete the campaign in one life). The DLCs really didn't offer anything new, and ultimately felt very uninspired.

Leshoid Gives it a: good
Beaten on the 23/04/24

Ошеломительный сиквел, обязательный к приобретению и прохождению любителям мясных шутеров и безумного сюжета!

I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first, but the story was good. Combat I don't think is amazing bar steal options of the hatchet and silenced pistol.

Vou ser sincero que não ligo pra história (tanto que não sei a história de nenhum dos dois), mas em gameplay esse jogo é uma melhora do caralho em comparação ao New Order, a única coisa que eu achei que deixou em falta foi a necessidade de constantemente combinar duas armas, eu praticamente só fiz isso de verdade uma vez, no último momento do jogo ainda por cima, e eu também gostaria que tu pudesse usar os três upgrades ao invés de só poder escolher 1 até o final do jogo, mas talvez isso fosse quebrado demais. Mas de resto é incrível, provavelmente a melhor gameplay dos FPS que vieram antes de Doom eternal (não joguei ultrakill)

Basicamente jogo perfeito pra só abrir, colocar um vídeo pra escutar e matar uns nazistas, fácil uma das experiências mais relaxantes que eu tive

From what I've seen the general consensus is that this game is inferior to The New Order and Old Blood (I haven't played Old Blood yet so my comparisons will be mostly from New Order) but I actually found myself liking this game more.

Now storywise in terms of depth and the depressing tone yeah New Order is superior but I still think the story works in this. The story is a lot lighter in tone but it still can be serious when it needs to be and kinda gives it a Tarentino movie vibe (also helping that the comedic scenes are generally pretty funny) and while I appreciated the lack of restraint in showing the horrors of the Nazis in the previous game they are both still Wolfenstein and should have some level of absurdity and I think if they showed more concentration camps or horrible experiments it would just be repeating story points unless they got really creative with it. I also like how the story has some sense of progress. In New Order, for the most part the resistance didn't really have any grand plan but made it up along the way which worked because it showed the desperation the resistance had at the time. In New Colossus now that the resistance has all its stolen Nazi tech, they form an actual plan. So almost every action in this game is united under a main goal of liberating America.

But enough about the story I'm a gameplay guy first and foremost. And this is the main reason I prefer it to New Order. Now I think that games combat was great but when the going got tough in later levels, I always found myself falling into the same strategy of hiding in a corner with a charging station and abusing the Minigun and multishot upgrade for the lasergun. Here if I tried that same strategy, I would've never completed this game. The combat is much more hectic thanks to the wider enemy variety and better weapon variety this time around (as of note the schockhammer might just be the most glorious shotgun I have ever wielded). I also love how you can sprint full speed while dual wielding. I get originally there was a trade off of increased firepower at the cost of slower speed but I almost never found myself single wielding any weapon that had a dual wield option so it could get a little tedious. The sprinting definitely gave this game a true run and gun style game. That combined with the various weapon upgrades, wide set of heavy weapons, the ability to dual wield different types of weapons at once, enemy variety, and the various perks of the contraptions created such a vast and wide array of options for approaching both combat and stealth and it had a crazy good soundtrack to back it up.

Now the main reason this has the same score as New Order despite me liking New Colossus more is primarily because of one huge flaw in my eyes. That being a lack of a new game plus. I mean come on one of the most fun parts of linear games is blitzing through earlier levels while maxed out and this game isn't open world so I don't understand how they couldn't put in an option to full on replay chapters. And it just doesn't feel the same through these level areas with the oberkommando missions as they lack the story cutscenes and some the moments are some of my favorite moments in any story driven game. But the moment to moment gameplay is still a fine as hell experience that I definitely recommend.

wish tis game had more silly or less silly but for now we are stuck in kinda silly kinda horribly depressing

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus é um título que se destaca no gênero de jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa, oferecendo uma experiência de jogo marcante.

1. Narrativa Profunda: O jogo é aclamado por sua narrativa envolvente e personagens bem desenvolvidos. A história de BJ Blazkowicz é contada com emoção e profundidade, explorando temas sérios enquanto mantém um equilíbrio com momentos de humor.

2. Vilões Memoráveis: A antagonista, General Engel, é destacada como uma das vilãs mais memoráveis dos jogos recentes, com sua crueldade e sadismo proporcionando um forte impulso emocional para a ação do jogador.

3. Jogabilidade Dinâmica: A campanha, que dura aproximadamente 14 horas, é repleta de ação intensa e momentos de combate que incentivam tanto a abordagem furtiva quanto o confronto direto.

4. Design Visual e Áudio: Os gráficos e a trilha sonora são elogiados por capturar a atmosfera da distopia alternativa dos anos 60, com detalhes visuais e sonoros que enriquecem a experiência de jogo.

5. Desafios e Dificuldade: Alguns jogadores mencionam que a dificuldade do jogo pode ser irregular, com picos que podem ser frustrantes, mas que no geral, a jogabilidade é satisfatória e recompensadora.

Em resumo, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus é um jogo que se mantém relevante e desafiador, com uma história cativante e uma jogabilidade que honra a tradição da série Wolfenstein. É uma escolha sólida para quem busca uma experiência de jogo solo rica e cheia de ação.