Reviews from

in the past

genuinely just so outclassed by XCOM 2 and WOTC incorporating so many of this game's absent features, improving on the art design, and then that game also requiring tens of mods to incorporate the level of detail its biggest fans want lol

Made obsolete (and basically non-canon) by XCOM 2, but damn is this a great return for a dormant franchise.

One of the greatest and influential tactical RPGS in gaming - Satisfying combat, eerie atmosphere, and simple presentation make XCOM: Enemy Unknown a must-try, even for those with no experience in the genre.

was super fun until i started getting fucked over every mission

Good reboot of the classic Xcom series, streamlined for modern audiences and I don't blame them for that, og Xcom was a little bit more than unfair. You do research and kick the teeth of the pink menace while also doing questionable experiments on your soldiers. No reason to play it without the expansion, you would be losing a lot of fun classes.

This game will teach you about statistics and what it means to take risk. Amazing game and the long war mod takes it to another level.

I've never played XCOM games before but I LOVED this one. Gonna check out the rest.

Still great even without the expansion, but you're definitely missing out on a lot without it

I like Enemy Unknown's unforgiving nature as much as I'm utterly unable to finish the game because of it.

It's not just the difficulty, but also the purely structural nature of the ensemble that casts me out every time ; another proof for me that you cannot rely entirely on systems to tell a story.

La reimaginacion de uno de los mejores juegos de Estrategia de la historia hace justicia a su titulo, Optimizando todas las mecanicas de juego para que cada decision sea significativa. Excelenmte de inicio a fin, pero realmente corto, el juego no tiene mecanismos para detener que el jugador que se toma su tiempo, haciendolo la estrategia mas optima para terminar el juego.

Really difficult and not particularly fun.

While I was never a fan of the original XCom, I found myself easily addicted to the chess like feel of the combat and the meta game of running your base. It had a great feeling the whole way through and I've enjoyed it way more than I ever expected. The graphics are better than they ought, and sound is great. The story is OK but nothing the write home about. The final boss fight and the ending sequence are anticlimactic though. Still, don't miss out on this great game.

Honestly struggling to continue with the grind considering I already know how I feel about the game overall, and the fact it just keeps going...

XCOM2 perfected the gameplay, but the original was my first experience with this kind of tactical turn based game.

The core gameplay is absolutely incredible, but boring base management, poor pacing, repetition, and a distinct lack of polish makes the game start to feel draining as you sink more hours in.

cbt but it's an srpg. difficulty's customizable as hell and it's a blast to challenge yourself on the harder settings. semi-random levels keep things from getting stale even on repeat runs

Solid strategy game. Love slowly learning more and more about the aliens you're up against.

I have never got past the aliens that turn people into zombies, those dudes always rock my world. It's fun till then though.

No shame to say that I needed 74 hours and some tries to finish the main game. Just a little. Addictive as fuck.

I've started it, gotten WAY INTO IT for like 5 hours, and then stopped, like 4 times.

Sid Meier’s (The End of) Civilization

A fiendishly addictive blend of HG Wells extraterrestrial paranoia and turn of the millennium tactical sim worship that comes out as something expressive and unique on the other side.

Real memories from Installing long war, playing on ironman, veteran difficulty and only to then getting steamrolled in the second mission. Sasuga firaxis.

A great update to a fantastic TBS series. The gameplay has been streamlined to run on controllers, yet lost little of what made the game great. The simplification of certain aspects of the originals is made up for with an increase in pace and some immersive details introduced to character creation and progression. Expect a bit of a grind and a fair learning curve to reach the higher difficulties, but an excellent experience throughout.

eu criei meus amigos como personagens nesse jogo e todos eles morreram. desculpa gente