Reviews from

in the past

I expected Kirby to be my first game of 2022 but this one activated its trap card making me target this game instead.

I understand why its economy is the way it is as a freemium game, but I'm thankful it gives enough to make a deck you want to play start off with.

Single player is a good game refresher and even teaches you some specific decks which is nice. It's not fun or the meat of the game but if you wanna learn some archetypes and their stories, this is where you go.

Unfortunately because winning nets more rewards than losing this means a lot of people jump into meta decks first, and the issue of 10 minute turns or "one negate means you lose" does not go away here. But I'm going through the low ranks with Aromages and it's really fun to destroy someone with an unconventional deck, even if the higher I get the higher the chances of me getting destroyed instead is since I'm not playing meta.

Obrigado Konami jogo muito legal queria conseguir jogar


If you’re a boomer like me and dislike this ABC, SUSPENSION, ZELDA and SINK-O summoning shit, this game is not for you. That is - unless you got some friends to play with you with whatever actual fun decks you agree on.

If you’ve read other reviews on this game, you surely must have noticed complaints about turn length. That is because the most optimal strategies involve using the xyz/ pendulum/link/syncro nonsense to summon half of your deck in the first turn with cards that negate everything your opponent does. Seriously, everything: summoning a monster, activating a card effect, even taking a dump probably. It’s the most optimal way to play the game and also the most boring shit in the world. That said, it’s what the actual game of Yu-Gi-Oh! ™, unfortunately, has evolved into and not the fault of Master Duel specifically.

When it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel itself – it’s surprisingly fun. Not in a million years would have I imagined that I’d actually say that about a Konami game made post 2015, much less a free-to-play game. As of the writing of this review (20th Feb 2022), the F2P mechanics have been handled fairly. You can pretty much build any deck you want. You will run into a bit of a wall if you want to build multiple different decks quickly, but even then the game is generous enough with gems. With a bit of patience and some easy to do Daily/Weekly missions, you can get a lot of value out of this game without paying a single cent. Of course, this is Konami we’re talking about so it can (and I fully expect it will) change in due time.

Master Duel is very accessible – it’s meant to be enjoyed by the hardcore meta zoomer try-hards, returning old boomers like me who last played Yu-Gi-Oh back when the aforementioned zoomers probably weren’t even born and brand new players who don’t even know why someone would put their cards side-ways. The game has some basic tutorials that quickly introduce you to all forms of summoning, so don’t worry if you don’t know what this alphabet summoning and pendulum swinging is all about. I also like that by linking your Konami ID, your game progress transfers real-time and you can enjoy this game on multiple platforms hassle free.

That said, this game has some odd UI/UX problems. Nothing major but it’s the small niggles that add up and make for some frustrating moments, especially early on while you’re just coming to grasp with it. Also, the music is TERRIBLE. Probably the worst aspect of this entire game, so much so that I’ve had it muted since the first duel. Seriously, just put some tunes of your choice in the background instead. I’m also not a fan of the visual style of this game – it looks like a mobile game/Heartstone rip-off which was an initial turn-off but has since stopped bothering me.


fucking terrible piece of shit game from hitler hell F### THIS GAME

The best modern Yu-Gi-Oh simulator ever made. Unfortunately, it is a simulator of modern Yu-Gi-Oh.

Always Blue-Eyes baby

Fuck Eldlich and Tri-Brigade

Yu-Gi-Oh! is not the same game we remember from the good ol' days. If you're just playing for fun with the cards you like you'll still have a fairly good time, but your enthusiasm with likley dry up after a few duels in gold & platinum rankings. The current Pay to Win meta with hand trap staples & negate-all beatstick combos quickly kills any passion you have to get back into the game.

I'm sure its a great game and I love yugioh but I have only watched the classic yugioh and idk what the hell a xyz summon is

está muy guapo este kusoge

o quão triste é pra eu dizer pra uma garota que eu ganhei dinheiro jogando um jogo de carta?

This is fantastic and outside of nitpicks I think it nails the Yugioh experience. Yugioh is a P2W game irl so yes the game can be P2W...or you can recycle cards to craft what you want.

Good sim of the card game from Konami. You can get a lot with what gems you're able to get starting out that you don't need to buy packs that badly, but the in game prices for the packs are pretty awful. Konami has also been pretty uncommunicative about updating the game on a decent basis which kinda sucks too.

Poderia ter sido muito melhor em praticamente todos os sentidos. Não vejo carinho nem atenção de quem desenvolveu, até mesmo mal otimizado ele é.

best virtual rendition of yu-gi-oh ever released.

so tem japones jogando essa budega veia

First, this game is surprisingly amazing and works quite well after. Good job Konami, hope you keep improving this game.
Second, Yu-Gi-Oh as game have some issues with the balancing, being really fun in full casual, but annoying in the competitive, in that case, the best way to play if don't want a competitive game is with friends or in the solo mode.

Honestly the game is very well made and fair to f2p players as well. The crafting system is especially great. However the solo content is pretty boring and ranked is just not fun at all, waiting 20 minutes while your opponent plays 30 cards is just not enjoyable at all and that's the meta now. Yeah I may be a boomer, but all these new effects past synchro just break the game for me. I enjoy games to be dragged out and when almost every duel ends in 1 or 2 turns, but those turns take 15-20 minutes to complete it's just boring and not fun, considering half the time is people just reading their card effects since most people just look up sweaty decks and play them without even knowing their effects just to be a sweaty meta tryhard.

In short: Play with friends and have fun. Stay away from ranked because it's the complete opposite of fun.

It's well made but also just, really boring

It's been about 10 years since I dropped Yu-Gi-Oh and Master Duel brought me back. Now I'm an old dog when it comes to the card game and I have loved the anime as a child so imagine my surprised when I hear that there is a new online game called "Master Duel". I got to say "This game slaps". The game gives you enough gems to make at least 2 deck archetypes (I did DragonLink, Virtual World, and later on Dragonmaid). Got my self into Plat and am excited to play more. The game is a great way for people who got out of Yu-Gi-Oh to get back in, for people who thought about playing the game to try it out, or for veteran players to just play the game online with others. The game itself has plenty of archetypes for you to try out and craft to your liking.

Now even though I did enjoy the game, there are some things I don't agree with in the game and could be better. Getting gems is really time consuming there were times when I would play for days and barely have enough gems for 10 or 11 packs (I recommend not purchasing cause the gems are expensive). There is no casual quick play where they just have you match someone else to play with, although you can manually search for a room with players. The efficiency of the duels leave a bit to be desired, some of the players take forever to take their turns and part of that is the way the game is programmed, for example at the end of the turn there is a rule where you can only have a max of 6 cards in hand and you have to discard all the excess cards this is done by selecting the cards and confirming one by one and if you have 7 or 8 yeah cool but it does get annoying after 9 and this is something that is slowing down the turns a player takes and can be better efficiency wise.

All in all I did have fun playing the game it got me back to the physical card game (if you do go physical understand the game rules are different). The cons are disappointing but there are ways around some of them.

De longe o melhor Yu-Gi-Oh! online que temos. Sistema de crafting de cartas muuuito bem feito, agora não precisa gastar 1000 reais pra comprar gema e ter a sorte de vir 1 carta UR de 3 que você precisa pra fazer o Deck rodar.

Você que é iniciante, basicamente consegue montar uns 3-5 decks bem tranquilo sem gastar NADA, só joga um pouquinho de Solo e já era, já vai tá farmando muita gema pra comprar os pack e as Staples que são hand traps e Zeus que é um must have em deck com XYZ, e o resto você pega da net ou cria seu deck.

Realmente, um dos melhores jogos com PvP de Yu-Gi-Oh! atualmente.

Fun for the most part. I just wish they would’ve added a mode for old school Yu-Gi-Oh game times pre-XYZ, Synchro, etc.

This game is great if you wanna get into yugioh. Duel links is more "accesible" but it really shows that duel links was meant to be a mobile game thanks to it's microtransactions and deck building methods. plus duel links doesn't even have all the summoning methods. this game in the other hand is way more f2p friendly and it's really accessible to just hop in build a deck and rank up in the ladder. it's still missing some polish like having more content for late game.

This is a very nice presentation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the problem is that Yu-Gi-Oh is kind of an insane game. I either watch my opponent play solitaire for 20 minutes as they kill me in one turn or my opponent has no answer for my troll deck and I win in a few turns. I don't feel like I am strategically interacting with my opponent. It makes a good anime but I don't love the game.

Esse jogo da KONAMI não é um jogo mercenario desgraçado que só dá pra joga se paga pra caralho :0
palmas, palmas amigos

e também achei mó brabo você pode escolher onde bota a carta no campo, mó besteira mas gostei
mas acho o visual dos campos meio bunda, mas é Yugioh, não dá pra erra muito

Getting into this game was a mistake I became a card horder

The in-game prices are an absolute joke, but you'll get enough rewards just from playing enough matches and participating in events (which only further delegitimizes the paid content). There's obviously a lot of problems that needs to be addressed, such as the large influx of bots and the snails pace of updates, but this is otherwise the best simulator of the TCG yet (at least from Konami).

os caras acertaram no game, simplesmente o mais puro yu-gi-oh, porém o jogo ficou chato, se trata de montar deck que joga sozinho

As far as Yu-Gi-Oh games go this is a huge improvement over other ones I’ve played. The tutorial could probably be a little more in depth and the grind for packs can be very time consuming too, but that’s expected of a F2P game. As far as the actual gameplay it’s very well optimised and doesn’t feel laggy like the other ones I’ve played. It’s very fun.