Reviews from

in the past

Escribo esta review mientras me descargo los putos datos que no se te bajan de una con el juego.
Les voy a meter a los de konami la gaita de la canción que loopea cada 15 segundos del menú por el culo y les voy a invocar al dragón de ojos azules defintiivo para que sople la susodicha gaita con las tres cabezas que tiene a la vez.

Had a really fun time just playing with a friend. I have some gripes with gatcha-like monetization, but this and Duel Links have been on the more lenient side from my experiences. (FAR more in this one's case, I should mention) I actually really like the card pack system of secret packs and how it lets you hone in on a certain archetype if you come across it. It's actually how I ended up building a Galaxy-Eyes deck, which was pretty far from what I expected to build. Only thing I'd advise against is playing on the Switch, menus felt unbearably choppy.

When you're in the duels, it's Yu-Gi-Oh, plain and simple. It's still as fun as my favorite card game usually is, and this is a really solid way to play it.

Provavelmente vou diminuir a nota (e desinstalar o jogo) quando chegar na parte bullshitada de Yu-Gi-Oh!

For a Gacha game I forgot existed until this morning this is pretty great. Very forgiving with summoning packs, secret packs is a really cool feature. Solo grinding stuff seems simple enough. Dueling is just Yu-gi-oh so I've already made peace with that fate. I hope this first impression carries over into longevity.

Eu realmente sempre quis um game estilo Hearthstone do Yu-Gi-Oh!, mas acho que perdeu MUITO o tempo. Sem contar que o card game atualmente é muito diferente do que eu estava acostumado a jogar antigamente até mesmo nos videogames. Além desses elementos gatcha e gemas pagas que quebram um pouco a experiência. Mas vou dar mais alguma horas de gameplay pra ver se tem futuro.

Thank god it’s more F2P. As a huge yugioh fan this game is just super hype for me however, my only complaint would be how long online matches tend to be but it’s 8000LP duels which are understandable

Guy who thinks his 2006 Battleguard beatdown deck is an adequate representation of "good old Yugioh" and pretends new mechanics don't exist: "the turns are long and I'm losing, rip my childhood 0/5"

want to give this a preemptive 0.5 because there is no way konami doesnt fuck this up. i'll abstain because electrumite isnt banned and i play pend

Best way to play yugioh.
If you cry about decks just cry harder

1st match online: Beat my opponent using some cool synchro summons in a duel that at least somewhat resembled the anime I used to watch

2nd match online: Was utterly obliterated in 3 turns, each of which took about 10 full minutes, as every card my opponent played had about 2 paragraphs of text explaining its incredibly specific function that allowed it to combo with another specific card to allow them to draw more cards which allowed them to special summon a monster whose effect allowed them to special summon another monster whose effect allowed them to draw more cards whose effects allowed them to- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Possibly the most absurd card game ever created

Just FTK'd this 2006 E-Hero player. Feels great.

It's a kusoge but as a card game and that's dope and terrifying in equal measures

Basicamente um edopro ou qualquer jogo de yugioh tcg so que de maneira oficial, da de se divertir, montar quase todos os decks, em geral e um bom jogo

Ever since this was announced I was interested, having been an old Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, and surprisingly enough, especially after my time trying Duel Links and being unsatisfied wholly and completely, this is honestly, kind of incredible?

There are solo missions to help you start to get a handle on different ideas and various deck types that are in the game now. They start you off with plenty of gems where I've been able to open some 200 packs easy so far and make a variety of decks and work towards making more. I'm still not so great at the game, but that's ok, because I'm enjoying it, and the UI and presentation are very nice.

Also the soundtrack? The composer well and truly went off in the best way, and this is legit one of the best parts of this game. Would definitely recommend trying out if you were a fan of the card game way back when or are just interested at all!

I just wish there was more to help teach fundamentals of the newer concepts like pendulums, links, xyz, etc.

I'm going to fail my exams cause i'll be too busy playing this game

It's quite good. As good as you would expect an exploitative gacha to be at the outset. The solo mode is decent, casual fun, and it's pretty easy to get the cards you want thanks to a generous crafting system. I'm currently swimming in gems, yet I haven't spent a single cent of real cash. Maxx C is at 3. Konami delivers the goods.

I hate modern Yu-Gi-Oh

Some points for having what seems to be a generous f2p system, and a lot of customisation unlocks. But Yu-Gi-Oh as a card game in 2022 is just such an unbearable shit show.

Edit: I'm back on this because I hate myself
Edit again: Nm still garbage


it's generous in giving gems, too bad yugioh is a shit game

On the one hand this is buy far the best playing yugioh has ever felt in a video game surpassing even duel links matches. On the other hand everything that's not directly connected to ranked matches feel very unfinished and it needs a ton of extra content

The game gives you enough gems to build exactly TWO of any deck you want. After that you will never get enough UR crafting material to build another deck ever again. HOPE I LIKE TRAINS.

When the cards smash onto the board and make the loud noise, I like that, that's a good thing. The menu navigation is slow though, and that's bad considering it's half the game.

The solo mode is useless. Give me gems for doing solo mode you clowns. I have become a gremlin for gems and will settle for nothing less.

The online matchmaking is good but it FEELS morally. There's returning players in the lower ranks trying to run vanilla beat down. Bro I pulled an AccessCode Talker in my second pack you can't be normal summoning Vorse Raider and passing in 2022.

That's about it. The game is terrible. 4 stars.

Update: You can get gems from solo mode. Not too many but enough to build a few more guys. I wish this game was worse, I feel a hopeless addiction growing on me.

this game has done a great job reminding me how fucking horrific the ocg banlist is

Client seems good and the gems you get starting out is pretty generous
I can only hope it doesn't get super cancerous, but it is Konami

I do not have the patience to watch my opponent play solitaire for 15 minutes.

I'm fighting for my god damn life out here man, trying to have fun with my Elemental HERO deck and every single player using the same 3 try hard decks for a insta K.O.

Edit: I've given up the way of the Hero and I am now winning more often than not, the game is fun when your winning.

Best Konami game since uhhh idk, maybe MGS V The Phantom Pain ??

Has nice presentation, tutorials and a pretty cool solo mode, and the game is quite F2P friendly as well which is a great plus.
But the thing is... this is Konami we're talking about. I'm sure while nowadays it's fine to play the game F2P, it might not be later down the line. But until that day comes, I must say that the game is pretty good.
And because the game is pretty good right now, the only low reviews this game gets are the equivalent of that one reaction image that is like "I deliberately entered a thread full of things I don't like and now I'm mad, how could this be happening to me"

Tengo bastante que decir.

primero que nada, estamos ante un producto extremadamente solido (gracias por no ser DL2). Posee un excelente apartado audiovisual además de un sistema de progresión - recompensa y rankeds muy bien planteado (aunque preferiria que fuera el mejor de 3 en elos mas altos); todo esto le da el plus de no solo limitarse a ser un simulador del juego de cartas, sino mucho mas.

Sin duda la experiencia definitiva del formato tradicional.

Ahora bien, si eres un manchild o un babyboomer que hace comentarios como "ogga -inserte medio de invocación- arruinaron el juego boga", "pee pee boo vi en twitter un clip de un deck gimmick que no entiendo y cuya jugada solo funciona 1 de 10 veces ganar un duelo", "too much text" o de plano no te interesa leer o aprender las mecánicas del juego que estas JUGANDO, entonces este juego no es para vos.

Déjame decirte que la imagen idealizada que tu mente tiene del "old yugioh" en donde podías jugar mago oscuro JAMAS existió.

(el titulo dice MASTER DUELS, que esperabas?)