Reviews from

in the past

Que jogo fod@, Shay é um protagonista muito bom tem suas motivações justas e tu sente a dor dela durante o decorrer da historia assim como o seu desenvolvimento com os templarios, dublagem sensacional, o jogo tem os seus problemas como fato do parkour n ser tão fluido porém e bem fácil de ignorar pelos pontos positivos desse jogo, as animações de morte são lindas e mecânica de navegação muito boa tbm, sei que já falaram que é uma copia do ac Black flag mas nunca joguei esse então pra mim o rogue é muito bom. Muito melhor que o unity, até parece que o AC Rogue que foi pra nova geração muito na frente do Unity, unica vantagem do unity é a fluidez do parkour e só. Raiva que o bugado do unity ofuscou esse jogo maravilhoso

apesar de possuir a mesma gameplay do black flag tem uma história muito boa e o shay é um dos melhores personagens da franquia

Capitalizing on the success of Black Flag, this game is exceedingly similar and plays more like an extra large DLC than a stand alone game. Shay is an excellent protagonist and the story makes it stand on its own feet

This game is super underrated. I had an absolute blast. The tie in of the Kenyway games & Unity are great. You can't beat playing as a bad guy who is justified.

Un jeu de transition pour Unity. Le jeu garde les bonnes formules des anciens AC sans y ajouter quelque chose de plus excepté le fait de jouer un templier. ON l'oublie aussi vite qu'on y a joué mais ça reste un bon jeu

Assassin's Creed: Rogue is a weird game in that it was one of the two successors to Assassin's Creed: IV - Black Flag. And removing the numbering of the titles (after a discussion of the community if AC IV should have gotten a new number or be part of the AC III series [as Brotherhood and Revelation where part of the AC II series]), and giving it the same release date as Assassin's Creed Unity this further added to the confusion. What's even more: While AC Rogue actually builds on the same engine that Black Flag did, and even continues all the mechanics and game play elements of that game, Unity was marketed as the next gen game, using a new engine, new mechanics, as well as a new (and more modern) setting. So for many at that time it was considered the actual successor, and Rogue a bit overlooked.

However, Rogue is also weird in that it tried to be the second game that does something different - I said in my "Black Flag" review that it was an "odd one out" as you don't play an Assassin. Well, guess what: In Rogue you play an Assassin turned Templar. Which in itself could have been a cool idea. However, the name Rogue already gives it away, and after playing AC III, this was not a novel surprise anymore. Still, it could have been a really cool idea - as in AC III you don't get to play the Templars to their full extend - it's an Epilogue after all, and once you're done with it, you switch back to playing an Assassin. And as a Templar you also don't get to do much Templar stuff, because Haytham just arrives at the place, there is no secret Templar society yet, so he has to build one up by himself.

Rogue starts in 1752, i.e. two years before Haytham reaches the colonies. You play Shay Patrick Cormac, an Assassin who is doing missions for the Brotherhood that make him question the actions the Assassins take. He's more open to dialogue and he feels that things the Assassins do, lead to catastrophes, so after a falling out with the Assassins he does the one thing you usually do when realizing that a secret society is a bad thing to be a part of: Join another secret society. If that doesn't already feel rather unbelievable, take this: Now all the locations that previously where bad because of being under Templar control, are under Assassin's control. And that does not mean that there are Assassins in there. Nope, it's the same units, with the same abilities, that are just in a different color.

From the Templars, Shay gets an ship with a quartermaster, and nothing more, so with this ship he needs to start to - pirate other ships. I've heard the term Black Flag 1.5, and that what all the ship missions feel like, except that the sea fights are a bit dumbed down and not as complex as they where for AC IV, which is a shame. There are a few new aspects (like breaking ice, and being able to be boarded by pirate hunters), but for the most parts - when it comes to Gameplay - you feel like you're playing a DLC to Black Flag. We have to liberate areas from Assassin's control, and we do so, by sneaking into them, and assassinating people - with the tools Shay got from the Assassins. This would have made for a perfect game in an Assassins point of view, but is in no way what I would have liked to play as an Templar. Templars should have had resources, should be plotting and scheming, should use their power and control over people to get to their objectives; and not feel like the same thing in other colors...

For me, this game breaks the lore in multiple ways - Templars see themselves as the good people and Assassin's as the bad ones and vice versa; and the previous AC games have all shown us, that this is a battle of philosophies. Philosophies that can be argued about. None does this better than AC III with Haytham and Connor. Rogue however chooses the easy way out of this conundrum. To justify Shay being a Templar, the Assassins are depicted as truly and purely evil - to the point that they start killing randomly and uninvolved civilians, e.g. by releasing poisonous gasses, just to make Shay be established as the good person here.

It's a fine AC game, in regards of game play, and generally fun to play; and I liked the tie-ins to other games: On the Assassin's side we get to meet Adéwalé again - and as he's the leader of the Assassins in the colonies, we also meet a young Achilles Davenport - and on the Templar side we of course meet Haytham Kenway. There is also a tie-in to Unity (which I didn't know of). And besides we have some really fun missions - I really enjoyed the Lisbon mission, which was incredible to play. But all in all I was rather disappointed about how much this felt like a low effort and how little it fits into the entire lore otherwise.

Funny, though: On the modern-day story we again play a different unnamed new employee for Abstergo, but this time the employees reveal themselves as Templars to us and at the end we are forced at gun-point to join their organization - here the Templars are evil again.

I was intrigued by the idea of playing the antagonist of the series, learn more of their perspective and being able to use the weapons they usually throw at us when we are Assassins. Rogue offers nothing of this at all to us. So in the end, for me it was a real disappointment in the series of AC-games.

UNDERRATED! By far the best AC not even close. Cool story, ship gameplay always good.

This game shows franchise fatigue better than most. This released the same day as Unity to give 360 and PS3 owners their own AC game. The biggest problem with that is that it excluded anyone who bought the new systems from playing this game, since they weren't backwards compatible at the time. Normally this wouldn't matter much but Rogue is the better game, so people with the better systems actually got a worse experience. By the time this remaster came out, the Xbox One was backwards compatible with 360 games and Rogue was on that list, which makes it feel redundant.

The game itself is still very fun. The story is better than Unity by far and Shay is one of my favorite protagonists in the series. Otherwise it's very similar to Black Flag.

I enjoyed this one more than Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, but I feel that was because I didn't enjoy Black Flag that much and this one was a shorter experience, with significantly less tailing missions. That was enough to prevent me from burning out as quickly.

I just played to finish the story as I wasn't engaged enough in the gameplay to want to force myself to collect the plethora of collectables.

Just like Black Flag, I am not a big fan of the ship combat, but I am aware that is just my opinion and an unpopular one at that. It's still a good looking game in 2024 with a decent enough story.

Esse aqui se sustenta só pela história, que arriscou ser diferente e valeu a pena, porque a gameplay é quase idêntica a do jogo anterior. Isso é explicado pela produção conturbada, mas ainda assim, é uma reciclagem que foi salva pelo enredo bem contado.

This review contains spoilers

Have some mixed feelings about how the AC Franchise moving forward. Despite that, I enjoyed the game as it's part of Kenway Saga (Something makes sense to stick with rather than "Helix Player").

It's more Black Flag but with a disappointing narrative and characters. Assassin's Creed has never had the most interesting of stories, but Rogue managed to frustrate the most. The inciting event that kicks off the main plot feels very forced, and everytime the story has a chance to add nuance to the conflict between the Assassins and Templars, it squanders it. Adewale was wasted on this game.

So much potential here, sad to see this labelled as black flag lite.

Excellent first impression, fun story, plays better than anything up to this point. The outside the animus stuff is somehow better post Desmond. World feels too big and full of checklists that makes me feel like I’m missing out when totally ignored but a little bored when engaged with. All in all not quite up to the pirate highs of Black Flag, but still very good.

Jogo mediano, mas com uma das melhores histórias dos AC.

Ótima história, personagens muito bons, um dos melhores protagonistas da franquia, a gameplay é idêntica ao do Black Flag, achei as batalhas navais mais legais aqui, a batalha com o último navio é bem desafiadora até estando com o navio upado, o final conectado com o próximo jogo é bem foda, uma pena o Shay não ter sido mais aproveitado em outros jogos da franquia

This is peak Assassin's Creed.

From the "press X" screen to the end, this game is way more fire than I thought it would be.

It's actually kind of brilliant.

You START as an assassin. Just right off the bat. Which makes way more sense for the story, but still. It's just nice to not have to wait until you get the blade and clothes in the second act.

I didn't know that this was another Abstergo Entertainment story 'cause I thought Black Flag was the only one like that, but I am more than happy to welcome it back. I actually rose up out of my chair and shouted when I realized. And it's even way better than Black Flag's. Pretty much everything is better than Black Flag.

I find the sea environments a bit more intriguing, and cool to look at, even though it doesn't have Black Flag's warm and colorful aesthetic because this is a much grayer story.

The scuffed traversal from 3 was heavily improved in Black Flag and a bit more improved here.

Better boating? Better boating. It has better boating. Both the traversal and combat.

It's just better. And the direction of the actual game is the coolest in the series.

Literally having the 1755 Lisbon earthquake as a set-piece, and you causing it, is fucking brilliant.

All this said, this still sometimes (in the first half) feels very much like it was supposed to be a spin-off like Liberation and Freedom Cry. But it's still peak Assassin's Creed.

It might be my favorite Assassin's Creed story within a single game.

It's almost unfair to compare it to the Ezio games because the tech and the team have actually evolved so much in between that they can do so much more in this game.

Next to last mission MIGHT be my favorite mission in the whole franchise.

And I haven't played Unity yet, but I know the basics, like the setting and the main character's name, and I know how the game starts, and playing this last mission was a fucking trip! I'm telling you... PEAK!


Certainly a good game, I enjoyed playing it

Para mim é o melhor enredo de todos os Assassin's Creed, pois ele te põe numa perspectiva diferente sobre os Assassinos e Templários. As mecânicas de combate terrestre e naval são similares ao AC4 com algumas coisas novas, porém o jogo é um ótimo jogo mesmo assim. Recomendo
Obs: zerei e platinei com 38h

For the most I hate this game, so let's get the good out of the way. The story is nice and brief, characters are nice and plot is kinda interesting. They also nerfed the eagle vision in a better way than Unity. Now the bad, most of this game is asset reuse from black flag, some locations are even the exact same. Even the mechanics are identical, there is close to 0 unique gameplay. The real world plot is still stupid and basically the same as 4, unity, and syndicate. The economy is garbage, I bought everything the game had to offer and still had an absurd amount of funds left by the time I finished all platinum related activities. The world in this game is all padding, most of the activities aren't fun and there is so many locations that are irrelevant. I had a better view of this game when I finished the plot but the completion grind just broke me. This is the type of game that makes you hate being a completionist.

Provavelmente na minha primeira jogatina eu fui duro demais com esse game, rejogando ele agora deu para perceber isso, ainda acho que o grande problema dele é ser extremamente parecido com o Black flag, mas consegui dar uma chance a mais para história e interpretei de uma forma melhor e até gostei.

História boa e personagens interessantes, a gameplay também é deliciosinha e o combate funciona mt bem por mais que se torne "facil" logo no comecinho, o que pra mim acabu por deixar um pouco saturado no final, mas no geral bem bacana, além de suprir a falta de uma história decente que eu senti no unity

The story started off pretty slow and at first I was not a fan at all...even put the game down for a bit. Eventually when I picked it back up the story got much better and I started to enjoy the other side of the Assassin's. All that said, the story was only about 10 hours and I got super burnt out with the exploration and side quests, etc. Mostly because a lot of it resulted it me just sailing from location to location, and I hate the boat sequences in these games. But necessary as I make my way through the series.

Wanted to give Rogue another shot, as I only rushed through the story in the original version. I do remember why now. it is a very short story, and it is minuscule compared to the amount of side content in this game. it is not too bad of a story, really, and the ending is still cool/was half mind blowing having played Unity first.

the problem is this game just doesn't feel as fun to play, for some reason. you could make the case that the naval combat is better than in black flag but for some reason I just didn't want to do it. none of the side content feels good to play really. perhaps its just the sentiment that this would have made a great DLC if they had not bloated it with side content to make it a full game release. I think the parkour might be the worst in the series, as far as going where you want/should/expect to go. it almost feels as if they dumbed down the parkour to make the game "longer"-- which doesn't make any sense, but that's a thought I had while playing..

all that being said, halfway through the story and having done my usual AC quantity of side content by that point, I was thinking that I would just plow through the rest of the story and be done with it...but little did I know I would end up doing a lot of the side content..and not totally hating it.. part of it comes from the achievement hunter part of me (which I am trying to stamp out) and the other was just wanting to get the Morrigan upgraded, cause it looks fuckin awesome when its fully upgraded and with the templar sails.

Other positives:
- the treasure maps are more accurate than black flag; the coordinates take you directly to the dig site, not just the location on the map, where you then have to find the picture on the map. so that was nice.

- got some real good outfits, James Gunn being my favorite.

- James Cook and Hope favorite characters.

- Penguins.

And with that, the proverbial, dumb, self-imposed weight of my assassins creed backlog is off my proverbial shoulders. No longer will I look upon my backlog and see remnants of an assassins creed fire sale, full of games I’ve played before. No longer will I see an Assman creed game releasing and say no I cannot purchase you, for I still have assman creed games in my backlog. I have played all the assman creeds prior to Valhalla, and if they were released twice, I’ve played them twice (and how). But those days are over, all the old titles are now laid to rest. I now have only Valhalla and Mirage on the horizon. Though they may be fended off by my overall backlog, it will no longer be assman on assman crime.