Reviews from

in the past

steep learning curve and not for everyone but very entertaining

This game needs more recognition. Great game that keeps getting better with consistent updates.

I don't even know what a good playthrough of this game looks like but homers will make the love real

It's good, saw boobs on a fish once, that's cool.

The stories that this game can create from gameplay are amazing. I will make sure to tell them all to my grandchildren one day.

Great game, great community but when the community is ass, its really ass. Still however very fun to join community servers and either contribute or do the exact opposite

This game is really fun with friends, really reminds me of the emergent gameplay of Space Station 13. The setting is interesting and the basic concept simple to understand and fun. Lots of depth here for a simple game about making a submarine stay a float

Barotrauma is a 2D co-op game where you and your friends pilot a submarine in the depths of Europa. This is a multiplayer game, single-player is an option, but I don’t recommend it. I found it a very fun and enjoyable experience, although a bit too long. If you have a few friends, I would recommend minimum of 4, and want to play something a bit out of the ordinary, then I highly suggest it.
Your end goal in Barotrauma is to get to the centre of Europa’s underground ocean. The reason as for why you want to go there is never given. I guess it just piqued your curiosity.
The world of Barotrauma is fascinating. A colony beneath the ice of Europa that is just holding on after being abandoned by Earth. There are multiple factions which are vying for control. You have your more standard Europa coalition and Jovian separatists, then you have the weird ones like Church of the Husk which prays to an alien parasite and Children of the Honkmother who are literally just clowns. There is much more lore in the game if you want to discover it, but a fair warning, your friends might not share the same sentiment.
Mechanics and gameplay
The first thing you have to do is pick your class. Classes determine your role in the submarine, your skills and what you can craft. They are captain – steers the sub, gives commands to other, most important role, engineer – repairs anything electrical, can craft cool stuff, mechanic – fixes anything mechanical, security officer - kills, medic – heals, and assistant who doesn’t do anything important, don’t play as that class. This makes everyone on the sub important and allows for a lot of replayability.
After everyone has picked a role and joined, the captain picks the next destination and mission. They can be anything from mining or killing a swarm of hostile alien creatures, to exploring an alien ruin or taking out a pirate sub. These missions are good mostly, but though out the course of the campaign a few missions were being repeated, this made the game less enjoyable and at time a chore to get thought.
Combat is rarely you vs the enemy, which as simple as point and shoot. Most of the time it will be your submarine vs the enemy. This type of combat is my favourite part of the game, especially when the situation gets dire. Your cooperation skills will be put to test when you are flooded on the ocean floor, while being attacked by a gigantic worm.
For the sake of brevity, I won’t go over everything in the game, but you should know it a lot.
Graphics and artstyle
I would say that the graphics are pretty good. While not something jaw dropping, it is nice to see a 2D game with more realistic graphics.
If it wasn’t the multiplier, Barotrauma would be an excellent horror experience.
Soundtrack and sound effects
SFX add a lot to atmosphere, and hearing a distant wail while the sonar shows nothing in your vicinity never is always nerve wracking. I can say the same about the ost. Most of it is ambiance. My favourite part is “Embrace the Abyss”.
Final Thoughts
If you are cold, they are cold. Let them in.

Симулятор подлодки Курск на Юпитере

Did not enjoy but could have been the people I played with

Followed this game since it's alpha, and needless to say it is great at making you fear the ocean, would recommend

Game's aesthetic is unflinchingly grim and grungy and never lets up on that for a second, i don't totally think it really works because there's nothing to really motivate you to keep pushing through this depressing sea of inky black darkness.

Very fun multiplayer game. Get this game and use it as an excuse to yell at your friends for being idiots.

lost all cargo and killed by endworm

Good game but you need friends and AI is goofy

Cool game but i recommend to play it with a controller

Incredibly underrated horror game brought to you by the people who made SCP : Containment Breach.

Barotrauma immerses you in its unique 2d style with its atmospheric spaces, varying from claustrophobic, such as the well under-prepared submarines, and the giant abyss that contain incomprehensible horrors.

This game supplies a deep world with lots of lore if you look for it, and has a great game-play loop of teamwork, communication and preparation for the horrors to come. Including many different mechanics such as upgrading subs, crafting, farming, skill trees and all of the sorts that allow you to specialise in whatever you love (my personal favourite is the mechanic's MECH)

Barotrauma is an amazing experience in both singleplayer and multiplayer, highly recommend to anyone who hasn't checked it out as it's great fun when you don't know what you're in for.

(However, I myself haven't really gotten that far into the game despite my hours, as I've never managed to get around to investing into a single campaign. I'll have a go at aiming to beat this game someday and give a more in depth review then.)

i could probably write a greek tragedy out of my experiences in this game

Terrifying, brilliant, atmospheric. I fell in love with this game, and my friends did too. Recommend

turns out all ss13 needed was a talent tree

Dont understand a single thing happening, get carried by your friends, enjoy the atmosphere.

Gerçekten çok yaratıcı bir oyun. Arkadaşlarınızla eğlenebileceğiniz, güzel anılar yaratabileceğiniz bir oyun. Öğrenmesi ilk başta zor ve karmaşık gelmişti, ama sonradan bayağı kolay olduğunu gördüm ve eski halimle dalga geçtim. Korkmayın, pek zor değil. 2-3 saat içinde bütün mekanikleri çözebilirsiniz. Oyunda bayağı yaratık çeşidi var, bu oynamadaki hızınıza bağlı aslında. İkinci bölgeye kadar biraz tekrar edebiliyor, ama bölge bölge çok değişiyor. Müzik ve atmosfer oyunu güzel yansıtıyor.

J'ai rien compris, le jeu est beau, y'a plein de mecaniques, faut une equipe et une coordination de fou, mais BORDEL que c'est dur d'accès. J'y ai joué avec des copains qui connaissaient deja le jeu, j'ai rien capté. Je penses pas y retourner un jour, trop dur

FUCK I like this game BRO!!!!

I do not want to be stuck in a submarine with my friends. We're all going to die.

Extremely fun in multiplayer. Basically you make sure your submarine doesn't blow up while stalked by horrors beyond your comprehension.