rena ryuugu but lesbian and kicked-in-the-head
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K:S occupied DDLC's position in the Online Cultural Zeitgeist before DDLC came out. Unlike DDLC, which it often is compared to as per having a reputation as Baby's First VN, K:S pretty much adopts the genre's tropes wholesale - despite the insistence of fans who just haven't played any other VNs.

If it has one Achilles heel, it's the fact that it's a collaborative project, and in addition to tonal dissonance, the fact remains that while i personally found certain routes Almost Too Much Like A Mirror, others left me wondering where the hell the 4th act went. Content-wise, you'd expect a 2012 western VN about disabilities to be far worse than it is - however, K:S manages to be more than halfway decent, even anodyne at times.

If one part actually aged horrifically, it'd be the fact that the Best Friend character's rants came across as mildly amusing in the distant past of 2012, but now in 2024 come across as the ramblings of a dude who's going to do a mass casualty event.

i mean it's a bit clunky but the campaign dripfeeds you mechanics effectively, it's pretty much the only Space Simulator out there that you actually fight in