Reviews from

in the past

This takes what was already perfect in the trilogy, bumps it into 4k HD and adds all of the DLC. I just about 100% each title and their respective DLCs and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. This collection is an insane deal because it gives you some of the 7th generations best video games all in one package.

My favourite franchise, such good games

Great game to play and and the best way to play the whole series. Infinite was the best followed by 2 and then 1. the story was awesome as well as the gameplay. I can see why several games are based off of the series. Burial at sea was the best dlc for the series by far. Would highly recommend listening to all the audio logs after beating each game because of how hidden details and stuff related to each big character. Can't wait for Bioshock 4 and Judas.

big daddy is hard

oh wait........

An amazing collection of amazing games nothing else needed

This is how you do social commentary in a video game. A lot of fun too, even if some of it drags.

Nota: 2.0 / 5.0
Review em andamento...

Bioshock 2:
Ainda pendente para jogar.

Bioshock-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5- An amazing scary fps with such amazing atmosphere, and abilities. The best scariest introduction to a game in a long time. Fun combat, terrifying enemies and combat, and a satisfying end.

Bioshock 2- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 - Feel the power of the big daddy, Subject Delta. Now while admittedly not scary unlike the first, the game is an amazing sequel with more things to do that make the game so amazing with combat, feeling the power using bigger weapons like the drill, rocket launchers, etc. This game did a great job making you feel the power of a Big Daddy.

Bioshock infinite-⭐⭐⭐⭐/5- a game with so much potential squandered by development issues and lack of awareness. This game is very pseudo in terms of how you view the world in Bioshock Infinite, the infinite implying parallel universes/multiverses. All very surreal, but honestly just an excuse to say "we didn't have enough development time, so here's an interesting ending and story to think about. You sort of forget that this is connected to Bioshock up until the end and more specifically Burial At Sea Episodes 1 and 2. Still a great game, I recommend his one

100% recommend this collection

Incredibly satisfying to return to this collection of games and play them back-to-back. The first two BioShock games struck gold with the story of Rapture's fall and decay, with the Minerva's Den DLC being the most effective showcase of the BioShock formula. So many iconic moments have sprung from this collection that have been cemented in gaming history.

BioShock Infinite was great in its own regard, though I believe it should have been completely separate from the BioShock series (much like how BioShock itself was a spiritual successor to System Shock). Merging these two worlds together delivered mind-blowing twists at best and fanfic-quality scenes at worst.

Overall, The Collection is a must-play for anyone who hasn't yet experienced BioShock, or for anyone who hasn't played these since launch. Your mileage may vary across each entry and DLC, but there's bound to be something in there that makes your jaw drop.

excellent collection of amazing games

Three of the most confused games I have ever played in my life. They are neither firmly walking simulators or FPS and are very terrible at being either, with saturday morning cartoon level storylines that try desperately to be edgy and thought provoking.

Masterful mood setting from the music to the gameplay and the unparalleled level of atmosphere. This is what videogames strive to be. If you haven't played these games I'm gonna come over there and punch you in the crotch.

I can't give it a 10/10 because i didnt like the third game too much but its still good. Such a beautiful saga. I'm a huge fan.

This review contains spoilers

The whole Bioshock saga is literally a piece of me.
It's my favourite game by far and has the best story ever written period.
I did not know what to expect when I played Bioshock for the first time; it was creepy and pleasantly confusing, I kept shooting and hitting splicers out of sheer fear for around 2 hours before getting the hang of it. Still, the game has a lot of unexpected moments, so you really don't ever have time to take a break. Dialogues on the first Bioshock are stellar and iconic, I still have the shivers thinking about Ryan's comebacks.
Then there's Bioshock 2.
Bioshock 2 was probably the hardest one of the bunch, and because of that I've missed a good chunk of the story on my first playthrough (since I was very invested in the fighting). Story holds up beautifully, I almost cried at the ending.
Then, Bioshock Infinite came, and boy was it a confusing game for the first 2 hours. Then everything clicked and the more I started to understand the story, the more I felt a genuine connection with myself, no joke. Ending had me in tears.
So yeah, after finishing the 3 games I was already fully satisfied with the saga.
The year was 2013, I have played all the Bioshock on their release date (I'm reviewing the Collection because it was the best way for me to replay them all).
Oddly enough, it took me 5 years to realise that The Bioshock Collection included two DLC's called Burial at Sea 1 & 2.
I had never heard of those, and on a rainy October night of 2018, I started playing them.
Got hooked and played them both in a row, non stop, having low expectations since, well, the saga was already perfect and you can't really master perfection, specially with some DLC'S (I've never a seen a DLC genuinely improve the overall game's quality).
The ending of the DLC's made me freeze on my couch, literally, so many emotions all together. I never knew how much I actuallly needed a connection between Bioshock Infinite and the first game, and the DLC's succeeded in doing that masterfully.
Do yourself a favor and play this game; and by "this game" I mean the whole saga.

Uma das melhores trilogia shooter.

Impossível escolher entre o 1 e o Infinite.

Very few games can capture half the atmosphere of this series. Rapture and Columbia are beautifully realized worlds. Fantastic lore and storytelling. Bioshock 2 is pretty weak comparatively but still a fun time

tremenda coleccion que suele estar a 100 pesitos

Pretty good series especially if you fw science and 50s music, basically Fallouts “salty” cousin

Bioshock 1: Best story, best antagonist, best atmosphere.
Bioshock 2: Best gameplay, nice endings.
Bioshock Infinite: The most confusing. It's good, though.
Burial at Sea: Enjoyable DLC's, especially the second part.

The definitive way to play one of the best trilogies of the last 20 years.

Esto lo sacaron para mi, que yo lo sé.