Reviews from

in the past

Played this back in 2008. I don't remember anything except I know I had fun playing it, so that's must be a good recommendation.

The reason it’s called Midway is because every game they make is MID.

Es basicamente todo lo malo que existia en la septima generacion de consolas sobre juegos belicos y shooters genericos. Es literalmente eso, lo generico y vago hecho videojuegos. Minimo el gunplay no es desastroso, pero vamos, mediocre eso y es lo mejor del juegos. Visualmente aburrido y feo sin nada interesante, el juego anterior minimo se veia con efectos y estilo mejores en varios niveles, y se ve fofo el diseño, los niveles es interes 0, los enemigos si algunos seran grandes, pero poco importan, y solo son esponjas de balas, sin nada interesante nisiquiera resultan en un desafio mas que un poco ese gigante que tienes que matar con cohetes pero que nisiquiera asi es la gran cosa, muy basico, sin estrategia, los momentos de conduccion no aportan nada, nisiquiera hace falta esforzarse en apuntar, sumando trayectos nada interesantes, y esos disque enemigos gigantes e imponentes, es pura apariencia, ilusion.

Y la historia no va a nada, los personajes apestan, el sistema moral y de ayuda es inservible y hasta saca de inmersion, la inteligencia artificial es estupida, el mesclar mierda de IRAQ con aliens y super soldados hace que se pierda el foco, y siendo que dura nada, no se desarrolla nada, y es todo soso en dialogos, incluso con la muerte de uno, bah, no se siente nada. Es eso, la nada misma este juego, ni potencial, ni ejecucion, lo unico, es que minimo, solo es otra cosa mas por la que pasaras y no sentiste nada. Simplemente no vale nada ni esta hecho con esfuerzo de ningun tipo, casi que por "mira, habia querido hacer una secuela, pero meh, rapido, hecho a las patadas para sacarlo a tiempo, y listo".

This is truly one of the most unimaginative military shooters I've played in a long time. Even Delta Force Xtreme feels more original than this, and that's saying something. I don't know how you can make a game about aliens and conspiracy theories so boring.

At least the shooting is serviceable, the driving feels okay, and the assault rifle is fun to use. The environments are very forgettable, they all look the same. The chapter set in the suburbs was a standout, but that's not saying much.

If you're going to play this game on the PC, be sure to check out the PCGamingWiki on how to turn off the post-processing effects. Not only does it make the game look better, but it also fixes a lot of graphical artifacts.

Pretty run of the mill FPS for the time period. Story feels immaterial, voice acting is meh, and enemies get predictable after a while. Probably the best part about this game was the gunplay, even if there are 6 weapons in total and only 1 is worth using.

I played this about 3 years ago and even then it wasn’t all impressive. This game has nothing to do with the underappreciated Area 51 that came out years ago despite being made by the same studio. In fact, the game has nothing to really do with Area 51 at all except you fight through Rachel, NV and there are aliens. The game is a day worth of mediocre entertainment at best. The story is paper-thin with something about a government experiment where they are trying to create the perfect soldier using prisoners and homeless people. The experiment breaks out and you are fighting off a weird para-military plus Xeno aliens. The characters aren’t interesting and this is by far just a B grade experience.

The worst part about the game is the lack of content. Only a few weapons (like less than 6) and a handful of enemy types make for just a typical shooter experience. There are a couple of large boss fights that were epic at the time, but now they feel too scripted and stale. The graphics are pretty bad since this uses the Unreal Engine 3 from years ago so there are badly scripted explosions, crappy AI, and a useless squad command and moral system. You can send your two buddies somewhere, but it makes no difference because they won’t shoot anything most of the time. If you get shot a lot your morale will go down, but I actually didn’t notice this do anything because the AI is so dumb anyway. There are a few vehicle sequences (which suck), and all the weapons feel the same except a couple of alien weapons.

The multiplayer is non-existent because the servers have been long gone, but you can grab the game for less than $1 on Amazon. The game lacks the greatness of its predecessor with a lack of interesting stories, characters, and scripted cinematic events. You can go around collecting Dossiers, but other than that this is bare-bones at best. The game had a lot of potential but was executed poorly with lazy design and shortcuts. Why should you bother playing it? Mainly for fans of the first game or who just want an FPS fix for a few hours.

only ever played the demo. it's very shitty

Despite what it may seem, this is a misleading sequel. Like it has the same name and all but just different characters and such. It would have been cool if Ethan Cole returned from the previous title. For this game the charm of original is gone tbh. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but its basically if COD had an alien setting than a pure military one. Its slightly shorter than the first game which is saying a lot since its also not that long either. You got turret sections, squad commands which don't really do much except progress the level. There is definitely worse games just don't expect much. I can only recommend to the most hardcore of FPS fans or if you find it dirt cheap.

BlackSite: Area 51 is a game I'd almost call offensively generic. It's a pretty good showcase of some of the most apparent trends that oversaturated the shooter genre in the 7th console generation. The locations are drab & boring, the characters come off uninspired & the creative scope also is surprisingly barebones considering the setting is supposed to be an "alien invasion" - only really having 7-8 alien types and roughly the same amount of guns available for use.

These days the game likely can be found heavily discounted, but unless really craving for a 1st person shooter in an alien invasion universe I cannot recommend this for anybody to play.

I remember vaguely playing this game in my childhood because it was one of the few Teen rated FPS I could get my hands on.

Got it for $5 the other day and replayed for the first time in well over a decade and man…

I don’t want to say this is the worst FPS I’ve ever played but I’m having a hard time thinking of one worse. When there was a turret section about 3 minutes into the game I knew I was in for a doozy. It’s beyond generic. 2 weapon limit. I think there are maybe 5 or 6 guns in the entire game and I basically used the AR the entire time. Lame regenerating Health which I’m never a fan of.

All of the levels are bland with washed out filters and 3/4 of the game take place in the same desert environments. There are maybe 5 enemy types and in a game about aliens you sure spend most of your time shooting copy paste soldier enemies.

The story is lame. Voice acting sucks. Only redeeming quality is the shooting itself feels ok.

There’s no gimmick to this game at all just the most bland Fps you can imagine. There’s a squad mechanic but it’s bare bones as they can basically only open doors for you and get on turrets. The game constantly tells if squad morale is low or high but as far as I can tell it changes nothing.

Avoid at all costs unless you want a last. At least it’s short (4 hours) but this is really scraping the bottom of the barrell.

Somehow I beat the game on the highest difficulty and I'm not sure how I had the patience for it as a child.

This game at a glance looks like a very middling run of the mill military shooter of the 360 era, upon playing it, it is indeed that.

About 4 of the 6 chapters are all in a desert area (either Iraq or Nevada), the last chapter being in a sci fi hallways, and the 3rd chapter being the most memorable. Its just in a small town at dark, levels include a trailer park, a cul-de-sac, town center, and a drive-in theatre.

There are SIX weapons and ONE of them is good. The assault rifle feels pretty satisfying and has no drawbacks. The pistol is fully auto and feels fine, but why use it and not the rifle. The sniper rifle zooms in way too far and its hard to use it on console. The rocket launcher is alright i guess, just a rocket launcher, dont get a lot of ammo. The shotgun charges up for more damage(?), or maybe it charges for more focus on the spread, no idea, it just feels terrible. The last is a plasma rifle that shoots a ray then has an explosion where it hits, doesnt feel bad, but doesnt feel good.

The driving segments feel alright, they just copied halo controls.

The story could be a really cool anti-government thing, but this game is also like 4 hours long, not that the gameplay really supports that much longer of a game, but the game had troubled development so it just couldn't reach its true potential.