Reviews from

in the past


Bloodbornes world and combat system is incredibly engaging, I just wish more of that attention would've been paid to the bosses which often felt lackluster apart from the DLC.

Fuuuuuuuck... this was the best game ever. On par with Elden ring I mean.

Except for the occasional game-design flaws, this is an uncompromising masterpiece. And, paradoxically, all the conventions that accompany the souls-like genre in one way or another, play here into the hands.

(Jan 11, 2021)

Ainda é o melhor jogo já feito.

My second favorite videogame of all time, probably. But.. Elden Ring exists


Esse jogo tem uma história insana, vídeos sobre a história desse jogo me causam um fascínio incrível. Sua gameplay também é maravilhosa, é impossível não compará-lo com os jogos da triologia Dark souls, e quando comparado ele não fica muito atrás, apesar da pouca variedade de builds disponível. É um jogo que vale muito a pena, e com certeza vai te proporcionar muitas horas de diversão

Perfected the Dark Souls formula and trimmed the fat. Every weapon is unique, the regain system is genious and the worldbuilding is as best and most coherent of any Soulsgame.

The coolest worlds in gaming, nothing will ever come close for me. The biggest complaints about this game is due to it being locked to Playstation consoles, a pc port would be 5 stars

Cool creature designs. Nothing else much that I cared for

Main game is fine though as far as From main games go I think it's the weakest. Totally saved by the DLC. All together it's only $40 but still.

The best atmosphere, gameplay, and soundtrack, in summary, is a work of art.

the only fault of this game? personal opinion but: the bloodgems. well as the netcode for online play, but back then the souls games division of fromsoftware didn't are too much about online so i'm not blaming them fro flopping on that here.

still, everything else, from themes to atmosphere to gameplay and so on so forth is so stellar that even the low fps on base ps4 can be forgiven.

It's just that good all the time. Except the defiled watchdog.

Atmosférico. A temática, a jogabilidade e o visual de Bloodborne são fascinantes.

Avançando com uma selvageria inigualável, derramando sangue sem distinguir de quem, Bloodborne é uma experiência bela e visceral que faz questionar: Até que ponto um caçador é tão diferente das feras que mata?

Mudando mecânicas clássicas dos "soulslike" da Fromsoftware, Bloodborne apresenta uma gameplay que cativa pela sua agressividade, audácia e um ritmo frenético de combate que é simplesmente hipnotizante. Os combates metódicos e mais lentos que são característicos do gênero são substituídos por trocas intensas e tomada de riscos muito satisfatória.

Com uma narrativa que se desenrola lentamente num mundo com estética gótica vitoriana que é igualmente lindo e assustador, os temas de perpetuação de violência e o sofrimento feminino vão cuidadosamente escalando ao longo da experiência de forma recompensadora para os jogadores mais atentos, mas que pode ser completamente imperceptível para os menos dotados de capacidade de interpretação. Se existe algo para se criticar em Bloodborne é que eu gostaria de me afogar ainda mais em seu universo e seus temas, ficarei com um eterno desejo por mais.

Bloodborne, to me, is still an experiment within the Darksouls games. There is an improved leveling of weapons in the form of gems, which should allow players to experiment with their weapons, there is the largest swamp in which you literally fry with snakes, and there is an otherworldly swamp in which you bathe with Cthulhu-like creatures, and meanwhile poison accumulates. What do I mean - this part seemed to me wild as much as possible, and that’s why I liked it. We all need Bloodborne 2

Бладборн все же как по мне является экспериментом в рамках игр Дарксоулс. Тут есть улучшеная прокачака оружия в виде самоцветов, которая должна игрокам позволять эксперементировать со своим оружием, есть самое крупное болото, в котором ты буквально жаришься со змеями, а есть потустороннее болото в котором ты купаешься вместе с ктулхоподобными существами, а тем временем настакивается яд. Я к чему - данная часть максимально показалась мне дикой, тем и понравилась. Нам всем нужен бладборн 2

Jogasso. demora um pouco pra se acostumar com o ritmo e com a dinâmica nova do jogo mas tudo nele é frenético e a gameplay é muito divertida.

This game just has so much to love. Getting to play as a max aura god killing hunter in a setting that perfectly captures that gothic grittiness aesthetic. Trick weapons as a concept are just the coolest thing ever, and the game rewarding you for playing aggresively with the rally mechanic. Plus having the best story in a fromsoft game with eldritch horrors and deeply interesting characters.

Crazy goth atmosphere with scary monsters and blood everywhere.

One of the greatest games ever made. With Amazing weapons all with their own move sets and combos, some of the best world building i’ve seen in a game, and a soundtrack that makes every boss encounter a horrifying spectacle. My only complaints are of course the blood vial mechanic along with some of the bosses.

One of the most atmospheric games ever. This combines with the most perfect worldbuilding to create infinite intrigue. The gameplay is also close to perfect. The combat is challenging, but never feels unfair. Its slick, fun and horrifying! One of the best games i've ever played! Time to try to get platinum.

The gothic, Victorian art direction mixed with best in class level design, and a combat system that rewards an appropriate sense of aggression and strategy leaves this game in a truly unique category of its own.