Reviews from

in the past

Way too difficult for me to really try to finish this, but I like the variety.

I felt this was easier than the NES version, likely thanks to the better aiming controls.
Didn't even know this was a thing tbh, I always thought NES Contra was the first one. Pretty fun!

The arcade version of Contra is like the first season of the Simpsons. Neat to look at from a historical perspective but otherwise not worth revisiting in insert current year.

An unapologetic quarter muncher (full disclosure i saved state the fuck out of both my playthroughs), the actual basic run n gunning can still be pretty satisfying, but the sequel, NES port and future entries all did everything much better.

PERSONAL BEST: 108,300pts

The two mumbling beefcakes of 80s Hollywood are together at last! With the mission to storm straight into Nicaragua and violently usurp their current socialist government on the behalf of Ronald Reagan and initiate an entire massacre on civilians kick some alien ass in New Zeland in the year 2633, this arcade shooting cornerstone completely embodies Dukie's credo of shooting everything on sight, being tough, and chewing bubble gum.

It has to be said this is an evolution of Konami's many shooter games(evolving straight from "Scramble" up through "Gradius"), that sticks to the principle that you need the power-ups and that once you die once, you lose them all and are pretty much a gonner. It's a requirement to have power-ons all of the time, and it is damning every time you get something that is not the spread gun or machine gun. Often these swaps get irreplaceable, and you need them especially for the later-game bosses, although they're so hard they'll reduce you to using pea shooters anyway.

Like "OutRun", I think "Contra" can be credited for managing to invigorate the 16-bit artstyle. The jungles are pretty and lush, the sprites of the heroes are wonderfuly recognisable, crisp, realistic, and you can imagine the whole package being seamlessly translated for the Mega Drive. And also the alien designs can get really yucky and disturbingly organic. It's so funny and artful how this pastiche on "Commando" so seamlessly blends into the finale of "Alien", and just couple it with early forerunners of gaping stone faces shooting fireballs that are so obviously an inspiration for Sega's "Altered Beast".

"Contra" officially has 7 stages but with the change of landscapes it really feels more like 10. As a casual player it is perfectly achievable to reach(or even beat) about half the game, but then it just starts being very brazen and uneven with its difficulty spikes. Some segments are obviously breather portions meant for relaxation, just so that some insurmountable, bullet-spamming boss is waiting around the corner. But it was an arcade game, what can I say, and people must have been compelled to get to memorise all of these patterns, using only the advantage of your high platforming flexibility in tow. I know I certainly was, and every single time I took it on the hand, I always felt I could reach a step forward, and that excercising that excitement is certainly a mark of good game design.

(Glitchwave project #022)

"Oh man Contra was so good except for that part and that part and that part and that part and that part and that part and that part oh yeah also just input the 30 lives code also go play Contra III instead."

NES version just feels better anyway
Graphics are kinda like a ugly Genesis/MD game and the music doesn't help.
Still a fun game to play anyway

Apparently this becomes an alien game at some point but I could never make it that far

This was the first arcade-style game I ever learned to beat without dying. Kept a stack of index cards next to my PC and just kept track of how many times I died per stage, and made notes about problem spots as I focused on just getting a little better each day (stage 6 is the worst one IMO). After a week or two I had done it and unlocked a new appreciation for these old games.

Counterintuitively, I think part of what makes this game seem hard is the 30 man code. It suggests you'll need all 30, and at the same time makes the player a little sloppy in their approach.

Bring a friend, use the konami code and good luck. Expect no mercy from the game, try again if you feel like it

I thought this game was just too ambitious for when it came out until I got to the power plant level

Otro juego que jugué mucho en mi infancia, adoro sus diseños.

Honestamente, meu Contra favorito, não é um jogo fácil, mas com exceção de 2 fases específicas na reta final, eu sinto que o jogo é mais justo que os outros da franquia, devido ao seu gameplay mais lento, ele acaba sendo mais fácil de perceber padrões e aprender como passar de cada fase.

Muito bom, mas é bem dificil, acho que cheguei no maximo na terceira fase.

Eh en vrai j'aurai mis vla la tune sur une borne d'arcade sur ce jeu

o jogo é legal mas assim, a dificuldade disso aqui, pessoalmente, é ridícula de difícil eu simplesmente não fico com vontade de jogar, porra

Pales in comparison to the nes version. The graphics are ugly and distracting. It is difficult to tell what guns are which because they all look the same. The music is fine, but the controls are sloppy. The bullets lack impact on the enemies and it can be hard to tell if your actually damaging the bosses (lack of noticable sound effects). Life was better before I played this version. Start with the Nes version and pretend this doesnt exist.

Çocukluk dönemimden bir hatıra. Hiçbir zaman bağımlısı olmadım, abartıldığını düşündüm. Ama olsun, güzeldi.

Este lo jugaba con mi vieja en el family cuando yo era un pibito.

Jogue o jogo sem botar código da Konami pra aproveitar bem o jogo, senão vc zera o jogo muito rápido

The vertical screen orientation really hurts this game. It's fine on the vertical levels obviously, but it feels really cramped on the horizontal sprints. NES version definitely feels more fair in comparison.

Never got past the giant wall in level one.

Arcade que no está mal, pero es injusto.

2 dudes, 8 Stages, 3 lives, and multiple continues


This does NOT reflect the NES port, as the original arcade version is practically a different game. A decent run-n-gun, but the sub-par controls and poor sense of movement makes it very underwhelming. I wouldn't give it too much flack, as it's one of the very first games of this subgenre.

It's very much a game of it's time, it still looks nice and blowing enemies away feels cool, but the complete bullet-hell it is with just barely enough manoeuvrability to avoid the one-hit kills doesn't make for a good gaming experience these days. It is unashamedly a quarter-muncher (and shamelessly steals a page - nay, the whole damn library - from H.R. Giger's Alien), but it is easy to at least see why it was as iconic as it was.