Reviews from

in the past

Ein nettes Rogue like, bei dem die Raumwahl wirklich einen Einfluss hat.
Allerdings ist es im ziemlich langsam.
Und damit meine ich nicht die Kämpfe, die sind hektisch und schnell, aber man läuft langsam, rollen wirkt kaum schneller und birgt immer die Gefahr in einer Falle zu landen.
Und dazu muss man das Spiel 15x durchspielen um zum finalen Boss zu kommen, das ist leider die altbekannte Roguelikekrankheit. Immer mehr Spielzeit, egal wie sinnfrei.

Extremely satisfying combat! Definitely not Hades, but a wonderful roguelike.

Curse of the Dead Gods es un mas que notable Roguelite, pero que sufre en exceso por una curva de dificultad que se les escapa de las manos después de unos primeros runs que son tremendamente sencillos.

Por lo demás, muy disfrutable, con una buena variedad de armas con movesets muy variados y aunque peca un poco de repetición de enemigos, nada que se haga muy muy pesado.

I like the gimmick where you start off as a crewmate but the deeper you get in the dungeon, the more impostor you become.

Very much enjoyed the game at first, but after a dozen hours or two and having completed a few dungeons, I'm just not feeling it anymore. The art is gorgeous and moody, the combat is solid and fun, but I'm just not enjoying the way the game handles stamina management and how frustrating it feels when enemies interrupt your attacks when stamina is so limited. It doesn't help that this, again, feels like playing a demo where I have to unlock the full game, and the unlocks are so expensive too. Just seems like a case of a solid game that I'm not really vibing with and I just want to move on.

i love rougelikes and this one has some cool mechanics and weapon combos but dang am i bad at it

A very challenging roguelike with a fun combat system and interesting and in depth mechanics. The game feels good to play but I'm concerned for its longevity.

Will update review if/when I reach the endgame

Curse of the Dead Gods is a great roguelike, the combat feels amazing, if you're a rogue-liker you'll probably enjoy this one. It has some meta progression but not too much, and I really appreciate that you can stop weapons from appearing after you unlock them, so you don't feel bad about unlocking something bad like in some other roguelikes.
Unfortunately the game suffers heavily from being able to tell how strong your run is going to be fairly early into the run, while simultaneously being able to ruin great runs in the span of seconds. This on its own wouldn't be all that bad, but runs can take very long.
Also it gives me some uncomfortable colonizer vibes

Really competent rogue/souls/like. Hard combat but satisfying when you master it.

You explore an ancient temple in roguelite fashion. It draws a lot of inspiration and concepts from Hades which is a good thing because Hades is amazing. It also adds some layers to it, for instance, the curse mechanic, everytime you clear a room you get cursed and after a threshhold you get a curse (up to 6 times) which hinders you but at the same type gives you some kind of bonus to compensate, it's pretty interesting and makes you plan in a certain, different, way each time or the inclusion of stamina as a core mechanic. But that's just about it, the rest of the game, as I said, it's pretty uninspired and pretty easy for the genre. Worth a try but not for full price or at least not until they release some extra content in some way.

It's far from one of the greatest games I've ever played, but it's still very solid nonetheless.

It feels like a mix of Hades/Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls to me. If you're a masochist like me you'll definitely get some enjoyment from the game.

The UI and environmental traps are Hades to a T, but the art style and darkness mechanic are very much like Darkest Dungeon. Taking more damage when not in the light makes you play a lot more strategically and the curses/corruption mechanic is a pretty unique concept too. Basically you can pay for an item or upgrade by corrupting yourself and once your corruption meter reaches 100 you get a curse which is a debuff and buff of some sort that you'll have until you fight and beat a boss at which you'll get a chance to cleanse one of your curses (You can have a total of 5, the 5th and final one is basically a death sentence though seeing as how it makes your health drain to 1 over time)

This is the kind of game that thrives on its combat alone and the combat is much more precision based and strategic than Hades due to having a stamina management system ala Dark Souls, but you do still have a main weapon and secondary weapon along with various perks like in Hades and there's tons of weapon variety too.

I'll say there's hardly any story, there's no other characters you talk to in the main hub area like in Hades and the music might as well not exist as well and due to these factors the game really dragged on in its last hours because there's really only 3 different temple variations you go through and once you go through them each like 20 times they get kind of boring.

That said all the bosses were a lot of fun to fight and all throughout my 30+ hours of gameplay I never got sick of the combat, just wish there was more variety in the level design and the music was more memorable. All in all though I enjoyed the game, it had some fresh concepts I haven't seen utilized in the genre before and very enjoyable core gameplay and combat plus it was very challenging.