Reviews from

in the past

fucking hate square enix man...

Putting a bunch of characters from various FFs into a game and sprinkling Bravery/HP mechanic on top is not enough to call this a Dissidia.
If this and NT is the kind of sequels we're gonna get, then I'd rather have this spin-off series stay dead.

Love the "what if" character scenario combos, but the combat is just a bit boring.

A decent game, but the gameplay gets extremely stale extremely fast. The story is about as good as can be expected when given the daunting task of writing a story that involves literally all the mainline (and some offshoot) FF characters. I know I wouldn't be able to do it.
The gacha system is nice, but not great. You will be at its mercy a lot in the endgame.
Gets rather grindy to get the mats to power up your peoples.
All in all, it makes me miss FF: Record Keeper.

This shit is WAY better than it has any right to be

I played this religiously for years, and I have to say it was just what I needed in that time. It's super generous with free resources with constant content and updates. In the end I had to put it down purely because I realised I was trying to "get things done" rather than actually enjoyed playing it anymore, which I think was a huge symptom of the Burst+ era, where none of the content is challenging except for the Hardest mode, which can only be solved in a few ways. Maybe it'll get better in time, but for now I'm happy with the characters I built over the years and how much fun it was watching them grow over time. Extra points for the expanded storyline for games like IX.

It’s probably one of the best and most generous gacha games. I haven’t played many of them but I did play this religiously. It’s great seeing your favourite characters interact with each other, but honestly, it’s this element that keeps you playing. I’ve decided to move on, hopefully definitively. It was taking too much time playing it, watching videos and reading about it. Not to mention, most of the time is spent on grinding to get to the most difficult content. That content is often designed in a way to incentivise you to use certain characters. It becomes too much to keep up with the meta, afraid of missing out on rewards and the feeling that you need to pay for the basic moogle pass to avoid excessive grinding.

I’m giving it 4 stars to show that it’s the best when it comes to this type of game. If you feel the need to try gacha games, then it’s best to try this one. But ideally, it’s better to not play them at all. I came to the conclusion that I can use all this time to play more quality games that don’t have any predatory elements.

I'm not having fun my brain is just experiencing the dopamine fix of seeing low poly final fantasy characters I know

I'm not one to say gachas are friendly but holy shit this one is very friendly.

The best of the many, MANY Square Enix gacha games, which is a low bar, but hey... it's something.

This game was the only gacha I’ve ever tried that just showered me with free shit all the time it was nuts. Gameplay was alright and the story i got through wasn’t much to write home about but it was a good time waster. Sucks that games can just be killed forever


I really hyped this game when it was announced. I mean: a full internal cross-over turn-based game with everyone's favourites instead of just main guy vs main villain? YES, sold me on.'s a gacha. And it's dead after these years. And the producer admit it won't be easy to make an offline version of this.

It's been a really long journey with this game, now the servers will be shut down in February so I'll stop playing with all I did for years and there is no hope for an offline version; anyway Opera Omnia proved to be a really good gacha, the pulls and farming were really generous maybe the most generous of all the gacha I've ever played
I really liked the plot, the first two seasons were practically an adaptation and expansion of the plot of Dissidia NT and then continue with the last two seasons with unpublished stories, I really hope that Square Enix changes its mind and releases an offline version...

Really good character writing but the combat is very stale wish we could get this kind of writing in a real game.

As a FFRK veteran who came to this game because Global died, it's pretty good. Has some great character interactions.

Kinda confusing though.

El único gacha que se libra de mi furia, buen trabajo Square Enix

No tengo ni idea de cómo me convencieron para probar esto y jugarlo durante meses

Played the game from the beginning until the end of the first EX Weapon era... it has an unlimited amount of content to do. If you like grindy gacha games play it.

As generous as it is, it does not absolve it from being boring as fuck.

one of the greatest gachas

As far as gacha games go, there are few options better than DFFOO, especially if you are a Final Fantasy fan. It's never felt greedy and the power creep element that dominates most gachas is actually part of the fun here. No characters ever get left behind and there's always reasons to pull. It's extremely rewarding and has been a source of fun for the past couple years for me.

Outside of the first few months, the community has also been one of the most helpful and kind groups I've interacted with.