Reviews from

in the past

I really like this and need to play it more.

Juego corto pero solido. Las mecanicas son bastante simples. Tu cavas, luego te defiendes y repites. Aun asi, consigue que se vuelva dificil y divertido el conseguir las mejoras o la excavacion en si misma.

Solid Ludum Dare game (originally submitted as Dome Romantik). The endless mode didn't quite do it for me, but the progression from the normal game mode was great.

Un muy buen juego de minería, pero no como el Deep Rock. Este es para simplemente estar de chill.
Aunque en los dos matas bichos.

De gameplay sencillo de entender pero difícil de dominar, pequeños coleccionables y secretos que son lindos encontrar y un platino que puede ser jodido por momentos pero con el tiempo lo acabas por completar.

mineros go brrrrr

sword and artillery op, assessor op

oynanışı basit
fizik var
ne dedi ne dedi?
hamidimiz dedi

A nice arcade experience, with great art and sound direction. good for just popping on and playing a round while you watch some youtube! Roguelikes tend to fall into the trap of early game being too hard until you learn its mechanics, so I really appreciated how Doom Keeper eases you into its gameplay before you're digging around a huge map.

I really appreciate the amount of of options they give you to tweak your rounds. Having options for alternate play styles like drillbert mode or auto defense only is a lot of fun!

And prestige mode is a nice twist on your basic gameplay loop, but endless mode is so dangerous to me. I WILL just mine hours upon hours with no higher thinking going on in my brain.

don't know if i just didn't give it enough of a chance or if it just isn't my vibe

Truly arcade style, play till your heart's content. For me, that was clearing every sized map, and trying every dome option. Tons of options for re-playability and setting your own goals; but I would love a bit more structure.

Game itself is a fun mix of systems and easy to jump in/out of. Great on steam deck!

I was really excited to play this game for a long time and get try out a bunch of strategies... until I found out the game is actually very easy, and there isn't very much content. Beat this game on all difficulties in one evening and tried out almost everything, which was a really fun time... but I wish there was way more.

It’s kinda fun. Gets very repetitive after a bit but it’s somewhat enjoyable.

Muito divertido, ótimo pra passar tempo fazendo runs curtas

resource management games usually aren't my favourite, but this was surprisingly fun! loved the exploration process of mining and looking for resources, balanced with the increasingly challenging but satisfying combat rounds. the art style is beautiful (especially the different themes and settings!), and the variety in gadgets, upgrades, domes, and keepers means there's so much to discover and enjoy with each play through.

Esperei um puta tempão para comprar e a espera valeu a pena.

Perfected concept but really small game. Still really fun and great, worth the minimal amount of money they ask for it

Solid game, additicive game loop but you quickly realise there's not much below the surface. But still a great time for a few hours, it just wont be your new obsession.

Awesome roguelike, the aesthetics and music are so enticing. gamers truly do yearn for the mines. also big fan of finding shit in games with no explanation. maybe that weird object you dug up is a teleporter, or maybe its a bomb teehee

Dome Keeper is a fun challenging survival, resource management, tower defence game. It sees you mining resources under your base and using what’s found to level up defences against waves of enemies or alternatively improving your characters resource gathering abilities.
Something I quickly began to appreciate about Dome Keeper was its freedom of progression. You initially start with 1 base, 1 character, 1 game mode and a handful of difficulties and map sizes. This doubles in size as your progress with each completion granting new game options, towers, and ways to play. I personally loved the desolate atmosphere that the mines and barren planet surface provided with a great OST to top it off.
After unlocking most of the games content there doesn’t seem to be much appeal to keep playing. The concept and gameplay loop is fun but it feels shallow and lacking depth to keep playing. I enjoyed my time with Dome Keeper but once I was done, I haven’t had an urge to go back.

É divertido, mas não por muito tempo. No começo, quando todos os mecanismos estão bloqueados, surge uma certa empolgação pra desbloquear tudo, já que aparenta ser o real objetivo do jogo. Porém, essa empolgação só dura até você perceber que os outros acessórios, como o pomar e o repelente, nem se comparam com o escudo, assim como as relíquias, onde poucas delas são realmente significativas, enquanto o restante é desprezível.

Esse desbalanceamento presente nos equipamentos, aliado com a pouca variedade de builds, limita o jogador a seguir sempre o mesmo caminho (sendo esse o único funcional), tornando a experiência bastante repetitiva, e que só vai mudar caso você queira concluir alguma conquista em específico.

Quanto a gameplay em si, o jogo conta só com dois gamemodes, sendo um deles mais voltado pra competição, o que eu acho ok, mas não é o meu estilo, então para os jogadores casuais só resta o modo caça relíquia, que como eu já disse, é bem repetitivo.

Mesmo assim, eu consegui contornar esses defeitos e me divertir com o que estava ao meu alcance enquanto platinava o jogo, e tenho que dar um crédito para os gráficos, o estilo de arte e o design de som, que são uma verdadeira graça.

Pequeño roguelike muy interesante en que debes recoger recursos para mejorar tu cúpula de defensa de varias oleadas de alienígenas.

Pensé que el time pressure iba a ser muy agobiante, pero la verdad es que se lleva bastante bien. Recomiendo bajar la dificultad al principio, eso sí.

Interesting idea, but became boring after 5-6 hours

It suffers a bit due to its simplicity, but I'm a sucker for alien concepts like this one. It lends such a great atmosphere to games of this nature. I'm a bit divided on whether the lack of information and text in the game is good or bad; I think it's a bit of both, after all. Anyway, that was a good game to invest 10-12 hours into.

I am sure many people will find this game enjoyable; it just wasn't for me. The shorter timer on each descent into the ground stressed me out. I felt like I had a good hold on the game and beat runs multiple times on increasing difficulties. I just don't like feeling anxious about missing the deadline. I already have enough deadlines to keep in real life. I don't want them in a video game.

On the other hand, the choices you have to make about upgrades are interesting. It feels like there is enough variety that is viable enough to warrant having to choose between multiple good options. I like the variety that the different playable characters and the different dome types present. As I said, many people will probably enjoy this game, even if I do not.

fun for a couple of runs sword dome for real

A simple but fun gameplay loop with just the right amount of tension. The atmosphere and music are excellent and I really appreciate variety of gameplay modifiers and tweaks to mix things up. Not something I can play forever but I had some really great moments with this one - nothing beats the feeling of that truimphant return the surface with the relic in tow!

i am generally not a resource management enjoyer, but dome keeper has IT. it is stylish, fun, and downright engrossing with its gameplay loop. the two modes, relic hunt (30-50 minute bursts with a goal) and prestige (uncapped, but generally 3-ish hour score attack mode) are each vastly different play experiences and the 4 domes each play drastically different in each mode. this combined with the various gadgets, modifiers and difficulties means there is a LOT to this game that on the surface seems like it doesn’t have much content.

Fun rougelite-ish experience. Haven't completed everything yet but played enough and beat enough of the variants to give my thoughts. Gameplay loop of defending and then digging is fun, and forces you to make tough choices between going back up and staying to find that one extra material you might need. Very punishing on harder difficulties.