Reviews from

in the past

Beautiful, enthralling, rewarding platformer. Honestly, one of my favourite video games, as far as gameplay and visual aesthetics go. Cheap, too!

One of the best 2D platformers I've ever played & the soundtrack fits the game perfectly.

Platforming is a bit too sticky for me. Didn't finish.


A game with a wonderful soundtrack, good visuals, and an absurdly high skill ceiling for lots of momentum-based platforming. It's awesome, but I think its problems show a bit too heavily on the front end to really consider it truly amazing.

Up until the point that you actually do put in a bunch of time and effort to learn advanced techniques and movement, the game is unfortunately really clunky. This is made a bit worse by how bad the controller support is: if you're not interested in running m+kb, you have to sacrifice a bit of functionality like being able to open the menu and the controls end up feeling a little awkward unless you map stuff to shoulder buttons.

On top of all of that, from my run I seemed to notice there was no fast traveling between doors. This means that if you wanted to take a break from a tougher one in the campaign to practice on an easier one or just try something else, you're gonna have to commit to redoing whatever platforming challenges and backtracking the game requires you to do to get to said tough doors before even trying again at all.

Beyond that, though, Dustforce is absolutely sick to play when you get into the groove with it and I wish I'd looked more into community maps because of how pretty and unique they can get (though the official ones are still great). It's a game clearly crafted with love and made for people who want to put a lot of time into truly mastering a game without it having to be a fighting/racing/rhythm game or a speedrun of a different genre. It's valuable in that sense and is a shining example of how to make a platformer with a heavy focus on momentum physics. There's nothing to really bog the game down in terms of story or world structure, and that openness helps a ton. If I ever feel like I wanna grind at a game to get really good at it, this'll almost certainly be my go-to.

One of the most perfect platformers I've ever played, and my favourite of the genre. It feels a bit weird at first, but stick with it and you have an extremely satisfying platformer with more than enough room for mastery. Thanks to its soothing yet fiery soundtrack, clean visuals, swift restarts and great community replay system, Dustforce cultivates the perfect environment for players looking to master each level. It's an easy ticket into the Flow Zone which once you've tapped into, there's no coming back from.

Another feeble attempt to convince me that things like "chores" and "manual labor" are fun. Pathetic.

Doesn't reach five stars because it has the most static clocktower level I have ever played. Enemies don't even move in medusa head's pattern.

outstanding soundtrack, i still listen to it regularly. gameplay is so solid, feels so nice. really hard to get good at, love the visual style.

great moveset options make for a really strong timetrial-esque platformer but the delay on jumps always irritated me, also just don't like the key progression system

Incredible little game. Explores its mechanical ideas in a very satisfying way. Never got to the Difficult levels, but can pretty confidently say it's my favourite platformer.

There is something overly satisfying to seeing yourself slowly get better at what the game has to offer, starting from instantly clearing bronce levels to being scared of golden levels to actually trying to SS them... and then understanding why the difficults were locked behind ALL other levels in the first place.

At least I conquered Giga and popped off so hard I wouldn't discard the idea of revisiting the other difficults eventually.

Dustforce is a game that I've been meaning to play for years, It's a platforming clean em up with difficulty that ramps up in a fair manner. Alot of thought was put into the game's mechanics because jeez there's alot of movement options to consider with each character. The game's style is pretty and I really like the soothing soundtrack.

This is a game that demands for you to get good at it and I don't mean that in an insulting way. You NEED to master the game's movement mechanics if you want to progress further. SS Ranking stages is basically a need, which sounds daunting, but it becomes easier as you feel yourself improving, but man trial and error will test your patience. The satisfaction afterward though feels really good.

I managed to get through all the levels and snag 13 red keys, leaving about 3-4 stages I gave up on SS Ranking cause I gotten tired. I know I can definitely do it, but maybe in the future.

I recommend this game if you want a challenging game, or if you love P-Ranking Levels in Pizza Tower. This game is basically tough & tight platforming, cleaning, and getting the highest ranks on each level to unlock harder ones with mastery. There's also a level editor and 100+ community maps so you'll keep busy here.

Yes I really did complete this. Masterpiece of a game

Volví tras una experiencia rara hace muchísimos años, y esta vez he conseguido hasta pasarme niveles! Muy buen juego pero con una barrera de entrada que puede hacerse empinada, si le dedicas tiempo y conectas con su plataformeo tienes para rato entre niveles oficiales y de la comunidad.

Short, sweet, wish they made more games

As an amatuer Hockey player of over a decade I have been skating a long long time. I've been to speed skating clinics and camps and I've taught children to skate. Ice skating is something that I am intimately aware of both consciously and unconsciously. When I skate I know how to use every muscle in my body to get the maximum amount of speed out of my stride.

Dustforce is the only game I've ever played that has the mechanical depth and varied level design to simulate a level of kinaesthetics comparable to real world motion. Playing a level in Dustforce gives me the same mechanical bliss that ice skating gives me. Ice skating being a thing that I passionately love and have dedicated more than half my life to.

Video games are cool.

Actually a really cool game. Nice visuals, great soundtrack and satisfying platforming. I completed quite a few levels and had a good time with them but the physics/inputs are difficult to get a handle on and the gold doors are a massive pain to get to most of the time, let alone complete.

Dustforce is one of those games in which every piece of it compliments its whole. The serene soundtrack keeps players calm and focused, while they master complex, technical, lengthy stages. Menus are optimized to activate the moment you press the button, even before the menu visually appears. The replay and leaderboard system put others to shame and should be adopted by all time-attack games in the future. Level design with strong variety in length, difficulty, and layout. Enemy behavior is deterministic, preventing frustration while adding gameplay variety and excitement in opposition. Completing a level evokes a mix of relief and joy, particularly due to the immediately available replay, in which players can admire their handiwork and reflect on how they grew to get to where they are. The skill ceiling is high with this one, but the open-ended level unlock system and custom levels should give beginners enough content to make the plunge worth it. Dustforce DX is not only my favorite 2D platformer of all time, not only my favorite platformer of all time, but my favorite game of all time. Please play Dustforce.

This game feels so good to move around in.

the controls didn't click for me at first but once i completed around 10+ levels, this game became an insanely fun platformer

Best platformer I've played (Celeste a VERY close second)

SSd every official level including Yotta Difficult. Probably one of the hardest things in video games I've done.