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in the past

Unfortunately I think the first trilogy of SaGa games got progressively less good as they became more streamlined. While this one is a serviceable JRPG, it further dulls some of the concepts from the first two games that produces a more generic experience backed with a middling plot.

y asi finaliza la primera parte de esta franquicia....como se nota que lo hizo un equipo re ajeno de anteriores entregas

The final entry in the Final Fantasy Legend trilogy is without a doubt the most accessible one, with strides taken to streamline the gameplay into that of a more traditional RPG. After the polarizing features of the previous Legend games, it was pretty funny to have to spend a whole 90 minutes adjusting to the idea that experience points do in fact exist, that stats are automatically distributed based on just leveling up, and weapons and abilities are yours to keep and don't break after 50 uses. Which, honestly, I didn't miss that last one, it made things pretty stressful.

What ultimately remains from the prior Legend games, is the class system, and the concept of eating meat to transform into potentially less or more useful monsters. Robot classes make a return as well, but require the hurdle of significantly nerfing your party member's stats, so I did not use them whatsoever. And the mutants are here, but they're no longer dependent on luck. Much like a Final Fantasy mage, you buy spells for them, and they keep'em.

So, yeah! Forget the lessons you've internalized from Legend 1 or 2, because this is as close to a traditional RPG as I'm sure the Saga series will ever get. And, well, as a traditional RPG, it does an okay job. The story is barely decipherable, but the exploration can be fun, especially when you reach the biggest island of them all. I enjoyed the lite crafting elements that allowed you to get new spells, weapons and armor, even if most of them never came in handy. The way they handled upgrading your ship was interesting, and the fact that it joins you in the final battle was the game's one and only hype moment.

Speaking of hype, can we talk about what doesn't illicit it? The battles. The reason for what effectively kills the game and why it sits at a sagging 2.5 stars, is just how fucking slow these battles are. Even Legend 2 got this right. In Legend 3, you feel each and every single turn - whether it's yours or the enemy's - give you wrinkles on your skin. There's a long and unnecessary pause for each and every attack you deal, or receive, and my god, please just go faster! But there's no options to speed it up. There's nothing you can do, but fast forward the shit out of everything, at which point the game feels like a blur as you start paying less attention to what's actually going on in the battles. But you'll get through them, don't worry, because it really does not take much thought, or an ability to stay conscious.

I think there's also a slight problem with the way this game handles worldbuilding, when this is one of the first RPG's I've seen where an NPC does not tell you the name of the town you're in. It does, however, tell you the names of other towns as hints, but how the fuck can you tell "Porle" apart from "Donmac" if there's nothing to indicate that you are indeed in these towns when you get there? When looking through guides, I thought some of the character names were actually town names on top, it made keeping track of story things all the more confusing.

Legend III is a very average game, with some small above-average ideas sprawled about, all wrapped in a sluggish battle system where not even the fast forward button disguises its pace unless you crank that shit up to times eight. One of the reviews here said something I very much agree with. That even though Legend 1 was jank as hell, and Legend 2 was a heavily stressful and frustrating experience, at least those had something going for them through their unconventional approach. As for Legend 3? You can't even see me on the chair, because I've slumped all the way to the ground to take a nap. Zzzzzz....

But, hey, if I miss the way Akitoshi Kawazu handled game design, I'd better cheer up then, because my next RPG is Romancing Saga! I am both terrified and very curious.

Was part of a package deal that I received both the 2nd and 3rd games for the Game Boy. See my review for Legend II... it is far too archaic for me to enjoy.

Of the three Final Fantasy Legend games, I definitely like this one the most. It makes some sort of cool changes to the character types from the previous games and the story and worlds are a bit more interesting.

Your characters are specific people in this game, which is a departure from the first two. The plot centers around your group being sent from the future to avert a disaster. Much of the game centers around upgrading your time/space ship by traveling to different worlds and solving problems. I really like how your ship gains functionality as the game progresses. It is a believable, seamless way to give you different movement abilities as you advance through the game.
The plot itself is cool and some of the time traveling stuff is interesting and unique.

Though you control specific characters, you still have full control over what type of creature they become over the course of the game. Enemies drop parts or meat which you can "install" into or feed to a character, moving them more towards Robot on one end of the spectrum and Monster on the other (with humans and mutants in the middle). This is interesting, but extremely convoluted and it is very easy to accidentally transform a character you don't want to.

I had a better time with Final Fantasy Legend 3 than I did with the first two. It plays a bit better and the events make just a bit more sense. Combat is still very simple and repetitive, but the more involved character customization and more interesting guest characters make it more tolerable.
If you want to play a very early game boy SaGa game, this is the one to pick!

Still very much in the mood for old RPGs after SaGa 2, I got right to work on completing the last of the GameBoy SaGa games. I bought this collection on Switch well over a year and a half ago, and I figured it was high time I actually finished the darn thing x3. I didn’t know much about this game going in other than that it wasn’t really a SaGa game beyond the title. The creator of SaGa had already been pushed on to Romancing SaGa by this point, so the team that put this together were largely the team that would go on to make Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, and this game was something of a prototype for that game in many ways with how much they share mechanically. At any rate, after all of the wikis I’ve needed to consult and countless stats I’ve needed to keep track of playing other SaGa games recently, I was honestly happy to have something more straightforward to play XD. It took me around 15~20 hours to beat the Japanese version of the game via the Switch SaGa collection over the course of a week (without using the collection’s speed up features).

SaGa 3’s story is very involved and complicated right out the gate. Years ago, a large pot appeared in the sky and began to pour water and monsters out into the world. Within a couple of decades, the world was completely submerged underwater and monsters had destroyed anything that was left afterwards. In a hope to prevent this awful fate, three young heroes were sent back in time to train for the day they’d be able to try and save their doomed world. Their leader, Dune, is our main character, and our story begins on the day their training is complete and they set out on their quest.

The story honestly goes tons of weird places after that, and there are tons of other named NPCs and places throughout the story that you’ll need to keep track of throughout your time-hopping and dimension-hopping adventure. Heck, the other three player characters all have names and roles as well! That said, none of it really matters much. The story is quite complicated compared to the previous SaGa games on GameBoy, sure, but not to much end. It’s a story where a ton of Stuff (TM) occurs, but it’s mostly just for the sake of giving the player a Next Location to progress on to. A decent deal of it is probably me playing this in Japanese rather than English, but I found the story quite difficult to follow, myself, though I gave up caring all that much about it pretty quickly. The dialogue writing is pretty flat, and beyond that, it’s a pretty bog-standard good vs. evil story that happens to have a somewhat novel setting for the time. While that’s not exactly a point against it, it’s not really a point in its favor either.

The mechanics are indeed much more straightforward than a typical SaGa game, and they’re downright nearly as simple as they could possibly be, quite frankly. You’ve got a party of four members, two physical attack-focused and two magic-focused, and you gain experience points from leveling and a level up will give you a general boost to your stats. It’s damn near as simple as a turn-based RPG like this comes, honestly. There are some annoying nuances and lacking of information regarding what strengths weapons actually have, but nothing terribly unique for the time.

To give the game at least a little credit, however, it does try to have some SaGa-y mechanics by adapting the monster system from the previous two games. While you can’t have any monsters in your group like you could in SaGa 1 and 2, you can instead have your human and esper party members eat meat or use robot parts dropped by defeated enemies to transform into monster hybrids and cyborgs respectively. Eating the opposite type you currently are will turn you back to normal, and there are some dedicated purification spots to do it at as well if you’re having trouble with that. Becoming a monster or cyborg makes your equipment act differently as well as gives you some special abilities (that are different from spells) depending on what you’ve turned into, and they even shift around your base stats to boot.

Neat as all that is, it’s a pretty poorly implemented system that I never engaged with much. Even if you don’t eat more meat or equip more cyborg parts, you can still shape shift after a random battle into a new form, meaning you can’t reliably maintain a particularly useful monster or cyborg form should you find one. It makes your party plagued with unreliable side-grades and down-grades in how it affects your stats and max HP, and I found it a perfectly viable strategy to just ignore that stuff the entire game and stick with a more stable normal form party. I’ve got to give a little bit of credit where credit is due for implementing such an involved system in the game, but I really wish they’d gone through the extra effort to make the stuff actually feel like it was worth using at all.

The presentation is, at least, quite nice and doesn’t let down its predecessors. The music compositions aren’t quite as nice, in my reckoning anyhow, but it’s still another GameBoy RPG full of good music. The graphics are also quite nice, and while there weren’t any as stand-out memorable as there were in SaGa 2, there were still a lot of neat, silly bad guy sprites to fight along the journey.

Verdict: Not Recommended. This isn’t a bad game, per se, but it’s one I find basically impossible to recommend you spend your time with. The story is dull, the mechanics are bland, the signposting is quite bad, the difficulty is quite easy, and it’s not particularly outstanding in its presentation either. You might not have a bad time with SaGa 3, and the mechanics might frustrate you a bit less than SaGa 1 and 2 on the GameBoy did, sure, but at least SaGa 1 and 2 (for all their faults) were novel and interesting in many ways. SaGa 3 may’ve been perfectly acceptable when it came out, but I think it’s very hard to justify spending time with in 2024 unless you simple must experience every SquareSoft game that’s out there out of pure intellectual curiosity.

Easily the weakest of the first set of SaGas that I've played so far, but that doesn't make it actually bad. This one wasn't really mechanically interesting so I didn't feel much like messing with the complicated shape changing system, but there's a charm to that. I'm sure there's people who've been through with the all robot party or what have you and that probably articulates in some new ways. I don't give a shit I wanna replay II instead.

I do think that most of the mechanical space of the design that started in FF2 was kind of exhausted and the director was different so there was an attempt to experiment in various ways. Most of those ways just end up circling back to making it more like a Dragon Quest, with character progression being handled via levelling up and the differences in weapon classes being nullified. You always have to have two physical characters and two magic characters and anyone can learn anything and there's no real reason for them not to. This would be the better one if you're a kid who can't wrap your head around the mechanics of the previous games but it's pretty disappointing for me now.

Storywise, it's also a lot less bold, but not without some cool ideas. The first half of the game is all about how your characters were sent to the past to like, grow up into protagonists and fight the bad guy, who is flooding the world. They don't do as much as you'd want with the concept, but you do get to travel the same world in three time periods and watch it change, like an early look at concepts that'd be more fleshed out in Chrono Trigger and probably other games. It's not MUCH but it stands out.

The second half of the game has you flying your own spaceship around, finding parts to upgrade it and crew to staff it. This is fun in the way that any RPG with a similar mechanic is fun, and it pays off more than you'd expect at the very end when the ship flies in to help you fight the final boss. Again, this will be done better in later games but it's here and it's enough of a draw to keep me going.

Also the enemy sprites are still just top tier. There's so many weird mouth monsters in this one holy hell it whips. Mouthy flesh wads for days. Bless them. Oh also being able to jump is a real innovation in the area of 'an npc has blocked me from going down this path and I have to wait for the rng to move it'.

O único SaGa que merece o titulo de Final Fantasy, claramente pela falta do Kawazu no time. SaGa 3 tenta fazer a série se tornar mais palatável para jogadores de outros RPGs, enquanto mantém alguma das mecânicas principais da série por lá, como as diferentes raças e a possibilidade de ser monstro ou robô.

É um jogo que flerta com uma grandiosidade admirável pro Gameboy, colocando o mesmo mundo em diferentes épocas do tempo. A questão é que falta aqui o charme dos 40 mundos diferentes ou da customização enorme que você tinha em SaGa 2 ao escolher raças diversas. Em SaGa 3 todas elas jogam meio iguais e você vai sempre querer as que são melhores.

Indiferente, ele ainda é muito único quando você percebe as particularidades engraçadas dele, como você poder pular por cima de NPC na cidade porque dava pra ficar preso em algum canto por muito tempo, você ter basicamente uma cidade ambulante em forma de sua nave que te da cura e lojas em qualquer ponto do world map, ou a maquina que te transforma de monstro para humano ser uma privada.

Apesar de ficar atrás de SaGa 2, o 3 ainda faz jus a trilogia de Gameboy e é um belo RPG massudo pra quem ainda quiser jogar RPG de Gameboy em 2021.

I don't really have much to say about this game in particular, but it does bring up what I feel may or may not be an interesting topic of discussion. What exactly is better: A video game which strives to be different, yet fails to be entertaining when doing so, or a game which makes little effort to break from the mold, resulting in a solid but unremarkable total experience. Obviously, neither are ideal, but Final Fantasy Legend III, in an effort to eliminate the more obtuse mechanics of it's two predecessors, achieves the unfortunate result of being a game which fails to separate itself from the competition, simultaneously being a step down from home console contemporaries. I can respect the first two Saga games for their sheer audacity in how unique they felt to progress in, even if I think they're far too inefficiently designed to function as legitimately quality experiences. Final Fantasy Legend III retains a few aspects like the monster transformation, but pushes itself into the same box as the traditional JRPG, with simple character growth and combat interaction. The end result is a game which I enjoyed enough to play a significant amount of, but one which I likely won't have much memory of in a few months. Meanwhile, I will always remember the first two Saga games, and my nightmarish struggle to understand even a small fraction of their totality. None of these games are really worth playing beyond curiosity these days. It's neat to see how the series progressed in a fairly short amount of time way back when, but they are obviously the types of games not meant for players as dumb as me. 3/6