Reviews from

in the past

I love MMO's! Rekindled my love for them after grinding WoW as a younger kid. Beautiful story

My balls hurt and my wife mysteriously disappeared after I stopped taking my meds to grind daily's

Good but I'm not a huge MMO guy but love FF

I've given it enough of a go. 50+ hours of walking between boring quest after boring quest. I try to pay attention to the story but drab writing makes it so easy to tune out.
Supposedly the community is great? But most people I saw were just idling in the hub, not a single person chatting. No real reason, at this level, to actually play with others - dungeons drop you in with 3 others, but once that's done you part ways.
Tab target combat was serviceable but has no weight. Which is pretty standard for such a system but still I'm not a fan. No sense of build freedom, pick a class and that's it. Equipment is all slight number increments of meaningless stats.
Idk, I might be playing it wrong. But after 50 hours I seriously found nothing of value :(

Wonderful world design and beautiful music doing a lot to carry the ugliest character and armour models in a modern MMO. The moment I feel engaged by battling a random dungeon boss, I'm brought out of it by looking around and seeing myself surrounded by cat people, bunny people and a race of small cherubic children.

its mid but i can watch its always sunny while grinding :)

Marking this since I finished "A Realm Reborn" the first segment of the story and saw Credits. I mained White Mage and had a blast, only running into trouble with some heavy single player DPS moments that I had trouble getting the damage out for. I am gonna definitely keep playing but the first majour story bit is done!

O segundo melhor MMORPG que já joguei. Suas qualidades são inúmeras e, seus defeitos, pouquíssimos. Com certeza é o MMO com melhor narrativa e momentos impactantes, mas peca um pouco no conteúdo online (para fazer com amigos) e seu mundo não passa uma sensação de "sandbox" tão boa, por ser um conjunto de áreas instanciadas. Tirando isso, toda a gameplay, cenários e sistemas funcionam em perfeito conjunto.

I'm rating Final Fantasy XIV as a whole, and not just A Realm Reborn, which I'll do soon.

This game is quite THE ADVENTURE, its probably the best current MMO, it has an absolutely amazing and unforgettable story and sountrack and the people you'll meet along the way will change you forever.

One of the best Final Fantasy games ever.

this is probably the coolest mmo imo

Puta MMO FODA, sem palavras pra descrever a qualidade.

(this is about A Realm Reborn btw)

The game at basis is AMAZING, but the main story (the "first" part of many others) can feel a chore and nothing really interesting (beside some primals fight) happens until 3/4 of the game.
After that...hooooo boy. Got definitely emotional. And I still have to beat all the rest!

it doesn't get good until the end but theres still that first 3/5ths of the game that blows ass

Amazing art, story, characters, and gameplay. The community is very accepting and supportive and I have made so many memories within the year that I’ve been playing

Hikaye sunumu pek iyi değildi ama geri kalan baya keyifli geçti. 40 saat gibi bir sürede ana hikayeyi tamamladım ama genişleme paketlerine geçmedim henüz. Summoner basit ve etkili bir class ama daha farklı bir şey arıyorum şimdilik...

Got bored of ARR like 70 hours in

only other mmo’s ive played were old school runescape and club penguin. I was hesitant to play this game cause honestly I was just lazy, but I was worth getting into. made new friends because of it and got closer to others so yeah. very shitty game

local man saves incompetent company

I can not continue a game like this with the promise that it gets really good later. I am current on One Piece, but can't get through A Realm Reborn. All the game has been is walking across the world to talk to a person, so that I can go all the way back to talk to another person. The story hasn't hooked me, the gameplay is monotonous, and it feels like a chore just to get to the part where I can start having fun.

This is my third time trying to get into the game, and I really want to for my friends who've spent so much time engrossed in it. I'm very interested in the social aspects, I like some of the locations I've seen, and I greatly appreciate the generous free trial. Maybe in the fourth try it'll click, but I've given this game way more leeway than basically any other.

This is genuinely so ridiculous to me. I have always loved the concept of an MMO. I have tried so many hoping to get into it. I grind a couple tens of hours and then stop. I thought this would be it dude. I put 140 hours just trying to beat A Realm Reborn. I tried on a first character and got near the end of the story. Stopped because shit just got so boring and grindy. Started again this year with hype for focusing on the story and taking my time. I finally got the first credits roll. After hours of majority side quests that are just fetch quests. I cannot stand how much filler there is. Its worse than a freaking shonen anime except you cant just put it on in the background. The amount of a time waster this is is insane to me. I was hoping to plow through the story to get to heavansward onward which ive heard is awesome. BUT I STILL HAVE 30% more quests to go after rolling the freaking credits!!! PLEASE TELL ME ITS WORTH IT. SOMEONE TELL ME IF THE STORY IS GONNA GET GOOD ENOUGH TO THE POINT WHERE I SHOULD KEEP PLAYING IT. I THOUGHT THE STORY SO FAR WAS FINE AND SOMETIMES FUN BUT THAT SHIT WAS SO MID OVERALL!!! PLEASEEEE HELP ME!
I loved the character customization and the dungeons are fun and im so hyped to do reaper and dark knight but thats not for another hundred hours +. Should I stop while I can?

hold on let me check my playtime

Por mais cansativa e muitas vezes monótona que tenha sido, A Realm Reborn fez um bom trabalho em me introduzir a Eorzea e seus povos, sociedades e conflitos, fundamentando um alicerce que tenho certeza que será essencial no desdobrar da narrativa a qual fico feliz de só ter começado, pois os pontos altos de ARR foram mais que suficientes para me deixarem bastante animado para continuar essa jornada.

Joguei umas 20 horas e cansei.

(I'm not reviewing every expac separately fuck that, this review is for the overall package)
Quite possibly my favourite story in any game ever made, be warned that it takes a looooong time to get to that point though. Especially the first expansion being the massive slog that it is. Kind of falls flat as an MMO in my opinion though since there's nothing really worth working towards unless you're a hardcore raider (And even then all you really get is stat increases), but definitely consider if you want a massive world and a massive storyline to get invested in, although keep in mind that story isn't very consistent in quality since it swaps around writers multiple times. Also has some fantastic boss fights and a soundtrack that is like if Toby Fox had a AAA budget.

How to make someone play an MMO who does not like them? Add a great story. The brilliant soundtrack doesn't hurt either.