Reviews from

in the past

good season before comp players ruined it

there's no genuine criticisms outside of knitpicks for this season

not as good as underground but i already look back on this and long for it compared to chapter 5 season 3

Great goop they ruined this season in like two seconds with the bending. The battle pass still stunk, hell areas were hellish 😉, and the item shop was out cold, but what still worked crumbled after they introduced the skinwalker Aang mini-pass 😟

The XP changes sure were a jump scare. I log in and look at the season end date, and see it's a week to go, and i'm suddenly aware that i still have pages of battle pass to get (not the shiny styles, who cares).
It's a really stupid decision to reduce the XP gain options for BR in a vain attempt to get people to play the lego modes etc. As all that happens is people find exploits and work arounds, and your modes end up un-played anyway, or even worse; stuffed with bots and people occasionally wiggling their character around.

if you told someone in 2018 Greek mythology was gonna be in Fortnite, they would have flipped out

Myths & Mortals is in my honest opinion: an unbalanced, boring mess. It did have a great start though with 4 new locations that are all pretty neat, 4 new weapons that are all genuinely balanced and pretty good to use on top of some fun Greek-themed items, and each of the boss medallions does something unique rather that just give shield. There were still a lot of flaws (New locations are kinda bland, Zeus' lightning sucks, Ares' Medallion was worthless, Reaper Sniper, etc.) But it was still a mostly enjoyable experience. Even a few old weapons got updated and a whole LTM for Midas was added too which was pretty sweet.

The Battle Pass this time was a rather "meh" for me, but some people were also quick to notice missing details compared to the outfit and artwork, which does suck ngl. I didn't complete it, I think I got to page 9 or 10 when the season ended.

Then everything changed when the water nation attacked.

The Avatar event and everything after that is the textbook definition of "how to not balance your game". Waterbending was fine when it came out, but not even three days later it was buffed considerably to the point where it was better than any Assault Rifle or SMG, especially with the lack of damage dropoff. Even though the other Avatar items came a short time after and were all pretty cool, on top of the Frenzy Auto Shotgun getting a well-deserved nerf, everything else after was was bad. The updated Tactical AR was a straight up copy-paste of the hitscan version with double the recoil, making it completely worthless. Meanwhile the Reaper Sniper received a bunch of nerfs that are best described as "band-aid fixes", ranging from reducing the spawn rate & rarity to increasing the bullet drop so much so that the gun is extremely awkward to use. And despite all of that, Waterbending remained in the game for the rest of the season without any further changes. And everything else didn't change either.

Oh yeah the Star Wars event.... Anybody remembered that? I got the Yoda backbling, which honestly was the best part of the season.

Yeah this season sucks as a casual player. Really goes to show that a single weapon can ruin a season.

Also where was Kratos?

Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to nerf the amount of XP you get?

The assist ass to ever ass but it has Toph so no 0.5 stars

Отвратительный сезон, в котором нет ничего нормального кроме кучи коллабораций

honestly maybe i’m being dramatic, but this is kinda the season that made me fall out of love with fortnite. it was this season that made it so readily apparent to me how much epic wanted to milk this cash cow, with inflating skin prices, as many as three different battle passes at a time, and xp reductions incentivizing people to play longer or spend more money

cool theme and skins though

Wasted a really strong theme tbh. So many misses and downgrades in terms of new skins. Loot pool was a mess and they took out all the Mythology related items for like a month just for an Avatar collab. New locations were really neat tho.

had great potential, would be the greatest season of all time if they used aphrodite's survey style

really fun during the avatar event but got super boring after

If they just buffed the wings add some kinda bow and a mythic for Medusa this season could a been peak especially with the avatar mythics like they had the perfect recipe for a great season and threw it out the window for no reason like I don't get fortnite man season was good tho i liked the avatar scrolls ility he air bending is def the best mobility item this game ever had like Spiderman's was fooler but still why put two goats against each other but yeah this also the season I actually got good at festival and also the same time i was I was in and ended my relationship with my toxic emotionaly abusive gaslighting ex boyfriend so very fond memories of all of that but anyway yeah fortnite chat we love fortnite id give the battlepass a 4/10 only liked slurp aquaman long with swim free and your all mine since the vocals remind me of the dmc reboot and i got top 2 on bass once so that made me smile

This was the worst season of Fortnite yet. In all my time of playing, never have I been so utterly disinterested in playing than during this season. This was the first time I never even bothered with buying the battle pass, or just playing the game in general. The pass was so lame, with such an awful execution of what should've been absolutely knockout choices for skins and for a theme. The idea of a Greek mythology themed season sounded awesome! And then they just gave us... this. I am pretty sure I only played 2 or 3 matches this entire season, and I don't regret it at all. I never even bothered playing the Avatar mini-event (1. Because I don't care about Avatar, 2. They removed any Greek themed mythics, completely butchering the theming even further, and 3. This season just sucked) and only hopped on once a few days before the season ended before I just became so bored I quit the game in the middle of a match. I am so thankful this awful season is over and I'm just hoping the game gets any better from here on out.

I liked this season a good deal. Loved the multi-phase boss fights at the mythological locations. Didn't care for the battlepass so I kind of capped out at 150. Nothing special but this game is so fucking polished and realized that it is still so good.

Uma season dos sonhos para mim e minha namorada. Um passe da mitologia grega, mini-passe de Avatar, superestilos ótimos e muita diversão. As mudanças do mapa foram muito boas, assim como os itens, eu amei cada detalhe. Para mim, os problemas vem fora da gameplay e dentro: a loja ficou com preços ABUSIVOS - as skins de Avatar foram super caras, sendo que nem tinham quase nada de diferente. E pegar XP foi horrível, eu consegui nível 200 só no último dia, literalmente. De resto, ficará marcado como uma das melhores para mim, e que realizou o sonho de mim e da pessoa que eu mais amo nesse mundo!

To me, this is one of the most overhated seasons in Fortnite. I grinded this season so much, and had so much fun using the mythics in this season, I just found this to be on the funner side of Fortnite seasons.

I like the theme of Greek Mythology, and I think using different mythologies for future seasons could be cool. I love the Battle Pass, I love the Cerberus skin a lot, and it's one of my favorite Fortnite skins, I'm not even joking.

Me and my friends would play this almost every day, and I guess that's what made me enjoy it more, but I do genuinely just think this season is overhated, and in a few years I think it will be looked back on, on a more positive light.

Overall: 7/10

Unfortunately, despite my immense excitement for this one, I don't have a ton I can say on it; this'll definitely be one of my shorter reviews. I honestly was going to leave it with a very brief tl;dr since the season has been over for a good few days now and I wasn't very hype to talk about this one... so I'll be as brief as I can do.

The theme for this one instantly caught my attention in the best way possible. The new Battle Pass designs were a bit mixed for me at first but I very gradually grew to love most of them, I think they're all solidly made in one way or another despite some room for improvement on a couple of them. The map changes, though quite minor compared to what I expected, added some really great new areas to explore with The Underworld and Grim Gate making for some funky final circles with their uniquely jagged geometry populated with ruinous areas. The new weapons are largely really fun, the DMR kind of felt like a ranged peashooter but when you learn to consistently headshot with it then it's really good as a sniper alternative. I gradually fell out of love with the Warforged as I can't control it as well as I'd like but it's much better being used as a midrange option, I still enjoy using it but I won't rely on it as much as I did at the start of the season. Gatekeeper shotgun is really fun with its triangle spread and hella high headshot damage, really dirty to use with a Drum Mag mod too... stars of the show for me had to have been the special Greek items. Thunderbolts Of Zeus, Wings Of Icarus, and Chains Of Hades. The Wings are something I also gradually fell out of love with but had a bit of a resurgence with near the end of the season, unfortunately for the most part they're not great at all beyond early game rounds where other players will have limited weaponry. They become especially useless in multiplayer since you'll have one teammate with wings whilst the rest of you presumably don't, and if you do then you all become big vulnerable targets. Thunderbolts were a lot of fun despite being quite bad and easy to predict, a really enjoyable weapon to jumpscare someone with but most people would just easily gun you down during the lengthy vulnerability period this weapon has. Chains Of Hades aren't the Grapple Blade but I love these things so much, yoink people from their hidey holes or straight out of the sky to go to town on them with the chains themselves or swapping to another high damage close range weapon to finish them off. It's a shame these ones weren't in the game for very long, and this leads to one of my bigger issues...

Immersion breaking collaborative events. The main offender here was the Avatar event, given the map was permanently changed to have the shrines in-place until the season ended and all of the Greek themed special weapons were outright removed for no real reason. Hilariously, this update came only a few days after they decided to buff the Chains Of Hades which meant this weapon was not only added later than the other specials but also had meaningful balance changes added later that we couldn't use for very long at all. During the Avatar event we were still given storyline quests to complete too which was absolutely dumb, you want me to give a toss about the happenings of this world when everyone is chucking water and rocks around? This game doesn't have the best immersion given the sheer amount of characters in it but ultimately it's my fault if I'm choosing to do story quests as Peter Griffin or some similarly dumb character choice, whereas this event basically put a pause to the MYTHS part of MYTHS & Mortals. Literally the season's own fucking name. Right after the Avatar event we hopped into a Star Wars event that I was also hyped-up for, but it ultimately disappointed me. One lightsaber across the entire map with the rest of the weapons being unreliable E-11s or the admittedly really fun Bowcaster. This was another questionable case of the collab content not leaving after the collab was said to be over but I was happy to keep using the Bowcaster for longer, given the event was also depressingly short? Maybe it flew by because it was actually fun, unlike Avatar which was miserable; absolutely killed my desire to play the game. But hey, it accumulated me a bunch of Supercharged XP which ended up netting me a complete Battle Pass... and then some, because they did a Supercharged event around the end of the season which made my level skyrocket way too high. Thanks I guess?

Weapon balance... was kind of crap. The Reaper Sniper Rifle got nerfed eventually and it went from a weapon I didn't like to a weapon I think was genuinely pretty fun, being quick to lean into massive bullet drop but still retaining great damage on each shot. Not perfectly balanced (you can still hold 3 bullets at minimum) but a lot better than what came before. Where things went very wrong was the addition of Waterbending, holy fucking SHIT I hate this pissing thing. When it was first introduced it was about comparable to a Rare-quality Nemesis AR I believe? With the incredible boon of infinite ammo and receiving both HP regen and mobility buffs when in water. Not a fantastic weapon but great to have as a back-up given it doesn't run out of ammo. Right... so who was the jackass that decided it needed to have incredibly buffed travel speed, actually being hitscan until a certain point, no damage dropoff at all, very minute bullet dropoff that actually turns into a more deadly spread attack at certain ranges, incredibly high structure damage, fire rate up the fucking ass, AND increased damage and headshot multiplier on top of that? This thing was a menace, absolutely unbearable to go up against. It could snipe you at long range, laser you to death at mid range, and it was only beaten at close range but consistent shotgun headshots unless the opponent was already weakened. And since this thing lets you heal for free as well it meant you only really needed to carry shield items and mobility items, maybe a shotgun if you're not confident at close range with this thing. This weapon became boring to use really quickly but if you wanted to play ranked mode then you absolutely needed to use it, or else you may as well have quit there and then. This thing definitely contributed to me only ever playing when asked to play in the latter half of the season, because your best counter was to use Waterbending for yourself. Maybe get godlike aim with the Reaper. It was unbalanced, it was not fun to be lasered by this thing every single game, it took very little effort to effectively use... fuck this weapon. I don't get how they never nerfed it.

Despite all my complaining, I still had some fun with this season. A lot of it did come from the in-game events and boss fights rather than the PvP elements though, except for early on where things were still being figured out. Although that was if you could even play early on because even after the launch day disaster the game was unusually unstable, tending to crash out of nowhere in the middle of matches. It got much more stable within launch week and by the end of the season the game was running pretty smoothly again, but the end of the season also had a bunch of bullshit that was killing my enjoyment for it. Nothing wrong with taking a break from a game like this, though, I wasn't obligated to play it and so I didn't force myself to play it the whole way through. Simple enough. This one was simply a huge disappointment... the vibes were on-point, and then they decided to sell their soul for collaborations to take over the world instead. I don't think the season quite recovered after that despite the Greek weapons returning and the Star Wars weapons being enjoyable. It's a shame but it is what it is.

Up next, Zeus pissed off a rag-tag team of Mad Max villains before he decided to bounce from the island. How will this season of chaos and carnage stack-up to the Avatar- I mean, Greek themed season? We shall see.

Otra temporada, y aquí sigo, enganchado a esta droga. Ha desaparecido la novedad, pero no el vicio. He disfrutado como si fuera un niño pequeño en navidad con el evento de Avatar.

Started with some fun ideas related to greek mythologies, but it all got old really fast, culminating with a game filled to the brim with Waterbending and Chains of Hades users.
The battle pass was pretty meh, with the designs for the gods being very forgettable, Ares locked behind THE CREW SKIN WHY??? and Korra as the guest character this time, but I didn't care because I'm no Avatar fan tbh.
In terms of the main collabs, they were all over the place suffocating the ACTUAL season stuff, but the Avatar one was honestly the best one of them all and probably the greatest time to play the season since the elements were a lot of fun to mess around with. The Star Wars collab kinda just passed by, idk.

A really good theme for a season definitely wasted with so many little inconsistencies that got accumulated and stumbled upon everything else...

Started promising with some interesting map changes and items all themed around Greek mythology but then they didn't really do anything with them. The entire season felt very stagnant and dull. Avatar collab was ok at least but the Star Wars collab was very bare bones and disappointing. Plus the XP nerf really sucked, making the whole thing feel like a grind at the end to get the rest of the rewards. Overall not a great season and hopefully not the standard for future seasons.

yea whatever man. starts with fun ideas gets kind of fatigued nothing new for this game

why did i already get to level 100 in the first 2 weeks lol. chain of hades pls come back

I want to say I enjoyed this season, but ultimately I can't say it was great. A majority of the season wasn't that great. The new POIs, the battle pass, new movement abilities, the bunkers, the storyline; all were pretty middle of the line nothing to bump this above, "more Fortnite is good". On the other hand, some of the new weapons and the overbearing presence of collaborations, dragged my opinion down.

I could never really figure out how to get shots off with the Huntress DMR. It's probably my fault, but I just can't get shots to connect with it. The collaboration mythics from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Star Wars were also very annoying. Most felt underbaked, particularly the Earthbending. Waterbending, on the otherhand, was extremely overpowered. Fast, long range, critical headshots were way to easy to achieve. You'd get melted before a chance to react. PLUS, infinite ammo and heals in water. The Star Wars ones were, as always, decently balanced, but absolutely clog up the lootpool. I saw some complaints about the Chain of Hades or the Zeus lightning strike, but I ultimately felt they were decently balanced.

The collaborations this season also took too much focus, making the season feel like more of the Avatar and Star Wars season, than the Greek Gods season.

As always, I still had a decent time! Fortnite Battle Royale is Fun!

A cool theme for a season that got ruined by two different collabs suffocating it. I spent most of my time when the Avatar event was running so the unique stuff to the theme was all locked away. Also, I get they want people to go to the new POIs, but did they have to remove damn near everything else on the map? Map felt very flat outside of the new places, don't know why we can't have it both ways.

I think I liked the gameplay a bit more than last season, where there were tons of medallions and they were very powerful. Having them tuned down, fewer in number, and a bit harder to get (I like the boss fights) made them more manageable this season. That said, fuck the Waterbending. One of the most broken weapons I've ever seen them add. And they left that shit in after the collab ended just to fuck with people I guess. Once people figured out how good it was over half of my engagements were against it. It was so ubiquitous and incredibly powerful, it will dominate my memory of this season's loot pool. There was near zero reasons to use other weapons in my eyes.

Battle pass was okay. I like Medusa, Cerberus, and Artemis, can take or leave the rest. Not an all timer or anything, but I like the theme for the season and the battle pass matches it perfectly.