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in the past

Samuraylık yanılgısını ve samurayın şerefine takılı kalması gibi bir temayı ne kadar sevsem de temanın düzgünce işlenemediğini düşünüyorum, bu konuda Harakiri (1962) filmini önerebilirim.

Even if Ghost of Tsushima's open world isn't anything revolutionary, I think it's one of the most artistically and graphically impressive ones there are.

Combat is very satisfying and fluid, even if the difficulty can be a bit off.

Story is middling for the most part with some contrivances and not overly interesting characters, although the ending was very very good.

Highly recommend.

— “You have no honor.”
— “And you are a slave to it.”

Finally, I've been waiting for this for years. Amazing story-telling and smooth combat.
The stand-off mechanic is so cool, but as others have mentioned it's often broken, leading you to take a leather hit for no reason. Apart from this and a few other technical issues with it being a godawful port with next to no optimisation (which is getting better with updates), this is still a breathtaking game.

I wish they'd release exclusives more often.

Great game, the combat is really fluid and satisfying, amazing soundtracks, the world feels alive and was very fun to explore.
beautiful visuals.

Esse jogo me surpreendeu bastante. A gameplay é muito bem feita e a cada progresso no jogo ela se desenvolve de uma maneira que não deixa cansativa. Tudo relacionado a beleza e gráficos dispensa comentários, sendo algo que se espera de um jogo de porte.

Alguns pontos que eu mais gostei, fora gameplay, foi como o Jin (personagem principal) lida com todo esse código samurai ao mesmo tempo que precisa fazer coisas que ele considera erradas pra poder alcançar o objetivo dele. O dilema que é colocado no jogo e como afeta outros personagens é muito bem feito.

Exploração em sí é divertida, mas nada que já não tenha em outros jogos de mundo aberto, apenas é bem executada.

Da parte negativa, tive alguns bugs de textura (nada absurdo). Já o que mais me incomodou foram algumas escolhas pra reta final da historia, mas até ai é gosto pessoal.

O jogo em sí é excelente e recomendo muito.

My dad would have loved this game.

It isn't often when an open world game comes a long that makes you want to do everything like this. Ghost of Tsushima boasts one of the best designed world maps that I've had the joy of experiencing. Not only is the world fun to explore, but they give you fun tasks and things to find throughout it. It also isn't as tedious as most games like this.

The combat is fun and makes you feel powerful. It isn't very challenging but it's fun and the stand off mechanic is so cool to use.

The story and characters are great as well really making this game the complete package. The dlc adds the icing on top that made me bump up the score even more then the original. It just adds a great perspective and villain to an already masterful game.

Ghost of Tsushima and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are similar in that the open world feels like a Ubisoft game, but different in the aspect that Ghost's gameplay isn't unbearably dogshit.

Vasat bir oyundan ileriye gidememiş 😣😣😥😥😥😐😐😫😫

After playing basically every Sony exclusive ever, I've kind of grown tired of the genre of 'third person cinematic story" that games like God of War, Horizon and others are. SO when i decided to play Ghost of tsushima, i sort of expected that kind of genre. But, very pleasantly it felt like a change of pace.

Ghost of Tsushima is very story driven lik the other Sony games. The story - and i have only beaten ACT 1- was interesting enough to keep me playing, but i didn't really care about it, all i wanted to do was kill the fuckers who captured my uncle. While the story is mediocre, the game does an incredible job of making you care for the main characters of Jin sakai and his uncle, and makes you hate the mongals for their brutality and asshole-niss (couldn't think of another word). The story of jin and his morals was super interesting for me, and i wish the game was more based on that then just killing people to take back castles.

Where Ghost shines is very clearly in its swordplay, The combat in this game is so fucking fun it makes me feel like a kick ass samuri, and that's how i SHOULD feel. The swordplay is fluent, simple but complex and just so smooth and fun. The 4 stances are a great way to spice up the sword play, which is already fun with the multiple attacks you can do, the parrying and stand offs.

The open world is where i see a lot of people complain about this game but i really enjoyed it. The world was beautiful and very graphically impressive, and there was a lot of little things to do in the world, like the fox dens, bamboo shit or attacking mongal hideouts. A lot of people say that the world is 'ubisoft/assassin creed' like, and i can see what they mean, but i think it does enough to feel more interesting, such as the wind mechanic that is used as a sort of guide to your next position. I wish the game completely got rid of the map, or made the map something like an old scroll that is opened by the player and has a lot less 'markers' as the wind mechanic makes you more involved in the world, but the opening of the map to check where your going, or what's around you completely fucks that up and pulls you out of the world.

Overall, Ghost of tsushima was very fun and cool, and i defiantly want to go back and finish the story. The world was intriguing enough - at least for the like 8 hours i played - even if there are a lot of things that could be done to make it more interesting. The story is somewhat intriguing, but the fire of vengeance was truly what made me want to go on, as the game did a very good job of making me care for Jin and his uncle, and hate the Mongals. But of course, the best part is by far the combat which never got old and everytime i saw a mongal i instantly went over to them so i could kill their ass using the smoothest and coolest moves that make you feel like a fucking samuri.

I wish that I liked the game more but man it is rough
this is an open-world game without any fun exploration with a lot of side content that at best it is repetitive or boring with an interesting story but a huge part of it is predictable and the structure of the main mission is also a bit repetitive the game put itself in a lot of aspects of it in comparison with other open world games like botw and rdr2 and every time it loses I couldn't even complete iki island I felt like it is more of the same nice game but damn it is the most forgettable sony game I played in my life beside horizon

I tried playing the game, but the story was incredibly boring to me at the start and I cannot see does it get better because on my PC I keep getting driver issue errors and nothing I do can fix it
The gameplay wasn't bad, but I found the world exploration in the first few hours to be very boring and it didn't really interest me

Looks and sounds great, combat feels lackluster, it's open world (derogatory), every 3rd side quest is a trailing mission, liberating camps like it's a Far Cry game. At least there are some cute foxes to pet.

Such a beautiful game with a really fun gameplay and movement. This game is either you love it or you hate it and personally I loved it.

The best Samurai, or in a way anti-Samurai, game. A beautiful open world set and a story about the danger of being fealty to a moral code which genuinely inspires me to this day. The games combat feels very good to play, being a seamless mix of open combat and stealth, and heavily inspired by old samurai movies, though it can be rather easy with the large amount of tools the player is given.

It's my favorite game right now. The gameplay, environments, story, and overall feel of the game as you progress through it are amazing.

One of the best PlayStation exclusives.

Eh it's decent, lost a lot of steam halfway through and the combat lost a bit of charm once i realized it was a press X stance when you see X enemy type. Enemy types were also few.

Game looks good and the scenery for samurai duels were noteworthy.

Stealth didn't reinvent the wheel and AI is on the bad side.

After the end i felt like this game was kind of a missed opportunity and could have been way better.

أول 10-15 ساعة تكون مستمتع باللعبة والغيمبلاي لكن بعدها تصل لمرحلة تسأل فيها نفسك لما تلعب اللعبة؟ كل شيء يصير مكرر والقصة نائمة والشخصيات أنوم. لكن المشكل مني انا لأني توقعت مستوى جيد من لعبة من تطوير سوني

Rozdział 1
Gra rozpoczyna się od brutalnej bitwy między Mongołami a samurajami, w której samuraje ponoszą klęskę. Wuj głównego bohatera, Jin Sakai, zostaje pojmany i zabrany do zamku Kaneda. Jin, ciężko ranny, zostaje uratowany przez złodziejkę Yune. Postanawia on odbić wuja i szturmuje zamek, jednak w walce z przywódcą Mongołów przegrywa.

Jin zdaje sobie sprawę, że potrzebuje sojuszników. Ratuje brata Yuny, kowala Takę, i poszukuje Masako, wojowniczki, oraz senseia Ishikawe, wprawionego łucznika. Yuna przedstawia go również oszustowi Kenjiemu, który pomaga w uwolnieniu Taki. Poznajemy także Ryuzo, starego przyjaciela Jina, który później go zdradza.

Gdy Jin próbuje uwolnić wuja, Ryuzo staje na jego drodze, jednak Jinowi ostatecznie udaje się oswobodzić krewnego. Dowiadujemy się, że Kothum Kan, mongolski przywódca, uciekł na północ do zamku Shimura.

Rozdział 2
Wuj Jina nakazuje mu odnaleźć pirata o imieniu Goro, który ma popłynąć na inną wyspę, by wezwać wsparcie od szoguna. Wuj wyraża także chęć adopcji Jina, co sprawia mu radość. Jin wyrusza po zbroję swojego ojca, a po powrocie dowiaduje się, że Ryuzo ukrywa się niedaleko.

Jin przygotowuje się do konfrontacji, a Taka, brat Yuny, dołącza do niego. Niestety, Jin i Taka zostają pojmani przez Kothum Kana i Ryuzo. Kothum Kan brutalnie zabija Takę. Yuna odnajduje Jina i pomaga mu uciec. Jin pomaga także obleżonej wiosce obronić się przed Mongołami w zamian za pomoc.

Po tych wydarzeniach, Jin wraz z wujem i innymi sojusznikami szturmuje zamek Shimura. Dochodzi do konfliktu między wujem a Jinem, który walczył niehonorowo i zabił Ryuzo. Wuj chce obarczyć Yune winą za te wydarzenia, ale Jin się sprzeciwia, co skutkuje jego aresztowaniem i spaleniem dokumentów adopcyjnych.

Rozdział 3
Kenji upija strażników więziennych i pomaga Jinowi uciec, informując go, gdzie znajduje się Yuna. W drodze do Yuny, Jin dowiaduje się, że Kothum Kan nauczył się produkować trucizny, które zamierza użyć do otrucia głównej wyspy. Yuna radzi Jinowi, by poszukał wsparcia u myśliwych, jej przyjaciół.

Jin zakrada się także do zamku Shimura, by przekazać list do wuja z prośbą o pomoc w zaatakowaniu Kothum Kana, który teraz przebywa w porcie. Jin wraz z innymi szturmuje port. W trakcie bitwy pojawia się wuj, który pomaga w ostatecznym zabiciu Kothum Kana.

Wuj wysyła list do Jina z prośbą o spotkanie. Gdy Jin przyjmuje zaproszenie, okazuje się, że wuj otrzymał rozkaz zabicia Jina. Dochodzi do walki między nimi, z której Jin wychodzi zwycięsko. Staje przed trudnym wyborem: zabić czy oszczędzić wuja

Um dos melhores jogos que joguei na vida. Gráficos lindos, história digna de um filme e combate excelente.

Jeu très sympa, très joli et au gameplay excellent !
Open-world au-dessus de mes espérances, mais pour ce qui est des quêtes annexes, meh, pour avoir 100% le jeu, je dois avouer que j’ai été déçu de retrouver beaucoup de quêtes FedEx sans trop de fond a leurs histoires.

Holy shit. I have never experienced any game that got me attention like that. Wonderful game with wonderful graphics. Art direction was phenomenal. If you have ps plus I highly recommend this game

i want to start off by saying that this is a better Assassin's Creed than most Ac games. really has everything you would want from a samurai game + a great story and a beautiful world, it gotta be the most beautiful world in gaming even tops RDR2 imo. all that mixed with amazing combat and leveling system, the game also gives you new tools and abilities as you progress through the story which makes it refreshing.

the open world does get boring sometimes due to the repetitive side missions' structure but some side missions do get interesting and give you various rewards and moves that you can't unlock anywhere else. the different mini-games and activities scattered around the map can be fun ( especially bamboo slice) but they can be too much sometimes but all of that is expected since this is a big open world game.

Overall a very fun game that has its cool and badass moments. my only real issues are with the PC port but other than that i can't think of any major issues with this title. another great PS hit.

Eu tentei... game é promissor, tem uma história que parece ser interessante, mas seu combate é incrivelmente massante. Quem sabe no futuro eu de outra chance, mas acho difícil.

Ghost of Tsushima is a game that in my opinion (a lover of Japanese samurai cinema) is quite cliché, but a good cliché.

As I spend the rest of my month dedicated to platinum GoT, I feel like I should do a very thorough analysis.

Main Story/ Side Quests: The main story is based on the events of
1274 to 1281, the first invasion of the Mongol empire in Japan, starting with the island of Tsushima, given the facts, we move forward and see the journey of Jin Sakai, the last Samurai of Tsushima due to the massacre by the Mongols, the game masterfully shows us the story of Feudal Japan from the medieval era dominated by samurai, and manages to simulate the difficulty of containing the advance of the Mongols in Japan, the impotence we feel in this game we cannot fail to detail.

The game's narrative explores Jin Sakai's dilemma and his samurai honor coming from his ancestors, the game does very well in showing Jin Sakai's mental conflict about the lack of honor when slaughtering enemies behind their backs (something that his ancestors were disgusted with). samurai do)
The game gives the player several flashbacks to bring more depth to the origins of Jin Sakai and his ancestors, but when playing I feel that little use has been made of the lore.

One thing I liked about this game is that as we play and advance on the island of Tsushima, we end up learning about Japanese culture, such as Ronins, Straw Hats, and the island's great iconic scenes.

Regarding the secondary missions, I found it really lacking in terms of story, it's always something like, "save the monks and slash the Mongols with your katana"
The only missions that I really enjoyed were the mythical tales, which told a legend about the island of Tsushima and gave us a good reward for completing the mission.

Gameplay: GoT's gameplay is a strong point of the work, which is displayed with mastery, different possibilities for approaching missions keep the game dynamic and good, in addition to the incessant search for new armor and improvements that makes you increasingly stronger, and the Difficulty level increases, which doesn't make the game monotonous
Ps: ("I recommend doing the Iki Island DLC after beating the game, it's really very challenging compared to Tsushima Island")

Exploration: The exploration of GoT I believe is quite monotonous, despite having some challenges when exploring and collectibles, but what made me want to explore the map was because of the great setting of Feudal Japan represented on the island of Tsushima and some collectibles that we can collect to improve our character.

Conclusion: Ghost of Tsushima is a good game, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of in-depth history, it is not a game that will blow your mind, quite the opposite, a cliché game that is not necessarily bad.