Reviews from

in the past

+ Perfect graphics. Incredibly beautiful and serene landscapes.
+ Very clean, minimal and unintrusive UI.
+ All secondary game mechanics (crafting, upgrades etc.) are handled with great care, and are neither intruding on your exploration, nor are annoyingly essential.
+ Incredibly fluid, visceral combat.
+ A rare type of video game set in Japan – no ridiculous anime-like exaggerations, no godawful UI, no cheap crap. A perfectly consistent experience.

- The contrast is a bit too amped up – some locations out in the sun can be blindingly bright, and many interiors are too dark to appreciate them fully.
- The quest design is...somewhat lacking. Yes, I get that the story being told is essentially a historical excerpt from a tumultuous time on the Japanese front (similar to Kingdom Come Deliverance – no grandiose characters, no History Channel bullshit, just reality at a certain time), but the quests are simply not very captivating. Most of them are rather short (which is a positive when they are boring), but what little action is given, it always results in one of the few mechanics being used (namely – sneaking, fighting, collecting items). Quest action variety is practically unheard of.
- Everywhere you go, you can feel the stench of a Ubisoft open world RPG. Outposts to capture, collectibles to collect, areas to liberate, every quest chain design is the same (find allies, establish base of operations, plan an attack on the main base).
- On a personal note, I did not enjoy the game’s obvious attempt to constant pivot the player away from “dishonorable” combat such as assassination, but at the same time including several missions where assassination is practically the only way of fighting. It felt forced, as if the player has to “come to terms” with being a dishonorable samurai. Moreover, as a rhetorical remark, how come stabbing someone in the back is “dishonorable” but sniping a sentry 150m away or launching a shrapnel grenade isn’t?

In the end, it is a solid fictional rendition of Japan’s resistance against the Mongols, but at a very heavy cost to accuracy. It feels and plays like a robust Ubisoft game, all negative aspects included. It is eye-wateringly beautiful, but its picturesque landscapes are just that – landscapes.

absolutely gorgeous game backed up by an equally gorgeous soundtrack

Awesome AD, great gameplay
Could be a bit better on secondary missions and collectibles

Modern Day Assassin's Creed done right. It's not that different from newer AC games like Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla etc.. its got the same quest template that ubisoft has been using for god knows since when but its combat is far more polished and fun compared to the AC games. Also theres not much tediousness attached to the game compared to those titles since you don't need to scale your level up to have a fair chance in the main quest, you can do the main quest without any such hassle, so all those filler ass side quests are completely optional, this is what majorly sets it apart from those AC games. I feel like this way you don;t lose that focus on the main storyline. And majority of the side quests here are boring but then kinda essential since some of them provide you with more context to characters from the main storyline, but it isn;t as effective as something like cyberpunk, so you can skip em. And there are also quests that reward you with weapons, new move sets, etc so some of them are pretty handy. As for the story I liked the way Act 1 ended but after that it felt a bit draggy and predictable. They maintained a steady level design throughout the story, like you know it wasnt recycle the same segment over and over like those ubi titles I mentioned. What ubi does most of the time is put their entire budget and focus on the prologue and ending and basically do nothing but just copy pasting content in middle part of their games. And the combat here is super fun, the boss fights/duels are great for the most part, Khotun Khan's boss fight was bad but other than that most of them were fun and challenging especially the first encounter with Ryuzo.

I dont care what the general consensus is but the PC port by Nixxes is absolutely dog shit. I feel like there's unreal PR for them on platforms like twitter, reddit and youtube cuz the optimisation is BAD. The game visually looks stunning, the art style is gorgeous but the asset quality is not that impressive, the lighting is good but other than that, the asset quality looked like it belonged to 2015 era of video games. My point is for a ps4 game the performance on PC is not at all satisfactory, there are better looking ps4 titles like GoW, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, Spiderman that run far far better than this game and yet people seem to consider this a perfect PC port. The Vram management is just abysmal, frame rate would decrease by 50% constantly because of vram leakage and only a restart would fix it. All the upscaling methods look broken in certain cases, the fire effects and depth of field are completely destroyed when you you use dlss or any other upscaler. The game shouldn't be hogging vram like that since the textures don't look impressive one bit. I would have had a much better experience with the game if the port wasn;t as bad as it was.

Combat is too satisfying, but a very bad open world games. There is no variety in the missions, which are sustained only by their narrative. All the missions have the same steps: Talk, go somewhere, investigate, fight, talk. The only thing that changes is the order.
And the side missions are unnecessarily stretched out, like Ishikawa's and Adachi's missions. 9 missions is too many, they could be done in 5 missions.
Legends mode (multiplayer) is fun and has more variety, but not many people play it.
O Combate é satisfatório demais, mas um péssimo open world. Não existe variedade nas missões, se sustentando apenas pela narrativa das mesmas. Todas as missões tem os mesmos passos: Conversa, vai até algum lugar, investiga, luta, fala. Só muda a ordem. E as missões secundárias que são esticadas de forma desnecessária, como as missões do Ishikawa e da Adachi. 9 missões é demais, poderiam ser feita em 5 missões.

O modo Legends (Multiplayer) é divertido e tem mais variedade, mas tem pouca gente jogando.

Rolled credits in 45.2 hours. Finished all ally quests + main quests.
Great game with breathtaking landscapes and a variety of combat moves. Very fun and interesting in the first couple of days, couldn't put it down, but it gets repetitive after a while. The ending feels a bit rushed... but the visuals combined with the music was chef kiss

This review contains spoilers

Une masterclass.
Malgré les quelques répétitions par moments (coucou les renards), j'ai vraiment kiffé de fou le jeu. J'avais regardé un let's play à l'époque, donc certaines scènes m'ont moins marqué à cause de ça (cf. la fin).

Interface ultra minimaliste qui donne toute la place à la beauté du jeu. Pas de minimap et le système de vent, c'est juste du génie.

Une violence mêlée à une poésie omniprésente, bref, le Japon c'était bien mieux avant !

(Meilleur jeu de l'univers si le personnage principal était Miyamoto Musashi mais le monde n'est pas prêt pour ce débat.)


Visuais belissimos, trilha sonora épica e história muito bem feita. A gameplay é viciante mas repetitiva, pro final do game ele se torna até fácil. Ainda assim não tira o brilho desse grande game.

No le pongo más estrellas porque no lo terminé por no tener tiempo ahora, pero realmente quiero seguir jugándolo

Unbelievable graphics, great combat. Allows for the fantasy of living in Japan as a samurai like nothing else does

Juego en modo normal: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
El segundo en el q pones el modo Letal: ◔ᴗ◔

Ghost of Tsushima tiene uno de los mundos abiertos más bonitos que he visto en un videojuego. Pero, aunque parecía tener unas mecánicas muy únicas que invitaban a su exploración como el uso del viento o la fauna al final todo se queda en una simple curiosidad y al final todo se queda en el mapa típico de Ubisoft, aunque a su favor hay que decir que nada es obligatorio, no te restringe en ningún momento y si quieres puedes ir solo a sus misiones principales si es lo que quieres. Hablando de misiones, aunque al principio pueden ser divertidas, con el paso de las horas se vuelven demasiado monótonas y repetitivas a pesar de que su combate es bastante divertido y satisfactorio. Sus personajes y su historia no han calado en mí y la evolución de Jin Sakai, de ser un honorable samurái a un fantasma que mata desde las sombras e infunde miedo a sus enemigos, se podría resumir en un par de cinemáticas y acciones...

Puede que esté siendo demasiado negativo con Ghost of Tsushima, pero no puedo evitar pensar que si fuese más al grano y contase lo que quiere contar omitiendo misiones secundarias de relleno sería mucho mejor videojuego. Quizás a ti te parezca menos repetitivo, su jugabilidad te encante y sus personajes te hayan calado más hondo que a mí. A pesar de todo, y aunque pueda sonar contradictorio a todo lo que he comentado antes, mentiría si os dijera que cuando lo he completado no me he quedado satisfecho liberando la isla de Tsushima de la invasión mongola.

‎| ‎Historia:‎★★✩✩✩ | Jugabilidad:★★★★✩ | Gráficos:★★★★✩ | Sonido:★★★★✩ | RECOMENDADO

10/10. Uzun zaman sonra %100leyip trophy kastırtan tek oyun. Manzaralar şahane, müthiş bir sanat tasarımı. Hayran kaldım. Kendine has çok oturaklı, sağlam vuruş hissiyatlı kombatı cabası.

Truly one of the best games to have ever been released from Playstation in a long time when it first came out on the PS4 in 2020 and I was so beyond happy that the game finally came to PC. This time, for my second playthrough of the game, I decided to keep on the Japanese dub but this time play the game in the Kurosawa filter, and oh my god man when I tell you it felt like a whole new way to experience the game like that. I simply can't get over how amazing this game is and the beauty of it's story and themes, Sucker Punch truly knocked it out of the park with this. I also got to experience the Iki Island DLC for the first time and I gotta say, damn, this DLC was an absolute blast to play through in many aspects, I can't believe it took me till now to finally play it!

If you haven't played Ghost of Tsushima, or you have your reservations about it for whatever reason (open world, PlayStation title, etc.), then you seriously need to get on this game already or at least try it out because it is def one of my all-time favorite games and it's an exceptional open world adventure.

Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure game that came out in 2020 for the PS4, 2021 for the PS5 via the Director's Cut and finally received a PC port last month in 2024. This was always a game that I wanted to see on PC as from the first time I saw the game at E3 2018 with those stunning visuals. I also really loved Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice so I felt compelled to get this game when it launched earlier last month. Is the game really worth the hype that I had? I'll talk about that in my review.

To begin, I'll first talk about the visuals, the overall art direction and the world. I usually don't gas up graphics because visuals are not really a super important part of what makes a game good, but goddamn are the environments beautiful in this game. Every shot in this game is something to marvel at and the game utilises colour so well in most areas. It creates a sense of memorability that other games of its generation does not have. The world, while I feel like it could have more to it, is never a chore to explore as the game does not give you a million markers telling you what the location has, rather it shows points of interests as a question mark and the wind guides you to these locations. It's not perfect, I actually would prefer if the game had the Elden Ring philosophy of you discovering important points via the map and through exploration but I think it's better than a lot of open world games' approach towards exploration. The world also has so many beautiful areas and scenery which makes the world worth exploring in my opinion. The best part is that Sucker Punch went to Tsushima themselves in order to get a good feel for the island and how it looks.

I'll talk about the gameplay next. This game is basically what people wanted from an Assassin's Creed game that's set in Japan (to the point where the actual Assassin's Creed game set in Japan is copying from this one LOL). You can either stealth around and assassinating enemies utilising a wide variety of tools to either kill or distract them or you can face them head on. The combat system that Ghost of Tsushima has is so fun and if you liked Sekiro, you will feel right at home here as the game rewards you for using parries and counters. You also have 4 stances which are all tailor made to fight and counter different types of enemies and it is so fun to switch around these in big, multi-enemy fights. I do wish there were more options and more abilities in combat.

Oh yeah and the music in this game is also really good and authentic to the setting and scenario.

The last thing that I'll speak about is the story. I was not expecting much from the story but it really impressed me. The story of Jin Sakai and the conflict between utilising the samurai code and using dishonourable methods in order to force the Mongols out of Tsushima is so interesting and thought-provoking. The cast is also good as well. I won't spoil the story here as I think this is the best part of the game but it is damn good for what it is.

Overall, Ghost of Tsushima is a great and memorable game. Probably the best Sony exclusive of the last generation in my opinion and hopefully, they'll make a sequel. I recommend it if you like action games or games set in Japan or the Far East in general like Sekiro and Onimusha.

Buena historia, no tenia ganas de jugar otro mundo abierto type game y fui un poco al lio y me gusto bastante tiene combate muy entretenido y historia principal sobretodo muy chula

Oh damn I reviewed the PS4 version whatever yeah ik islands a great expansion one of the best I seen like I loved the story and especially villian way more than the base game like the villian is so cool I love using her mask in online but yeah great dlc sperate score for it would be 9/10

Awesome open world, maybe best videogame combat oat, fun story and side questions, really immersive.
Nice platinum playthrough.
GOT and Sekiro influenced a whole new generation of Feudal Japan games
"I am the ghost"

После сериала Сёгун и геймплея Shadows я не удержался и всё-таки решил перепройти Цусиму, но уже на ПК, и, в принципе, за 4 года мое мнение не изменилось, это всё точно такая же Юбисофт дрочильня с пустейшим открытым миром и однотипными основными и доп квестами, где по факту мы всю игру захватываем аванпосты, хотя своих плюсов тут тоже хватает, главным из которых является невероятный визуал и вся техническая составляющая, фоторежим включался по кд, на плойке я вообще им как-то не пользовался, но тут просто не переставая делал скриншотики

I went to this game expecting mindless fun and roaming around slashing grunts with a katana.

And I got that. But I also got much more. The story, the characters, the visuals. Everything was so engaging, I couldn't stop playing this. Even the side quests were mostly interesting.

The game does have some "Ubisoft-like" aspects, like walking around finding question marks and clearing enemy bases, but I don't think it is too much, as riding your horse through giant colorful fields filled with flowers and grass is such a blast that it makes you want to explore the world.

Also, there is no dog, but you can pet the fox, so this game is automatically good.

el combate está guapo y la ambientación mola pero todo lo demás es demasiado soporífero.
el mundo seria un lugar mejor si nadie hubiese creado las misiones de seguir a un NPC. no entiendo por qué siguen existiendo

creo que no quiero volver a jugar un juego mundo abierto en mi vida ya, juegas uno los has jugado a todos. te curras un mundo guapo de la hostia cuya máxima interacción es derrotar a 7 billones de mongoles y hacer los mismos campamentos clónicos hasta que te aburras (Like I Did!). que vuelvan a hacer juegos estilo PS2 que sean nivel tras nivel y se dejen de polleces de Has recolectado 17/82 Flores de Loto.

Absurdo presenciar a transição de Jin Sakai até o Goat of Tsushima.

O único defeito desse jogo é o fator mundo aberto, que enche a experiência de missões repetitivas e objetivos fúteis.

A história é insana de boa, o combate é simplesmente viciante e a ambientação é perfeita, todos esses fatores compensam qualquer falha que o jogo possa ter e fazem ele valer muito a pena.

Ghost of Tsushima... Sonunda PC'ye geldi ve oynama fırsatına sahip oldum. Öncelikle keşke Sony daha fazla bütçe verseydi bu oyuna o zaman 10 olurdu ve söyleyeceğim eksiklikler olmazdı. Şimdi incelemeye hikaye ile başlamak istiyorum. Hikaye iyi başlıyor epik bir girişi var atmosfere iyi sokuyor. Daha sonra orta kısımlarda biraz düşüyor sebebini söyleyeceğim, sonlara doğru ise tekrar yükselişe geçiyor ve zirve yapıyor özellikle final ile hikaye çok etkileyici hale geliyor. Hikaye oyunun ortasında neden düşüyor: şöyle söylemeliyim ki bu bölümde ki görevlerde karakterlerin diyalogları duygusuz, basit ve derinliği olmadan yazılmış. Bu bölümdeki yan karakterler etkileyici olmayınca hikaye de sıkıcı hale geliyor ufak da olsa. Başlangıcın ve sonun iyi olma sebebi ise Jin ve Şimura'nın hikayelerinin, diyaloglarının, birbirlerine olan bağlarının ve karşıtlıklarının çok iyi işlenmiş ve ilgi çekici olmasıdır. Benim hikayeye olan puanım 9. Grafiklere geçelim. Tek kelimeyle muazzam. Müthiş bir görselliğe sahip. Ağaçların, çimlerin, suların manzarasına bakmaktan oyunu oynayamıyorsunuz. Grafikler 10/10. Atmosfere diyecek söz yok zaten ilk saniyeden oyunu açar açmaz sizi içine alıyor. Samuraylar, Japonya'nın o güzel sakura ağaçları derken kendinizi bir samuray gibi hissediyorsunuz en büyük etkenlerden biri de Japonca dublaj. Atmosfer de 10/10. Son olarak oynanış. Katananın kullanımı, samuray olma hissi çok iyi verilmiş. Vuruş hissi gerçekten sağlam hem katana da hem de tantoda. Oyunda combat, gizlilik ve parkur kısımları mevcut. Görevlerde genel olarak combat ağır basıyor ama gizliliğe zorlayan çok iyi görevler de var. Combat iyi hatta bayağı iyi ama bir zamandan sonra artık hep aynı düşmanlar geliyor, tüm duruşlar açıldıktan sonra oynanış da tekrara biniyor. Çeşitsizlik tek eksiği. Düşman türü eksikliği hoş değil. Gizlilik kısımlarına da skill tree ile çeşitlilik katmışlar stealth şekilde oynamak zevkli. Parkur mekanikleri de güzel bunu stealth kısımlara güzel yedirmişler ve tat katmış. Oynanışa puanım 9. İncelememizin sonuna gelirken şunu söylemeliyim ki bu oyunu eşinize, dostunuza, düşmanınıza, akrabalarınıza hatta gelecek nesillerde torunlarınıza dahi oynatmalısınız. 9.5/10 Bir tane de çok beğendiğim bir diyalog bırakayım buraya:
-Sen şereften yoksunsun.
-Sen de şerefin kölesisin!

the best mid open world game there is

It is a great game for sure but a lotta stuff just keeps me from giving it a 9 or 10.

Characters: The only character i found interesting was shimura.The rest are...meh
Story/narrative: Really good at the beginning and the end.But gets super boring mid-game.
Dialogue: Most of the dialogue just feels lifeless...just me?

But i must say the visuals are great and gameplay was satisfying,felt rewarding.Never got bored playing this game.I get why people call it a "ubisoft-esque game" but hey,atleast its the best ubisoft game i've ever played!

Você abre o jogo, joga a primeira meia hora dele, vê o título enquanto você caminha de cavalo e pensa: "Isso aqui é o ápice dos jogos de samurai, não existe mais nada melhor que isso"

Aí você realmente começa a jogar, 10 horas depois você se vê sem nenhuma vontade de abrir o jogo porque sabe que vai ser a exata mesma coisa da sua última vez jogando.

Como o Tulkas ''Nerd Crônico" disse anos atrás "é a famosa assassinscreedização de jogos". Todo jogo pra ser bom, tem que ser mundo aberto com missões de "vá até o ponto A, mate o inimigo, retorne", "escolte esse npc lentamente até o outro lado do mapa" e "colete x itens e ganhe um upgrade". Se Ghost of Tsushima pegasse seu orçamento destinado a missões assim e investisse mais na história principal, poderia ser um jogo melhor.

Esse loop de gameplay ainda funciona pra muita gente, infelizmente não é mais o meu caso.