Reviews from

in the past

man this shit still hits master chief is my best friend

HOLY SHIT, the sequel to halo 2, and it is awesome, perfect game no flaws, cant wait for the next one

Concluding a trilogy is a hard thing to do.
When the first two games (or any other media for that matter) are really good, fans tend to have very high expectations for the third game.
People like trilogies. People like a beginning, a middle and an end.

In Halo's case, this was never supposed to be the case. Halo 1 was supposed to be a one-and-done, but it got really popular, so Halo 2 became a thing. With Halo 2, development was troubled, and they couldn't finalize the ending, so it ended on a cliffhanger.
If Halo 2 had been finished, who knows what Halo 3 would've been like. Would Bungie have still stuck around or would they have moved on?

Well, the what if's don't really mean much anymore, considering we're now far removed from Halo 3's 2007 release.
So, did Bungie end things right? Did Halo 3 really finish the fight?

Well, you're reading to find out my opinions on this game, soooo.... I mean, the rating probably already gave you an insight into it, or maybe you just jumped until the end to read that last paragraph. I'm not judging, for the record. Can't blame you.
Let's start this review proper:

In terms of story, Halo 3 is much more simple than Halo 2, and maybe even simpler than Halo 1 in some aspects. Like I said earlier, Halo 2 was not supposed to have a cliffhanger, so Halo 3 is just focused on finishing what Halo 2 could not.
Even with it's simpler story, I found myself enjoying the resolutions to the plot threads seen before. It doesn't really disappoint, and offers enough satisfying moments to leave you fulfilled with the journey you embarked on during this trilogy.

The gameplay really makes up for it, as the level design kinda goes back to being more like Halo 1. I didn't like how Halo 1's level design felt empty, so you'd assume I'd feel similarly with Halo 3's.
Truth be told, no, I didn't really care about it much this time around. I think it's because when it did get more open, the game gives you a vehicle. And once again, the vehicles are fun to drive on.
A lot of epic moments in the campaign came from driving around and having your teammate blast at things. Like the big Scarab Tanks that appear a few times during the story.
While there's less missions here than Halo 2, no level feels shorter than another, and having that consistency really helps Halo 3's campaign feeling... well, consistent!
It did end up being shorter than the previous games, but I don't mind that much, because I'd rather have a short, but satisfying game, than a long and drawn-out one.

While you can't play as the Arbiter this time around, he does follow you through most of the missions, and we get something that we barely saw last time. A team-up between Master Chief and the Arbiter!
I just think they looked cool together, and I really liked their conversations!
The game also gives Cortana more attention here. Halo 2 really felt like it pushed her back a bit, to give the new plotlines more attention. This time around, we get to see Chief and Cortana interact more, and it's really good! Just like Halo 1, I really liked their chemistry, and I wonder how it's going to evolve in future games.
I do know the premises for 4, 5 and Infinite though, so I think I have an idea at how things will go, but I have to see their writing.

The graphics have seen a massive boost! We're on the Xbox 360 now, we're in HD territory, and while not everything from the game has hold up well, there are plenty of parts that have.
The variety of environments in Halo 3 really help!
I did play the game on my PC, and I was surprised that it was able to run! Not at a consistent 60FPS, but it was around 50 FPS, I think, so it wasn't too bad.

And the music, it's awesome! It manages to recapture a lot of the epicness seen in the last two titles, and even feels like it pays some homages to them, especially the first game.

Halo 3 is a really great game! I had a lot of fun with it. It may have a simple story, but the campaign is probably the best we've seen so far, and the pure adrenaline this game gave me was awesome!
It definitely feels like a hype game, but it's a really good hype game!

I finished the fight, Chief. I hope I made you proud.

This is the first halo game I really enjoyed. The multiplayer feels silky smooth and I had hours loads of funs. The campaign was great and even though I had no idea about the plot, as this was my first Halo game, I still enjoyed it. Great soundtrack, gunplay, and graphics. This game is phenomenal.

The most anticipated game of my youth and the greatest satisfaction from playing and completion. Took me a long time to fully unlock all the achievements for this game. It was rewarding getting a crew together so late in it's life cycle to check those last achievements off. Four player legendary campaign is my happy place.

Incredible game. Super fun multiplayer especially with forge mode. All the crazy game modes in this made for some amazing gaming nights. The campaign is also top notch and has great graphics a great story and great voice acting. Also a legendary score.

В своё время была завершением истории Мастера Чифа. И финал получился мощным!

Probably the game I've replayed the most. Its just incredible

Halo 3's campaign is nothing short of cinematic. Huge battles in amazing settings make every level memorable and a blast to play both alone and with friends. The multiplayer was always a blast, whether it was running slayer matches, goofing around in forge, and having a blast in customs. I only stopped playing Halo 3 because Halo Reach finally came out three years later.

Achei divertido quando joguei em 2012 no 360


Halo 3 marked the peak of Xbox as a brand, for me at least. Although I never actually owned a 360 in its heyday, I did borrow one to play this -- and it delivered on the hype and then some. A brilliant campaign. Still plays like a dream.

everyone will see this and say ''hell yeah''

As a kid I always thought Halo 2 was the better game, kids are dumb.
Master Chief's story should have ended here.

The Perfect Way to End an Amazing Trilogy.

Si este juego tuviera vrg4 se la chupo

Took me entirely too long to get around to this, but honestly I’m so glad I finally did! Not only is this easily my favorite of the Halo games I’ve played, but it’s just flat out one of the best shooters I’ve played in my admittedly limited experience.

What really makes this game so much better than the first two to me is the mission design. Where the first game was mostly inoffensive and the second was extremely mixed, 3 makes up for its relatively short mission list with consistently high quality, I had a great time in every single one of these. Most of this game feels like the climax of the story set up in Halo 2, and it leads to an incredibly gripping experience with fantastic set pieces. I’d love to revisit any one of these missions which I’d never have said for the first two games.

I’m tempted to say that story takes a backseat compared to 2, but that’s not entirely true, it’s just not as dense with information and new story beats. 2 got most of the development out of the way so 3 could fire on all cylinders with its action moments and really make that final stretch hit as hard as possible, and they succeeded in my opinion. Made me quite happy as I remember being super unsatisfied with 2’s cliffhanger ending.

It also just made the game work so well for me on a moment to moment level because the stakes are constantly so high. Every mission feels important, you’re constantly on the cusp of something big happening, and most importantly it never feels like it drags so it keeps a fantastic momentum that does a great job of locking you in.

Very glad to have finally experienced this legendary monument of the 360 era, it lived up to all the hype for me. Just wish MCC kept the credits because man that cut-off to the menu was awkward, but I’m not counting that against the game itself obviously.

Toda palabra se queda corta. Sin ni siquiera tocar el multi, uno de los mejores juegos de la historia

Halo at its best. Arbiter and Master Chief taking on the Flood and the Covenant like the gigachads they are. An amazing and fun co-op experience that every gamer should try once.

Easily the best game in the franchise, holds up even after playing it for the second time. Halo 3 not only maintains but improves on the fantastic soundtrack, gunplay, and pacing which made the previous entries so memorable. Has some well executed emotional beats and ends pretty well too. Would actually wanna try multiplayer sometime as well.

I fought two Scarabs? And this isn't the best game ever?

Mi halo favorito, le tengo muchisimo cariño

Finished every achievement on xbox with this. So many hours of play and skill mastering do not say how much a throughly enjoyed this as a teen.

This is my favorite game. Nothing can top it. Does it have problems? Yes. But I have too many core memories from my childhood for anything to ever top this one

The campaign is the equivalent of Infinity War/Endgame. You're not here for the story: you're here for the spectacle, and Halo 3 delivers in this. Aside from Cortana, every mission in this campaign has something fun and replayable to offer.

This multiplayer has problems. The wonky networking and non-hitscan weapons can cause inconsistencies at times. And yet I still love this multiplayer so much. The sense of community this game began to form was wonderful and would only be done better by its sequel

Forge has been a gamechanger for Halo as a franchise and, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons this IP is able to hold as many people as it does. Sure, casual arcade arena shooters are fun, but the custom games Halo 3 started is something I can't recall any other IP doing with consoles thanks to its forge mode.

I can't say enough good things about this game. Almost a masterpiece... almost

The first 360 game I ever played.