Reviews from

in the past

we have come a long way in the world of harry potter games

This one is sliiiightly better than the previous one, and in the same style.

Visual-wise it also got better, of course. Back in the day, for me at least, it had the best graphics ever.

Shot and miss!
Now worth the HP franchise, just like the first part.

creating a game adaptation for one of the most coveted franchises is a hard task, and making the finales generic third person shooter games was definitely a choice. it still has the great story from the movie to fall back on but it doesn't offer any new experiences beyond that. slightly better than part 1 but mostly because there's more action scenes for the shooting aspect to actualize. im glad the franchise is getting the marvels spiderman treatment with hogwarts legacy in 2023, however without all the beloved characters it wont be the same.

O único TPS que eu realmente gosto, o zerei três vezes e já voltei várias vezes para jogar em certos momentos. Um ótimo shooter onde você lança feitiços ao invés de trocar balas, e eu adorei como o jogo funciona. Cada feitiço tem um efeito diferente, como se fosse cada um uma arma diferente, os feitiços possuem recuo, então quanto mais forte o feitiço, mais recuo ele tem, e o sistema de troca de feitiços é rápido e fácil de se manusear. Entendo quem não gostou, mas o adorei.

Идеальное завершение франшизы игр по Гарри Поттеру.

A first person shooter with a Harry Potter skin, this game was NOT good.

Как бы это тупо не звучало но это кайфовый шутан. Импакт от выстрелов сочный, постоянно надо менять тип оружия, ахуенная динамика

only game i ever used the PS Move with that was cool

Deathly Hallows Part 1 was such a terrible game that this looks like a somewhat solid third person shooter by comparison. At least this one actually functions, with spells that feel like they do different things (even if they're your usual assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle). They are also re-mapped to the face buttons which takes some getting use to it but is an improvement over that horrid weapon wheel in the last game.

The game is as linear as can be as you make your way through the Battle of Hogwarts, playing from the perspective of different characters in various shootouts. That's actually a pretty cool idea and it's contextualized to the film pretty well, but they all play exactly the same and the shooting grows pretty tedious considering it's literally the only thing here.

The game is only about 4 hours long which probably clocks it at the shortest of the Harry Potter titles. As a full-priced experience in the day, this was a bit of a ripoff and the game is just as cash-grabby as any number of other licensed titles. As an idiot Harry Potter diehard fan I admit it did the trick for me as a game rental from late-era blockbuster, but it's definitely not any good.

Part 1 was so bad that this was way more enjoyable for me than it had any right to be. After spending a whole-ass game not being able to even shoot properly--and it was a short one, felt a lot longer--an actual playable game feels like a 10/10.

No more spell wheel, this time you switch spells tapping the directionals in the Wiimote and shooting with B, easy to learn and fast to apply. Also petrifying, stunning, and making the bad guys fly is actually useful here.

I had fun, I got even excited, it started to wane and show its flaws as it reached the end, and the final boss was as disappointing as final bosses in HP games have always been, but the journey there was one worth having for a fan.

The game is short and utterly unambitious. Its best quality is not being as bad as its predecessor, but that doesn't mean its good either. It is the most safe, uninspiring and paint-by-numbers interpretation of this saga in videogame form.

Asked for this on my bday years back when I was a kid, biggest disappointment ever, what I was thinking. I couldn't even use the touch controls properly to progress past the opening section.

I liked it more than 4-7 games, but it is too short, to be on par with first three.

Not as bad as Part 1 but still a Call of Potter.

I mean, it's better than part 1, so yay for that, but you can beat it in 1 sitting, it's still generic and kinda crap, and I don't really see why you'd wanna play it aside from curiosity. At that point just buy the DVD, every machine this game released for can play it (even the Wii if you're crafty enough)

11 year old me was not happy with this product.

Quem teve a brilhante ideia de fazer Harry Potter um jogo de tiro?


¿Mejor que el anterior? Sí
¿Eso dice mucho? No

Más de lo mismo, pero con niveles más interesantes, duelos de magos y la posibilidad de controlar a muchos personajes más allá del trío principal.

Si quieres saber más mira la reseña del Reliquias de la Muerte Parte 1.

jprdl takie gówno, już ukryta prawda by lepiej te grę wyreżyserowała

Eu acho maneirão. Shooter em terceira pessoa com várias armas (magias) com funções diferentes. E é bem fiel ao filme. Jogo muito divertido e um dos melhores de toda a franquia.

Loved Part 2 way more than Part 1 in terms of graphics and controls. Gone are the spell wheel or unrelated side missions from last time. Those changes make this game the best Harry Potter tie-in game I ever played. This is an excellent movie tie-in game that every Potter fan should try out if they're craving the finale of the series in video game form.

This review contains spoilers

Deathly hallows is better than the last game, and that's it. The Story is the same as the movie, with minor things changed for gameplay, the changes are fine on their own, but the rest of the game, doesn't help with them. The Voice acting is terrible, they mostly don't feel natural like the films, there are moments where their tone of voice doesn't match their situation and some actors like Severus Snape didn't even try, which really ruins his death. The Graphics are the same as the last game, which is not saying... anything, except they look slightly more polished. The Gameplay has you fight guards and death eaters and sometimes spiders with many spells this time, since the spells are used as guns, with Expelliarmus being used to remove shields, instead of disarming people, Expulso fires many Stupifys at the enemies instead of exploding things, Impedimenta, fire many homing missiles on enemies instead of slowing targets down, the targets still move normally after being hit, and Petrificus Totalus, does freeze enemies, but the aim on them is closer than other spells making it feel like a sniper rifle, these spells ruin the law. Also, if you smash the buttons fast enough the accuracy on the spell decreases, which I actually don't mind. To stop you from running to the end like last time, most of the time, there are doors that take a long time her Hermione to open, that you end up having to defend her from waves of enemies, I find it hard to believe it would take her that long. There is a segment where you avoid a dragon's breath by going between covers to the other side, it feels like a chore, since it's just there, and shouldn't even happen since the goblins didn't take us straight to the vault for no reason, when they did in the book and film. There is sometimes a scene after an action scene where you escape a disaster from running towards the screen away from it well dodging obstacles or casting on them to not get hit, these are fun, all 4 of them. You can also play as other characters during certain parts of levels, but they function the same, so you can only play as them since the other characters are not there, mostly well fighting the death eaters around Hogwarts, this can be fun when you ignore the stupid wand system.
and finally, this game is the shortest Harry Potter game, where you could beat it before the film end, and the smaller number of story moments make it feel shorter than the film even when it's not, and the final battle has you beat Voldemort by moving the spell ball to the center, which would not happen during that battle, they should have found a way to make a gameplay system that makes sense during that scene, but they don't because they wanted to be consistent with the terrible gun/wand system from this same game. The Music is alright, they don't distract from the scenes, but they are not memorable, and you will forget about them once it's over. Deathly Hallows Part 2 the game reveals to audiences that just because they fix things from the last game, doesn't mean that the rest of the game is safe from bad alterations.

I theorized in my other review that this style of gameplay fits Part 2 much better, and I was extremely right.

There is exactly zero filler content, and it does a genuinely great job at taking each section of the movie and turning it into a shooting gallery. While the DS version had more characters to play as, here they feel better to play. You get to control Harry, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Seamus, Neville, Ginny and Molly. Their sections are short, but so is the game itself, which is honestly its strength.

This is where my praise ends for the most part. The spellcasting, while generally snappier, is still not very fun. You get less spells and each is actually unique, but the pace of the combat is often unexciting, due to the heightened focus on the cover system. Enemies hide more often, there's generally more of them and they can spawn from any direction, as teleportation is a thing, and they all tend to use the shield spell Protego a lot. This creates a very static feel, and the game seemingly acknowledges that by having a plentitude of segments where you have to defend someone. Unfortunately, it just isn't very fun, even on the medium difficulty this pidgeonholes you into a very repetitive playstyle, and it gets old very fast without much else to latch onto.

There are some sections of this game which look neat. The Chamber of Secrets is the single biggest standout, with it being restructured into a pitch-black cave system connected by pipes, with visions of yellow eyes scattered around the darkness. You are incentivized to follow Ron as he casts Lumos, but you can also light up the road with your own spells, and since they have different colors, it can make for a nice visual. The rest of the game, however, is still very gray and unimpressive. I guess even in the movie, the visual of Hogwarts getting attacked isn't as impressive given the fact that the battle largely takes place at the courtyard and not the grounds. Maybe there's only so much they could do.

The level design is often very annoying, with enemies spawning extremely slow or from too many angles. The focus on putting "snipers" with heavy damage spells high up and far away in the latter half of the game is similarly not very fun. Doesn't help that you also begin revisiting the same areas as well.

If you HAVE to play a Deathly Hallows game, this is probably the best one. This doesn't say much unfortunately. The best part of this game comes after the credits, with a wonderful little montage of all the different styles in which Harry Potter games were realized in 3D. Almost feels like they knew some idiot like me would binge them one day.

Quick, uninspiring, and boring. Also, the voice acting is so dreadful it makes me vomit.

This certainly is a game that exists