Reviews from

in the past

Another game that I don't remember a single thing about. Pretty sure I just played it for the achievements, even though I do like Harry Potter.

All I can remember are the gobstones

Una cosa oscena la versione psp. la versione ps2 altro livello

divertido, lembro muito da primeira fase do dementador

The game is fun and I've finished it a lot of times, but it's a shame it was locked to 30 fps on PC.

Not as bad as Goblet of Fire but i do find this game very boring, the wand spells and duels are cool but besides that it just drags itself to the end.

I spent about an hour on the tutorial level where you say Dudley from the Dementor

The game itself is whatever, but one incredible thing it did have was an immaculate level at which it recreated all of Hogwarts and other locations from the film. To the point where it pretty much functions as a visit to the film set. Thanks to this game, I learned more about the geography of Hogwarts than any of the films could ever teach me no matter how many times I rewatched them.

fantastic depiction of hogwarts, making it feel like a properly realised space compared to the more gamey orientations of the previous entries. the spells being set to particular waggles of the analog stick is interesting but misreads intent too often. side quests fun, main questline boring, but that's because it's the order of the phoenix. alpha-hogwarts legacy

to this day i have not beaten the ravenclaw at chess nor the slytherin at gobstones

the graphics felt almost photorealistic for the time and hogwarts has never looked more beautiful, but they really picked the weakest movie in the series to go off wth


Best version of hogwarts before Legacy


Tras un mediocre pero entretenido (si jugabas con amigos) Harry Potter y El Cáliz de Fuego que se convirtió en un juego random de acción estilo Señor de los Anillos, llega La Orden del Fénix con la premisa de volvernos a dejar explorar Hogwarts, sin embargo, tenemos un grave problema.

Si recordamos, los 3 primeros juegos de Harry eran aventuras que, si bien no encajaban dentro de los libros o películas, estaban hechas para que el juego fuese divertido. La adición de criaturas mágicas como enemigos, el hecho de que las clases fuesen circuitos de obstáculos o los petardos mágicos.

Pues aquí nos olvidamos de todo eso, todo eso está calcado de la película, lo que significa que solo vamos a estar dando vueltas de un sitio a otro charlando con gente y haciendo alguna estúpida tarea secundaria hecha para conseguir atravesar los retratos o tener buena puntuación en clase ¿Quieres usar magia para luchar? Solo tienes duelos contra estudiantes y los obligatorios de la historia, fin.

Otra cosa ¿A quién se le ocurrió de que ahora los hechizos se hiciesen con movimientos random de joystick? Lo entiendo para la versión de Wii, pero ¿El resto de versiones? ¿Por qué?

A fantastic game representation of the book. I loved exploring the hogwarts and it was so great to finish some side quests with magic

A return to form with an open world Hogwarts, but still a step down by introducing strange analog stick controls to conjure spells. A fun and challenging game, sadly plagued by what was popular at the time- motion controls.

Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix ha envejecido muy mal. Es de hace 16 años (que no es tanto para un videojuego) y se hace difícil de jugar y de experimentar en general. Entiendo que para ese año fue una bomba, ver Hogwarts y el mundo del elegido con ese detalle tendría que ser una locura. Pero jugarlo actualmente es rarete.

Jugablemente, se salvan muy pocas cosas. El gameplay general se basa en buscar a alguien, hablar y hacer una misión que no se diferencia del resto y que como mucho te dura 10 minutos, para ir a la siguiente y así te llenan más de la mitad del juego. Se hace muy repetitivo, porque aunque Hogwarts sea enorme, solo te mueves por las mismas zonas, dejando muchas sin contenido casi.

Es verdad que en Hogwarts hay minijuegos esparcidos, pero acabas pasando ampliamente de ellos y vas al siguiente objetivo. Son interesantes, pero les falta poner un aliciente para que juegues más. Los combates (si bien no son la gran cosa) son sin duda lo mejor del juego, pero hay como 4 en las 5 horas que dura, por lo que se siente raro que lo hayan desaprovechado tanto.

Visualmente, está bien si no fuera por sus personajes. Las animaciones faciales son tan pobres que directamente algunos no tienen y en general el movimiento y actos de los mismo no son nada naturales. La música y la historia están directamente sacadas de la película, así que eso se salva.

Tengo que admitir que me he divertido jugándolo, pero no por sus virtudes, sino por lo desastroso que es jugarlo ahora mismo. Aunque me hayan faltado cosas por decir, creo que ya os haréis una idea de lo que me parece. Si te gusta Harry Potter y no tienes absolutamente nada que jugar, puede ser una opción para pasar unas tardes, pero el juego no me ha gustado.

Solidly fun, and getting to play Harry Potter with motion controls made the small child within me very happy. However, the game is too short and you run out of things to do too quickly. Exploring Hogwarts is another plus but again, you're left wanting more than the game can provide.

I remember playing this game as a kid and being blown away because all the locations were taken from the movies.

Until this game, all the previous games were not taking any assets from the movies.

But i have to admit the game itself was not exciting... as a fan it was a bummer.

I much prefered the second game.

Hogwarts is great, but the gameplay is shit...

I went to luna lovegood's birthday party when i was 12 what have you ever done?

Nice HP game, nice gameplay.

This is one of those games that was neat because "Ooh I shake the thingy and the thingy happens in the game too!" unless you played it on dear god anything but a Wii, in which case it's just weird. Anyway, not bad, it's okay I guess. The fully explorable Hogwarts is cool, and some of the segments are fine I guess, but that's about it

meu jogo era em português de Portugal, acho que foi o jogo que melhor representou Hogwarts, era td mt bem feito

didnt have a memory card for my ps2 growing up so every time id play this itd be from the beginning n lots of memories were made. revisiting this game involved the quest of finding a copy that wasnt corrupted. luckily i was able to find one at my local cex store (over a year of waiting for an alternative to the £30 copy listed on amazon) and the gameplay was just as good as i had remembered it :))) nostalgia always wins. the side quests and collectible missions can be tedious but it means getting to discover all sections of the map.

Flipendo but now has teenager issues.

This game tried to do what Hoghwarts Legacy did years later... But without the grinding and the open map bs.

being able to explore hogwarts is really cool and all but it and i hate to say this but it gets old and boring real fast

Fun open world HP experience , some quest are a bit boring. Love how spells were introduced.

Epic open world type Hogwarts with lots of unique collectibles.