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in the past

Open world Hogwarts is always the way to go with these games. But this one, like the movie, is soooo boring.

When drafting the concept of this game, the developers were excited to finally have the opportunity to use new hardware to accurately recreate Hogwarts castle in a videogame. When it came time to decide what the player should do there though, they realized the deadline was coming up in a week so they had you mop the floor with Wingardium Leviosa.

Surprisingly fun given how boring the movie was.

Barely worse than Deathly Hallows Part 1

Graphics, slightly better than Deathly Hallows,

Camera, excellent

Final Score: 3.5/5

Harry Potter fans, Pick this one up, today, You won't regret it

A pretty great undertaking: recreating a giant version of the movie version of the castle. The characters are also adapted from the films and there's a ton of secrets to uncover if you want to get to 100%, which takes a long while (I don't think I managed it). Otherwise there's nothing super interesting going on, the story bits are actually short and way too easy.

Bastante divertido eso si me cago en tus muertos conserje tuerto de mierda

All I remember is weird wand controls and trying to beat people at marbles

Il gioco di HP che mi è piaciuto di più. Un mezzo "open world" in cui puoi esplorare tutta Hogwarts e trovare piccoli segreti di qua e di là, ovviamente accompagnati anche dalla trama! Le sfide a scacchi erano ciò che odiavo di più perché non sapevo giocarci LOL

i was obsessed with this game but f*ck jkr

Ironically enough, I think the new Harry Potter game that's coming soon may take some notes from this bland movie tie-in game. All the prior games had a charming degree of exploration and open-endedness, but this one chose to follow the aesthetic approach of the film it was adapting and translated the physical space of Hogwarts as it was presented in the movies to an insanely accurate degree. The game itself is mostly mediocre, but I can imagine the developers of Hogwarts: Legacy taking some long looks at the level design and layouts of this game before they built up their own version of the world. A curio of a game, if nothing else.

walking around hogwarts is kind of fun honestly

4/10 - PS3

The best way I can think of explaining how this game feels, is that it's like one of those bonus menus on a DVDs back in the day but it has stupid amount of budget behind it.

The two main sources of entertainment in this game come from callbacks to the movies/books and the short minigames in-between mindless running from one place to another, which is the main gameplay. There's chess, there's snap and there's also the worst fkn minigame called Gobstones, which uses one of my least favorite mechanics, which is "push/pull the analog stick lightly." There's different rules but, basically, you flick balls, you pull a certain extend and then push. I don't know how am I supposed to estimate the distance or speed of the ball through that. It's dumb. I spend like two hours on beating one guy.

The gameplay is bearable, however, because this game's biggest selling point is its faithful and impressive reconstruction of the Hogwarts castle and its grounds. The entire gameplay is based around the fact that they just built this castle so might as well put some gameplay in there. You cast spells on the things you can lock onto in a room, get points, and unlock interviews with the cast and slides from the movie. It leans so much into being a companion piece to the other media, which is why I compared it a DVD menu earlier.

There's some enjoyment to be derived from that, the spell casting mechanic, which incorporates the wand movement, is neat and there are a few genuinely cool setpieces and moments of gameplay (You play as Dumbledore and Sirius at certain points, which owns) but the game really needed more meat on its bones.

el último gran HP y eso que la pelicula era una porquería

We all know Prisoner of Azkaban was the best one

The controls and frame rate were so poor that I spent 10 minutes trying to incendio then gave up.

Muito dahora e tinha MUITA COISA PRA FAZER, além de ser maravilhoso passear por Hogwarts

The framerate is an inconvenience but is not a hindrance. At least on Playstation 2.

I think it's the richest Harry Potter game in terms of exploration. This one feels worthy to 100%. And it's more entertaining that looking for stupid ass badges.

I'm sure the game was fine on the other consoles but it was just borderline unplayable at times on the Wii with the motion controls.

The books/movies beyond Goblet also I feel like were just not easily as adaptable into a video game? The movies from Phoenix and onwards felt a lot more coherent to the central story and development of characters, whereas Stone, Chamber, Prisoner, and Goblet were a lot more fun, creative, and whimsical (not that that makes them superior, even though I do think they're superior) and put a lot of emphasis into the otherworldliness of the wizarding world. Translating that more serious story/character centric style into an adventure game is trickier, I think.

Sorry this turned into a HP analysis.


The game is slightly better than the movie.

You have to make EXTREMELY specific movements with the Wiimote for the wand to do what you want, and it's bad, because most of the game involves doing stuff with your want. Unfortunately, is not really thrilling stuff most of the time, and when it is, it's unplayable. The duels are impossible. I could only beat Voldemort at the end by moving the Wiimote senselessly and spamming buttons. The Snape Legeremsn sessions are hand torture. After having my butt kicked by Crabbe and Goyle and other Slytherins several times I just stood out of the way. I'm sure the Xbox and PS versions are better in this aspect.

Best ever game Hogwarts so far really makes up for it, since the game is mostly an "explore Hogwarts" simulator with a thin plot reined in. Comfy, not terribly entertaining for a long playing session, though. Emma, Rupert and the Phelps bros. are great to listen to throughout, their presence really helps.

I only played this for what is probably the most fleshed-out rendition of Hogwarts to explore. Even if I spent most of that time smacking other students in the head with statues and death magic only for them to go 'Ow!' every time.

I got this one for my Bar Mitzva lol

I literally was sent this for getting my letter published in Mad Magazine, not a bit.

A pretty boilerplate licensed game for the most part, but the first one in the series where I remember you could just wander around the school grounds and do menial tasks / find hidden secrets all over. And it actually ported over locations from the movies and stitched them together into a cohesive, seamless whole. So it gets extra points for attention to detail / worldbuilding.

PSP version - 1/10

The PSP version is devoid of anything and everything that made the console version enjoyable or special. The visuals are obviously a pretty severe downgrade, with a focus on fixed camera shots. You can't ever really admire the castle because you can't see it. This also leads to traditional problems with this viewpoint, that is that when switching perspectives your character turns around if you hold the stick in the same direction for too long. It's more severe here than in most titles I've played. This is only made worse by the worst and most confusing layout of the Grand Staircase from any of these games.

Control issues continue, as they refuse something like holding down a button and using the stick for spellcasting. Instead, you press buttons. But there's more spells then buttons. Then let's do button combos! But oh no, you don't just press them one after another. You have to hold them for just a tiny bit, then hold the other one. How long? I don't know! And I beat it! There's also a cooldown added to it, just to make it even more annoying.

There are some different systems (like a loyalty one of sorts, where you have to help kids from different houses) some different sidequests, most interactables are gone and replaced by newspapers on walls, all of which amounts to running around and either fetching items or trying to combo during extremely frustrating dueling.

I am highly worried about the other handheld games for this part, as well as Half-Blood Prince.