Reviews from

in the past

This game has quite a charm to it! Its vibe, music and looks are very special, there isn't a second where funk and energy isn't present, however the way this game controls and some of its level design to me hasn't age the best, it can get claustrophobic at times, the way you jump and build up speed in this game can feel kind of awkward to me, but coming up with routes for level and making the best out of the time you have is a fun gameplay loop!

I like to look at this game as a good blueprint really, for everything that it inspired and what came after!

Este juego es toda una hermosura, tanto en lo visual como en lo sonoro. Puede que los controles te tomen algo de tiempo en dominarlos, pero una vez lo hagas, es muy divertido.
Sus gráficos que son pioneros en el estilo cel-shading y su pegadizo soundtrack son sus puntos más fuertes, es grandioso.

Definitvamente lo recomiendo, tanto en Dreamcast como en sus ports.

Future definitely adds a ton, but I dig the arcadey gameplay of this one. Glad I finally got to it! Naganuma's music is incredible and the overall style is impeccable.

It's a very interesting version


“the controls are weird” just say u suck!!! 😭👍

"ohhh the controls....they're so heckin clunky...." WE GET IT!! YOU'RE BAD AT THE GAME!!

quite possibly the worst game ive ever played. pure AGONY

we all love jet set radio, the style and soul motivates me to go outside and be the coolest person of the week, but playing it is some horrible tortue technique id imagine used in guantanamo bay. the levels absolutely do not compliment the character movement and vice versa. you know the grunts AVGN makes? ive finally felt that now. holy shit this game is bad

edit: so i came around to beating it and it finally clicked with me, will have another review coming but im leaving this up cuz this was my first impressions

Jogo arcade divertido, estiloso, com músicas bacanas e tudo mais. Gosto bastante e recomendo pra qualquer pessoa que já for mais fã de videogames :)

TheCriticalThinker: "Why Precision Platformer "Wall Jumper" (game built around its controls that are designed in a way to be perfectly matched for the level design) Has The Best Game Feel" (video review, 40 minutes)

TheCriticalThinker: "Why Jet Set Radio (game built around its controls that are designed in a way to be perfectly matched for the level design with the goal of feeling like rollerskating) Just Hasn't Aged Well And Shouldn't Ever Be Replicated Without Fixing The Dogshit Jank Outdated Controls" (video critique, 4+ hours)

TheCriticalThinker: Why Do Modern Games All Feel Samey? (video analysis, 5 minutes)

Un-self-aware pretentious jab at un-self-aware pretentious videos aside, I have some thoughts to give for new players to maybe help with what doesn't click at first, or just to offer perspective. Context is a defining factor of enjoying almost anything; you wouldn't want to go in for what will be called a buffet only to find out it's actually a buffet of assorted rocks, dirt and shit; cause while it's not like you're being told there isn't rocks, dirt and shit in the buffet, it's not exactly what you're expecting by default, and Jet Set Radio's context in the modern era might do it a disservice; it's a clear-cut cult classic with a smooth and funky perception, and you're gonna head in and feel like you're controlling the least reliable guy ever brought into the medium. These controls are not hindering your ability to be smooth and bring out your sense of style, but they are designed to be an initial obstacle to your ability to immediately achieve satisfaction, and this is because Jet Set Radio isn't a game about vigorously showing off your delirious biznasty funky skills in a vacuum but rather a pretty intense time-attack game where the smoothness comes from the act of "not losing" instead of "winning".

So here's my advice: skip the tutorial, it's not helping you, it shows techniques you'll never need and makes out the game to be more complicated than it is. Instead of immediately thinking of doing tricks (assuming you're still able to get down with the time attack gameplay) try to think about the context of what this is; it's an arcade-y skating game, it's simulating an (exxaggerated) set of physics tied to skating, there is weight and momentum; you cannot jump and get anywhere without build-up and walls are a death sentence for your speed, but there's actually a significant degree of leeway given the "floaty jumps" are pretty much a life-saver in terms of pulling off long trick sequences. Try to enjoy the learning process, fuck around and try to naturally discover the techniques you can pull off. Jet Set Radio, at it's core, is a time-attack game where you're trying to gain territory while skating, and it's fundamentally faithful to all these ideas, and with this context you can better know if it'll appeal to you. Sloppy physics are there not to be forever be sloppy, but to make you feel the growth of your ability (hell, fucking around to learn will even help you find collectibles most likely) and the quick-time event graffiti? Notice how the timer beats down on you while you do it, and notice how cops come in to punish and hunt you as you're actively spraying; it is meant to put the heat on you. You're a punk, not a hippie!

honestly really sad that i ever played this game because im now going to associate its wonderful music with frustration for the rest of my life

Commonly acclaimed as one of the Dreamcast's gems, Jet Grind Radio provides us a concept with a lot of undeniable style and promise, however the rough control schemes coupled with the less-than-perfect Dreamcast controller makes this a bumpy ride to go.

The soundtrack and the aesthetics are what will likely keep you wanting for more, alas underneath those elements there could be a lot of room for improvement that wouldn't be seen until its re-imagining on XBOX.

Who the fuck calls it Jet GRIND Radio??

the music: 9/10
the graphics: 10/10
the vibe: 11/10
the gameplay: 4/10 on the good levels, and the bad levels are like 0.5/10
wish i could like this one, love it even, but i cant stand actually playing it. had it not been for everything else about it being so outstanding, jet set radio would NOT be remembered so fondly

Quando foi anunciado pela Sega um novo jogo de Jet Set Radio (juntamente à outras franquias) eu voltei a ter interesse na franquia (de 2 jogos) e me apaixonei por ela.
Uma das coisas que mais se destacam no jogo é a trilha sonora, principalmente as músicas feitas por Hideki Naganuma que são (praticamente) a identidade visual do jogo (músicas como: Let Mom Sleep, Sweet Soul Brother, Sneakman etc.)
Os gráficos envelheceram muito bem pelo uso do Cell Shading (também um dos fatores que influenciaram na indetidade do jogo) e por serem estilizados nos visuais dos cenários e personagens (que são muito carismáticos).
A única coisa que me incomodou no jogo foram as corridas (talvez pq eu não seja tão experiente com os controles), que as vezes parecem muito """injustas"""
Para alguém que ODIAVA graffite (e pichações), esse jogo mudou a forma de como eu enxergo esse estilo de arte (agora só odeio pichação).

Better watch that comin' at ya

é simplesmente o auge do estilo na história dos videogames

perfeitinho, visuais lindos, jogabilidade mei estranha, mas se acostuma rápido, super descolado B)

I liked the idea for this game more than I liked actually playing it. The aesthetic, the music, just the vibes in general are very much my jam, but it's pretty rough to actually play.

Loads of fun with a unique sense of style brimming with charm and personality down to its quirky 90s skater vibe and funky music and visuals. It does however feel really clunky trying to make perfect landings and the overall loop of roaming around and spray painting while evading police with the limited variety of stages and gameplay ideas does bring it down. Still a promising formula worth expanding on

Has a bunch of weird little quibbles - the pointless time limit, the stinginess of spray cans on certain stages, stricter collision detection for grinding - that hold it back, but it has such a clarity of vision that when they made Future two years later, they kept the structure, story, and core gameplay loop essentially the same.

you gotta REALLY like the artistry on display to get through this game i'm afraid

Extremely amazing soundtrack and visual presentation, marvellous really, it oozes THAT style you've dreamed of

But oh man I'd be lying if it can't be really frustrating sometimes

The controls are kinda janky and take a LOT of getting used to. The "enemies" are just frustrating and the game would be better without them.

That said, this is now one of my favorite games of all time. I absolutely loved playing through it and getting JET on every level except for the last couple which are...just terrible in my opinion.

nails the aesthetic but actually playing it is not as interesting or cool. the idea's right there but the movement isn't. so i expect the sequel to solve that problem

Been fascinated with this since I was a kid, and it took until now for me to finally get a Dreamcast and track down a copy. Some of the most clunky controls of all time aside, this is a thrilling feelgood artistic masterpiece and no game (besides Future) has EVER been this full of personality. It also has what I will crown as my favorite video game soundtrack of all time, and singlehandedly got me into hip hop.

Very few games mean as much to me and my development as this and Future. Despite being a chore to control and play sometimes, I love this game and I always will.