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I don't have much to say about this one. It's a very sweet game about cleaning the ocean. It has satisfying gameplay, a really nice art style, and just generally chill vibes.

However, I got this game through Humble Choice, and because of that, I didn't know the game's price tag, and after looking it up - it's a bit steep. I don't want to say it's overpriced, as this was developed by (I think) 3 people who clearly invested a lot of passion and time. But from a detached POV - it's a really short game with almost no replay value and for me - I can't see myself spending 20$ on this kind of game.

In short - it's really cool, but expensive...

Loddlenaut is a sweet, cute and cozy game where you clean up the ocean of GUP-14 with different tools. Amazingly smooth and well controlled, with a little bit of lore sprinkled in about why the planet is so dirty but maybe not enough information which still leaves questions. Ultimately, you’re just going to clean up goo and look after cute little fish. I got about 5 hours on the game which was mainly exploring and just enjoying the zen environment. Another thing to note is the game was made by just two people! They really nailed it.

There’s of course room for improvement like perhaps having more to do? The world is so nice to be in but once you’ve cleaned everything, there’s not much left for you to stay and do. The loddle management is pretty half baked and not as great as it should be.

If you’re considering May 2024’s Humble Choice, this is definitely a good month to buy.

Cute and fun, as many other players have said. Nothing more, nothing less. Could've been richer in content and life, and better overall, but I liked it enough.

Fun and cute environmentalist game. I wished that there had been more depth (pun intended) to many of the mechanics though, especially caring for the loddles. Given that they're in the title, I assumed doing things with the loddles would be a central part of the game. However, they often feel like an afterthought. It feels like there isn't any meaningful reason to interact with them after you've cleaned them unless you want to 100% the achievements.

(Received in Humble Bundle’s May Humble Choice)

Packed with charm and adorable pixel 3D graphics, Loddlenaut is a short-but-sweet aquatic adventure into a contaminated ocean planet. Taking the shoes of a nameless, faceless astronaut, the player is tasked with cleaning up after a megacorporation who had contaminated the planet with their careless and wasteful research. Pick up litter, clear up strange goo, and dispose of microplastics to make the planet a safer place for its native species; vaguely axolotl-shaped creatures named Loddles, who can be fed, played with, petted, and grown into unique “evolutions” which depend on their diet. Along the way, the player will pick up scraps of information about why the corporation left the planet in this state, and what led to the collapse of the research operation.

I had a great time with Loddlenaut. It’s very short – only 6 hours to reach 100% completion – and the perfect kind of game for a cooldown after completing a particularly tough title. I particularly enjoyed turning the litter into resources for upgrades; it was incredibly satisfying to empty out my inventory into the recyclers. The upgrades themselves were paced very well, in my opinion. They’re unlocked at a speed that doesn’t render the latter half of the game too easy, but doesn’t leave you crawling through the first half at a snail’s pace, either. Incredibly well done. I also very much enjoyed the story and grew to love the disgruntled man on the comms system. In a game with so little character interaction, his presence was definitely appreciated; I’ve picked up several aquatic titles this year, so I know all too well the isolating landscape of the ocean. Speaking of the landscape, it got quite tedious moving back and forth between the new biomes and the Home Cove. As fast travel is only unlocked once you complete a biome, inventory management becomes an absolute nightmare in the later biomes, where you have to travel even further to recycle all of your litter. That is pretty much my only complaint when it comes to the game’s mechanics, though.

Overall, Loddlenaut is charming, relaxing, and plunges you into an unfamiliar world with kindness, as opposed to other games with similar settings. The game would definitely benefit from slightly more content – though I know the game is intended to be short. I found myself quite sad to leave the planet at the end, even though there was no more work I could possibly do. Maybe we’ll get a DLC someday, in which we tackle another area of the planet? Who knows, but if we do, I’ll absolutely be first to play it.


short and sweet and great!

love me the ocean, love me some cleanin' games, love me some breedin' fishies

short and sweet and great!

This game is lovely, truly I would have loved if it was longer. I'm a huge fan of cleaning and tidying games like this or Hardspace: Shipbreaker. This was an amazing experience, even if I'll never return to it.

wanna clean some underwater places and find cute little critters? then this is the game for you.

Cute little game about cleaning an ocean and helping the little critters that live in it. Maybe a little short, depending on what you expect for the price, but I think it works perfectly with this length, especially if you play it in bite-sized sessions (I binged it in a 5-hour session, but that's just me!). Recommended

the second i saw this game from an indie showcase years ago i fell in love and knew it was going to be something special. i've waited and waited and finally, we got a demo so i streamed it and the dev team must've seen it because they reached out to me and kindly provided me with a code to play the full game for free. i was hoping this game would be like the chao garden from sonic adventure with the loddles and it takes a lot of inspiration from that, with the different types of food you give them and how it makes them evolve as well as how you take care of them. i loved every second of this game but sadly there are only so many of those seconds to enjoy as the game is pretty short. it's a chill cozy cleanup game with a pet system but that's pretty much all there is to it, not much replayability. i am forever grateful to have received a copy for free and will always love this game and i can't wait to see where jin and ricardo go from here :)

This game is precious! I love the music, and the loddles are so cute. It's a really cozy chill game.

It would've been nice to spend a little more time with the mechanics you get towards the end of the game, but as it is is a very nice short-but-sweet package.

Overall, I liked the game. Chill, fun and good to play. 100% it with a guide when it came to the loddle species. I wish there was a way to keep track in game for what loddles you had or hadn't discovered and the there was just a bit more of a story. I do catch myself playing it over and over again though for relaxation-sake.

Very therapeutic. You can clean the ocean of trash completely in about three two-hour sittings. Replayable if you are into redoing the ocean. Loddlenauts are cute. Yay!

Una experiencia agradable para pasar una tarde entretenida, con una propuesta y mecánicas ultra simples. Limpia el fondo del mar de toda contaminación y habítalo con criaturas monísimas.

Nice podcast game. Wish the upgrade system didn't top out before the final area, made collecting trash pretty much pointless. Also, there's one song in the soundtrack that is almost a complete ripoff of one specific mario galaxy song. Other than that it's good (thumbs up emoji)

It's peaceful and calming. Cleaning the waste left behind and revitalizing this alien ocean is a really great experience. It succeeds in being cute, heartwarming and the enviromental message is a strong one.

The first Loddle found while cleaning I named onion. He liked kelp tacos and I regularly checked in on him. The Loddles are great at showing the impact your cleaning has on the environment. Watching them grow and play is the real reward for what you are doing.

It's simple, not very long and it's just overall really good. I would recommend Loddlenaut to cozy game lovers or just those who have a fondness of the ocean.

It's a cute and relaxing clean-up game. The loddle breeding system is super half baked though.

It's cute, it's fun, it's beautiful. It sticks to one concept and executes it. However, like me, you mind find yourself bored before you finish it entirely.

Cute little ocean cleaning game that makes for an enjoyable 3+ hours of relaxation.
+ satisfying trash collection and recycling with well-paced upgrades
+ clean pixel graphics
- shallow gameplay loop that wouldn't support an extended playtime
- somewhat lifeless environments aside from the few adorable animals

Could use a bit more content and some quality-of-life changes with managing the loddles, but this was a nice relaxing game.

Doesn’t hit like other cleaning games because of some QOL things missing and not a whole lot of depth to the game. But again maybe that’s the point

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for May 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before June 4th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

I wish cleaning the ocean was this fun.

Loddlenauts is just a chill game. You swim in the ocean, blast away pollutants, clean up microplastics, and find Loddle, essentially a cute fish friend who you can help out. There’s a large world with sunken ships, large reefs, and interesting locations to find, as well as challenges and a ton of stuff to clean up.

However there’s not a lot of danger or challenge from what I have seen, it’s overall a pretty chill game. Even when I went the wrong way, the game pretty much says “Your goal is not that way, but go explore if you want”. The cleaning will be repetitive to some, but there are a lot of games like this that work in the same way. Think Powerwash simulator for something similar but this is far cuter.

Pick this up if you want to just enjoy swimming in the water or exploring the deep. This will work great with young children, but even adults need a game to unwind with. Not everything can be about shooting baddies, sometimes just picking up a little plastic and turning it into a new device you’ve been needing is what works, and that’s what Loddlenauts has.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Cute little game, a bit short in my opinion but its still a fun cozy time

whole little game. i liked it for what it was.
100% in 7 hours

as a Kickstarter backer for this game this is basically what I wanted. I usually don't play these type of cozy games but the short run time and incredible art style won me over in the end. truly a great palate cleanser (love all the loddle's in the game)

I had fun with the game however I felt the price tag was too high for what I got id recommend picking the game up in a sale sometime.liked