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in the past

i liked it. plays better. worse story.

Holy fucking peak fiction. This game is easily my second favorite entry from RGG. In my opinion this game has the best OST and combat in any RGG game. One of my all time favorite stories in any game aswell. One of the greatest antagonists. Battle of ideals. 🐐❤️

wow, highschoolers, really interesting

Another excellent game from RGG, and such a good sequel to Judgment. The combat is actually really fun, where I had some grievances with the previous games, this could be the best combat in the series, with a wide range of options. The story is also easily among the best, with the darkest tone yet from RGG.

Пик всей франшизы и один из лучших сюжетов, что я видел в видеоиграх вообще.

Начать хотелось бы с того, что подсерия Judgment явно выделяется на фоне основных игр франшизы, своим более холодным и не побоюсь этого слова реалистичным взглядом на криминальный мир Японии.

Lost Judgment представляет из себя сиквел, где была проделана потрясающая работа над ошибками, что видно на примере той же слежки, которая стала гораздо удобнее, потому что прятаться можно где угодно, а не только в обозначенных специально разработчиками местах. Да и в целом, продолжительность слежки существенно уменьшилась. Так же изменилась и погоня, теперь появилась возможность сократить выносливость противника и тем самым догнать его быстрее, не дожидаясь скриптовой сцены. Еще в игре есть стелс и паркур, но они находятся на достаточно рудиментарном уровне и не обладают должной глубиной, но даже несмотря на это они хорошо справляются с поставленной задачей, чтобы разнообразить игровой процесс. Хотелось бы поговорить так же о боёвке, которая перетерпела существенные изменения. Стиль Журавля, которым было не особо удобно пользоваться в первой части стал более практичным благодаря чему юзабельность стиля увеличилась в несколько раз. Был добавлен мой любимый стиль змеи, который рассчитан на парирования и обезоруживание врагов. Великолепно используется на практике. Босс файты всё таки же зрелищные, но разрабы пошли на поводу у игроков и зачем то убрали систему смертельных ран, которая давала дополнительный челлендж в битвах. Но даже так босс файты на харде были достаточно потными, особенно из-за того что босс может и вовсе заваншотить игрока если не повезет. Несмотря на всю прокаченность боёвой системы, насладиться ею за пределами сюжета увы не получиться, ведь здоровье местной гопоты на улицах Камурочо или Йокохамы укротили в несколько раз. Так же кроме дрона из первой части появились новые гаджеты, для детективной деятельности, но за пределами сайдов использовать их не получится. Благодаря одному из лучших движков а именно Dragon Engine, анимации стали более плавными и мы получили потрясающий рэгдолл. Пожалуй главным достоянием наряду с сюжетом стали школьные истории. Здесь можно и потанцевать со школьницами и заняться боксом на крайний случай. Но задания некоторых клубов вроде казино или киберспорта, явно уступают остальным и без них осадок от квестов был бы поприятнее. Появились так же свидания, которые проходят интересно и дают некую характеризацию дамам, с которыми будет встречаться Ягами, но всё что происходит между ними - отдаёт рутинной.

Сам сюжет ничуть не уступает прошлой игре, а иногда и вовсе превосходит оригинал в несколько раз. Темы затронутые в сюжете вроде буллинга или полной сломанности судебной системы, актуальны и красиво передаются через сторителлинг. Такаюки Ягами и до этого являлся поистине потрясающим персонажем, но наблюдать за ним в сиквеле это чистое удовольствие. Есть мнение что в подобные истории хороши настолько насколько хорошо прописан конфликт главного героя с антагонистом или антагонистами, к счастью в Джаджменте с этим всё в порядке и даже очень хорошо. Господи как же они здесь КРУТЫ, каждая сцена с ними заставляла меня поднапрячься, ведь перед собой я видел по-настоящему страшных людей, готовых идти на всё ради достижения своей цели. из-за чего идеологичный конфликт каждого из них с Ягами вызвал у меня бурю эмоций. Стопроцентно рекомендую играть исключительно в Японской озвучке.

Если подводить итог, то мы имеем абсолютный пик всей серии и лучшую игру RGG, верю что в будущем увижу от них что-то близкое к этому уровню, который они показали в Lost Judgment. Так же хотелось бы поблагодарить издателя SEGA, ведь без них этого великолепия бы не было. Такие игры сейчас это редкость. Ну а так же Тоширо Нагоши проделал восхитительную работу перед своим уходом из студии, удачи ему над работой в следующих проектов.

As the sequel to one of RGG's best games, I had a lot of expectations from LJ and thankfully after spending almost a 100 hours with this story, I can happily say it met most of them.

Right off the bat, the combat is not only a huge improvement from JE but one of the best in the entire Yakuza franchise. Between four styles to choose from and how fluid switching between them is, I was constantly in awe of how fun they were able to make it because even after duking it out with street thug #25372, I never found myself bored with it.

School Stories were one of the most fun side content narratives I've had the pleasure of experiencing in an RGG game. While some of the school clubs were more fleshed out than others, it was very heartwarming to see Yagami be a mentor to the kids he encounters over the course of the story.

Although the plot dragged on in the latter half and could've done with being just little bit shorter, I did enjoy it and found it made some fascinating points which have given me more than a little food for thought.

LJ has a lineup of brilliant antagonists, Kuwana, Soma and even Akutsu were all such enjoyable characters and great additions to the cast. But as far as returning cast goes, I did find some of them out of character (Hoshino) and others underutilized (Kaito, Higashi).

I do wish the detective and court elements were better implemented in this game as they felt somewhat underused. The stealth and parkour sections weren't too offensive but they could stand to be fleshed out a bit more.

Although the main plot is just a little shy of beating JE's for me, the QoL improvements in LJ, the incredibly fun combat and the side content make up for it and then some. I really hope we get a third installment in this series someday because I'd love to go for another adventure with the Yagami Detective Agency.

Dificilmente vou jogar algo tão bom assim de novo em toda a minha vida.

Nem vou prolongar muito, só queria dizer que as cenas nos créditos demonstram o quão vivo e natural esses personagens são, eu tô muito triste que acabou.

E devo admitir que surtei ao ver que a Ado canta a música tema do game

they have really improved on the overall game engine, fighting mechanics and cutscene production for this game

More Judgement is a good thing, and this one comes with the added bonus of having a bunch of silly minigames to do at school and I love it.

Lost Judgment took everything I loved about the first game and cranked it up a notch! Yagami's a great detective, and the story is super intriguing, but the combat is where it really shines – it's so satisfying to pull off those wild moves. Yokohama feels even bigger to explore, and there are tons of wacky side cases to keep you busy. Some of the stealth sections can be annoying, but if you love action games, detective stories, and just a bit of Japanese craziness, Lost Judgment is a must-play.

Quite literally every single problem I had with Judgment was fixed and then some. I thought the Yakuza games peaked with 2 but RGG has finally topped it. Every single aspect about this game is nearly perfect, the combat the story the side content the characters, basically everything is done incredibly well. This is the best RGG game that doesn't have Kenzan in the title.

Loved it other the final chapter which was a bit of an overlong slog. I love the story of the Judgment games, I’d go so far to say that they’re both in my top 5 videogame stories. The characters remain great, Yagami is my boy! I even think the combat felt a little better in this compared to the others I’ve played. I’d say the side stories are a little weaker too as none of them were particularly memorable but admittedly I didn’t do them all.

The best combat RGG has made, great side content, cool QOL changes, less tailing missions, overall big upgrade to Judgment.

Only the story is mixed - great villains, good topic of the story, cool to have a lot of returning characters, but writing is sometimes weird and Yagami as a protag is worse in this game.

Only I wish there was more long battles and boss battles missions and coliseum in side content. Also boxer style should be unlockable in boxing minigame.


So this is like Judgment, but with a better story, better characters and a better gameplay. So real. Also Zhao cameo is so based... like you're telling me we got Sugi and Zhao in one frame??? literally crying.

Big shoutout to Kaito for taking one for the team so Sugiura could partner up with me instead.


Thanks once again.

ps: kaito and higashi meowing was not on my agenda but it was very welcomed. I may have died of laughter

Como Judgment pero mejor, como Yakuza pero superior.

Tier personal: S

Juego del Mes personal 2024: Abril

They cooked with fucking gas, they ate, they peaked

El típico día en Lost Judgment me tiene yendo al instituto donde actualizo la misión del club de Misterios sobre EL PROFESOR, ir al sótano para hacer una de las canciones del grupo de baile (con minijuego de ritmo incorporado), ir al grupo de robótica donde hacen competiciones (con minijuego incorporado) y hay hasta un torneo (y drama en el grupo) además de ir al grupo de esports a partirles la cara en el Virtua Fighter 5 (este es el putisimo juego original tal cual). Tras ello salgo a Ijincho y como me pilla cerca juego a golf, béisbol y a las carreras de drones. Voy hacia el sur a hacer un par de combates de boxeo y ya de paso le doy comida a un gato al que he llamado Frenchie para que me suba la Pawpularidad.

A la noche voy a un bar donde suceden un par de investigaciones con las chicas con las que se puede hablar y tras ganarle a los dardos a una de ellas intento hacer una Death Race que son carreras de moto, pero el juego lo impide rogando que sea responsable diciéndome básicamente “no bebas y conduzcas”. Vuelvo al instituto, pero por la noche para actualizar las misiones de los grupos de clase, bailar otra vez y ligar con la enfermera del instituto a la cual le dan miedo las heridas y la sangre.

La trama de este juego sigue dando gran importancia al sistema judicial de japón, aunque esta vez no es ése el centro de la historia, sino en los institutos a partir de un caso de bulling investigado por el protagonista. Más que ser un mero gimmick esto es algo muy relevante hasta en la mayoría del contenido secundario

Este juego es una mejora en todos los aspectos frente al Judgment anterior, el estudio RGG básicamente muestra todo lo que debería ser cualquier secuela un más y mejor de manual.

Desde el combate que esta vez mantiene los 2 estilos del combate del anterior con mejoras y añade uno nuevo que es mejor aún ya que tiene parry. De hecho, una de las cosas que me apena en lo personal de este juego es lo increíblemente divertido que he encontrado el combate, no descarto que sea debido a la tosquedad de algunos de los anteriores y de que no soy fan del combate por turnos del 7 pero creo que dieron en el clavo con este combate. Al fin y al cabo, tiene parry.

Pasando por todo el contenido secundario que se ha expandido enormemente y era una de mis quejas del original. Esta vez aprovechando el contexto del instituto el protagonista se une a muchos de los grupos extraescolares como asesor para investigar muchos de los estudiantes que están teniendo problemas.

Más que ser un mero minijuego todos estos grupos tienen su propio hilo argumental a seguir. Por ejemplo, el club de baile aparte de tener un minijuego de baile y 4 canciones tiene una trama centrada en la líder del grupo de baile, la desmotivación que tiene el grupo a veces y su rivalidad con otra de las candidatas a ganar los premios nacionales. Hay un club de boxeo al que podemos unirnos y aparte de que las peleas suceden con su propio sistema de combate y es un estilo de combate que también podemos usar fuera del club (siendo un cuarto estilo de combate ya que no son pocos) también hay una trama incluida debido a un adolescente que tiene problemas para controlar su ira. La resolución de esta trama junto con la del grupo de moteros y carreras de motos son bastante peak. Pero ya la resolución final que ocurre al realizar todas las historias es un nivel de cine diferente al ver que todos tus esfuerzos durante tanto tiempo han valido tanto la pena, podría ser la conclusión del juego y me parecería increíblemente satisfactoria.

Si bien diría que la trama del primero está mejor estructurada objetivamente, en el plano subjetivo he de decir que igual se ha convertido en mi historia favorita del estudio (con perdón a la trama principal del insuperable Yakuza 0, that’s shit may be untouchable) quizás por ser una historia más centrada en temas que me pegan más de cerca como el acoso escolar, profesores, etc.

Lo que yo realmente me pregunto es como esto no crea un estándar para el resto de videojuegos y ya no solo a juegos que se parezcan de forma directa. Es que a nivel cinemático para ser un videojuego no hay mucho más que mejorar aquí, y como sandbox pocos o ningún mapa nos vamos a topar más denso y repleto de actividades a hacer por no hablar del contenido secundario, lo cual viene a ser un día más en la vida del estudio.

Lost judgment es la prueba que Ryu Ga Gotoku estudio es insuperable en esta combinación de juego cinemático junto con un mundo abierto repleto de actividades. Pero me fascina que hagan mejor de forma combinada lo que otros hacen peor de forma separada ¿Qué sentido tiene tener tantos mundos abiertos que son tan abiertos para tener tan poco mundo dentro? ¿Qué sentido tienen los juegos cinemáticos con tanta cámara al hombro sostenida para tener tan poco cine? ¿Qué sentido tiene gastar tantos años desarrollando un juego lineal matando tus trabajadores cuando RGG te saca 3 o 4 en el mismo tiempo que son mejores?

No sé si RGG continuará esta sub-saga ya que tengo entendido que lidiar con la compañía representante del protagonista es una tocada de cojones. Aun considerando que me falta de jugar el dlc que seguro que mejorará lo que ya es de por sí un juego excelente (momento en el que aprovecharé para repasar un poco de contenido secundario). Pero en caso de que no sea así me alegro de que hayamos podido tener un par de estos juegos Yakuza-like con un enfoque diferente (aunque tampoco mucho) que no es que hayan salido simplemente buenos, es que probablemente me parezcan los mejores.

falling to my knees tears in my eyes screaming...........its peak............

This review contains spoilers

Gotta love this morally questionable endings that questions what's the right thing to do?

Tesso & Kuwana dynamic intro S Tier.

Encore mieux que son prédécesseur

the combat is amazing best one in the yakuza series the story is also great tho i feel like the first judgment game had a more interesting story i also like doing sick combos with mods n shit

on par with judgment. Both are amazing games and i prefer judgment's story to lost judgment but still both amazing. Lost judgment has even better combat somehow and its probably some of my favourite ever.

I wish sugiura stayed a bit mysterious because i don't think he's great in this game. Kaito kinda gets sidelined which is one of my main complaints but i've heard kaito files is amazing. Some chapters are very uneventful and i think there is a bit too much talking. Other than that it's an amazing game

This review contains spoilers

Lost Judgment is incredible. Yakuza 0 is likely always going to be my favorite RGG title, but Lost Judgment takes the cake for their best game.

The Combat was an incredible step up from the first game. I did have some issues with it towards the end... mainly with how slow the animations are; I wish this game had better cancel animations, especially since they clearly want you to dodge/parry and not button mash, but it's very satisfying to play otherwise. The detective mechanics were still present, but they felt a lot more toned down, and they were also just less present in the main campaign.

I didn't do much of the side content, but I liked what I did more than the first game. Amasawa was a genuine delight and I'm interested in doing the side content purely for more interactions with her (if they do make a third game, I hope she gets at least a cameo). Dance stuff was cool too.

The story wasn't as strong as the first game, but it was still good imo. It's a lot more personal, and while messy at times, it really stuck with me. I have a lot of thoughts on the central theme, but I really do love the message it sends.

The characters were great too. All of the returning characters were great. Hoshino did kind of get relegated to comic relief (a shame because he was my favorite in the first game) but he was still enjoyable. I loved how they expanded on the friendship between Saori and Yagami. I like how Sugiura was integrated too; he's no longer heavily connected to the emotional core of the story, but his dynamic is great imo. Kaito is HIM, love than man. Higashi was an excellent blend of genuinely cool and dorky af. Mafuyuu was sadly not all that present (another shame because her dynamic with Kaito and Yagami was cute) but it was still neat seeing her again; and Genda was solid too. I liked Tsukumo's increased role too.

The new characters were pretty excellent too. Sawa-sensei is not a character I expected to care about as much as I did, but I really liked her. I dunno, I just have a soft spot for characters that care so much. She’s someone who’s suffered a lot and carries such a large burden on herself, but she’s still a genuinely good person who tries so hard to fight in whatever way she can. I felt like genuinely empty inside when she died because she only ever tried to do good and she was killed simply because she cared too much. I wish we got more than just the rooftop scene, but it was enough to convey what I needed to know about her. Another minor character who I completely loved was Tesso. He’s just a delightfully chill character and I loved all of the “Anaki” stuff. Another character architype I have a soft spot for (the character who is super chill and just follows their gut feelings). The antagonists in this game were also incredible. Soma is such a slippery son a bitch, but I can’t help but admire how much of a shit he is. He’s not quite Adachi level (plus Adachi has the whole paralleling Yu thing going on) but he’s such an effective villain; I hated that man, but I loved hating him. And I mean, where do I begin with Kuwana. He is a fantastic antagonist. He’s completely justified in wanting to seek justice for victims of bullying, especially because of how they’re failed by the justice system, but murdering bullies is just not productive. I thought Yagami’s words during the trial were really impactful; you can’t go around enacting your own justice, it’s the job of the law to bring justice. The law in its current state is not saving those who need saving, so it’s the job of its creators and those who enact it to fix that. I don’t think Kuwana is wrong for how he feels, and I mean he very clearly does regret his lack of action before, but he’s only caused more issues than he’s solved. You can't keep redefining "justice" so it serves your own actions. I don’t condone Kuwana, but I do understand him. He’s a fascinating character, and he really did make me rethink my own thought process; I like characters who do that.

Lost Judgment is far from a perfect game, but it’s pretty damn close and it had a pretty big impact on me. I know there are some complications with continuing this IP, but I really hope RGG is able to work things out and bring us a new Judgment game because this series is so fucking good.

Really wasn't into the whole school setting or bullying as a central topic from the get-go and the opening hours are quite slow. Some chapters are very uneventful and short, chapter 6 basically nothing of note happens and chapter 7 is just fighting the same boss 6 times in a row.
It the middle section things do get more engaging especially with Yagami and the main antagonists having a really good dynamic and dichotomy going on, even if Yagami is just screaming "SAWA-SENSEI!!!" half the time.
In the final stretch the story tries to connect a random government conspiracy (because every RGG game needs one) to the bully hunter stuff and it's all just pretty convoluted and incoherent, it makes the whole thing seem unfocused and sandwiched together with the RK stuff feeling like a different game. In the Finale there's a random RK brawl which involves the school students that's just there to remind you of their existence since they haven't been seen in like 10 chapters. It really sucks the tension out of things.

As mentioned before Yagami is kind of an annoying idiot at times, instead of ever really criticizing the broader issues with vigilantism he just endlessly screams "SAWA-SENSEI!!" like a toddler. Just like Judgement, Lost Judgement has a large cast of supporting characters that are never allowed to actually help out. At numerous points Yagami turns them down for no reason and they just lounge around. It's only in the finale where Kaito & Gang actually do things.

I was already a fan of Yagami's general combat in the last game and Lost Judgement fixes the big issue of Crane Style being a complete joke. It also adds the Snake Style, a parry style (basically Tanimura from Y4) which gives Yagami a distinct, flashy, well rounded 3 style moveset. His overall abilities were cranked up to 11, he's op as shit and especially in heat mode he just flies all over the battlefield like it's bayonetta or something. The Dragon Engine physics is still the achilles heel, it's as unpredictable and janky as ever and maybe because of all the new crazy shit I had noticeably more "what was that" moments than in the predecessor. So many boss attack hitboxes are straight up broken (especially if they involve a grab) and the boss in the 2nd to last fight just kept teleporting across the floor on some attacks.

The detective gameplay is still just whatever and not something I ever look forward to. 1 noticeable change from Judgement is that there's fewer tailing missions but now there's new stealth sections which are somehow even worse. The enemies visions is just so unpredictable and stupid and if you're spotted it's an instant game over no questions asked.

"School Stories" is the main side content piece and while the clubs do offer a lot of content, unfortunately said content isn't all too good and the attached story is boring at best, they even bring back the insufferable Keihin Gang from the first game. Not all clubs were created equally either, some have their own fleshed out (admittedly not great) mini-game while others like the esports club have you play a few rounds of Virtua Fighter and the gambling "club" is just a roundabout way of unlocking the casino, it's not even relevant to the overarching story. The 2 most disappointing ones were the dance and bike club, the Haruka rhythm game stuff from Yakuza 5 was pretty fun but the dance club music just simply stinks and the bike club had me thinking it was going to be a racing mini-game, which are usually quite good in the series, but instead it's a boring gimick brawling "racer". The final race deservers special mention as the entire 7 minute long experience is decided by pixel perfect boost usage at the end since the AI cheats and will catch up no matter what.

While the dance songs suck, the rest of the OST is godlike. Easily some of the most memorable boss themes in the series with the final one being especially good.

Paradise VR had some good minor tweaks done but the most noteworthy change was the addition of rivals that turn the mode into a race to the finish line and since they removed the skill that slows down the dice, it's a heavily RNG based race. Ideally you get enough star points each round to activate the turn skip skill which essentially removes the rival from the game.

The story has it's moments but it's so unfocused that it ends up being forgettable and nowhere near as engaging as the first one. Other things do at least somewhat make up for it, alongside the usual QoL changes that come with a sequel, Yagami's moveset has been drastically improved in basically every aspect and Lost Judgement is easily the best playing Dragon Engine game so far.

After playing Judgment 1, I was really hyped for the second one. They had already sold me on the characters and the world, and I was expecting a story on the same level as the first. While they improved the game overall, with significantly less repetitive missions and new gameplay modes, without a doubt making it a superior game, I feel like the story fell a bit short compared to the first. It's not that the story is bad; it's just not as good. However, the Kaito Files DLC has a really cool story and was a lot of fun to play. I recommend it to anyone who has already bought the second game to consider getting the DLC, as it offers plenty of content and is quite enjoyable.

Better combat, more side content, and a story that while falling short to the original in spots I loved even more. Lost judgement is peak RGG.


From the get-go, Lost Judgment already displayed how much of a glow-up it is technically from its predecessor. The experience RGG had with their powerhouse of the Dragon Engine feels the most polished here, delivering unquestionably the best real-time action gameplay they’ve ever done, even more so than the mainline Yakuza/Like A Dragon entries. While not quite to the lengths I prefer it to be taken, the premise of following a detective feels better taken advantage of with unique gameplay additions like radar detection and a dog to help sniff out the map. Judgment was still a great game, but its biggest blemish that dragged it from being an absolute peak was the side-content being… much less than desirable. Something which has been mostly addressed here, with side-cases feeling more entertaining showcases of Yagami as a detective and extra mini-games beyond Drome Racing and Paradise VR. They took cues from Yakuza 0 and greatly reworked his moveset to incorporate four different brawler styles with revamped skills worth buying. Yakuza/Like A Dragon may shift gears to an attempt at turn-based combat, but I think what RGG cooked with the gameplay here proved there’s still room for the older real-time action combat to stick around alongside it. From the sounds of it, I’m very impressed by how much of an improvement Lost Judgment was from Judgment and even consider it to be, overall, just a better game. Except… despite how much I preferred playing this more over Judgment, I still think it fell short in one department where the other game still had an edge over it.

I was completely surprised by how Lost Judgment’s story tackled sensitive topics that I never thought RGG would think themselves capable of making a game about. It’s unexpected as a direction to take after a mystery like the first game, but I applaud the bold approach in shinning a light on the cyclical nature of bullying. The actual threats are hardly ever held accountable for their actions, and so no justice was truly delivered by a broken system that continuously failed the victims who suffered. While Yagami isn’t quite interesting here as he was in Judgment, his dynamic with the main antagonist underlined his conviction as someone who believes law, imperfect as it is, needs people like him to make it by protecting the ones it couldn’t save. The main antagonist definitely deserves to be included in the conversations of amazing RGG villains, perhaps being the most complex and sympathetic. I really enjoy aspects of the wider narrative but the actual ‘storytelling’ itself left a lot to be desired, if that distinction makes sense. Judgment’s story may be a more typical mystery conspiracy thriller with much less to say about current social issues, but it was one that felt personally involved with set-up that paid off in what I still see as one of the best final stretches of any RGG game. The Judgment Four all had a personal stake in the conspiracy that linked them all together to put a stop to the root of their troubles. It wasn’t so much about Yagami and the gang solving a mystery to unearth the truth, but to ensure judgment was given to those responsible for ruining people’s livelihoods, including the ones closest to them. Here, they’re all underutilized within the plot, except for Yagami, never having a personal stake for why they’re investigating a murder mystery together that made you feel like these guys are a team working towards a common goal. It made the narrative feel emotionally disconnected, despite Yagami reminding you constantly what’s driving him about this, which felt artificial after a while as a motivation compared to the last game. I would try to weigh in my thoughts on its message about bullying but to be honest this is out of my range to give a nuanced discussion on, so all I can say is that I think RGG just aren’t the best developers to tackle this subject matter, even if I respect the attempt.

I’m not familiar with the current status of the Judgment subseries, too afraid to do some deep-diving research for the sake of potential spoilers for Infinite Wealth, but I hope this isn’t the end. Despite their imperfections, I'm grateful for their efforts to enhance and broaden both the story and gameplay aspects of Yakuza/Like A Dragon. I definitely think there is a Judgment game from the potential kept brewing here to be a close favorite of mine. A certified all-timer, even. Yagami is already an honorable mention for one of my all-time favorite fictional protagonists, so I just want my newfound GOAT to get the perfect game he deserves.

This shit kept putting me to sleep oh my god the story sucks like major ass, snake style and tiger style in this game are probably some of the best styles in the whole series but the enemies are so weak and easy and i don’t think the story is nearly long enough to get that much out of the gameplay, school stories were alright i guess the robotics one was cool but i think yokohama was such a waste in this game and traversing is so insanely boring also yagami is so fucking boring


my god i love this maybe a bit too much, the fixating on the injustice in the court system to taking justice with your own hands, this game really has one the best MORALLY GREY casts of all time.

kuwana is just too good, what a villian. just CINEMA. hes so ominous, the mental torture and the cruelty he projects on his former students and victims in the name of justice, just amazing.

i know people found annoying, but i think yagami bringing up sawa sensei everytime is great. and he makes a pretty good point, can you call what happened to her justice? emphasizing how she deserves justice as well and how kuwanas actions directly led to her death.

ehara and soma were also great characters, and the kaito files were also great.

the combat wow, RGG perfected it, this the peak of combat in the entire franchise, the details the new movesets, the new fighting styles, all the new great Ex-action. honestly top 5 combat of all time.