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This game is one of those weird cases (for a linear singleplayer 3rd person action adventure game) where I felt that the gameplay, including the combat, isn't particularly fun or engaging. However, the visual presentation, writing, characters, and the performances of the cast completely outshine the gameplay and make this a truly remarkable experience.

This game is full of heart and it absolutely nails the tone of the Guardians of the Galaxy as seen in the MCU, while still offering a fresh take in terms of narrative and presentation. The environments are gorgeous, with truly weird alien landscapes filled with vivid colours. The narrative is super interesting and unpredictable, and the amazing writing is delivered with such emotion by the cast that I genuinely laughed out loud and had goosebumps in many moments throughout my playthrough. This game essentially felt like a really good 20-ish hour movie.

I was a tiny bit disappointed though, how for a game with such an emphasis on dialogue, voice lines frequently cut off or overlapped, making me miss out on the stellar writing and banter between the characters. There were also a couple of annoying bugs, but not nearly bad enough to stop me from playing an otherwise fantastic game.

Hope they make a second one...

This game caught me by surprise. Was genuinely happy with this.

Holy shit.

Guardians of the Galaxy is about as perfect a single player AAA blockbuster video game as I have ever played. There are many ways to make a video game. But the cardinal rule is that it should be fun. And goodness is Guardians of the Galaxy fun.

Like. Really fun. It is, without a doubt, harder to write great comedy than great drama, in video games. Think about how many purely comedy-oriented video games manage to do this and succeed so successfully. Conker's Bad Fur Day, Grand Theft Auto V...maybe the Portal 1 & 2? The list is thin. Many games are comedic, or have comedic moments, or are silly like Surgeon Simulator and Hitman. But very few will consistently have you laughing out loud through a narrative experience that's also matched by great gameplay.

Guardians really brings it all. Smartly written, party banter that surpasses the peaks of golden age Bioware. A strong narrative that invests you in multiple characters around a lively, connected universe from a strong and recognizable IP. Crisp and pleasing gameplay with ample challenge and a litany of tools to deal with them. Excellent squad based combat and environmental interaction making use of every member of the team. Throw in a handful of collectibles and some mild platforming elements and you have a smashing success.

Outstanding visuals and a tremendous soundtrack of licensed songs complement the gameplay. Of course, such music is a necessity for a Guardians of the Galaxy game. With how terrible the Avengers game was and the rest of the North American Square Enix productions, one wouldn't have been faulted for expecting Guardians to be another dud. But it winds up being the best superhero video game of recent memory and certainly stands toe-to-toe with the Arkham trilogy of yesteryear.

I would play this game 20 times. It's just so fun and so smart. The Telltale style choices and consequences add in yet another satisfying little wrinkle and while they're clearly easy choices to make, I did find myself running after Gamora to stop her from facing Raker alone. Sure I have some niggles. Some parts of the story got a little too far flung with a few too many extra turns. We didn't get enough of an introduction or enough time spent with Adam Warlock. The Worldmind could've been introduced earlier in the Nova fine saga. Probably would've been better to meet Nikki one more time before the whole crisis went down.

But those are tiny complaints. While I can quite succinctly tell you everything that bugged me, I'd be here too long if I pointed out every thing I liked. Mantis, Cosmo and Lady Hellbender are insanely fun NPCs to liven the story. You get a smattering of a rogue's gallery with Raker, Magus, Thanos, Captain Glory, Blood Brothers and a new villain of sorts, Lipless. There's just so much. It's so maximalist and grandiose. And it should be. Superheroes are.

If there's ever a sequel it'll be a day one must-buy for me, no questions about it. And I sure hope there is one.

Que jogo incrível!
Todo aquele humor que tem nos filmes, sentimento de companheirismos e aventura, está presente aqui. Simplesmente incrível, joguem Guardiões da Galáxia.

Incredibly underrated game, a shame that avengers flopped so hard nobody cared about this. Also Mantis is a communist.

Oyunu oynamaya başladığımda beklentim her zamanki Marvel hikayesinden hallice kötü ve oynanış olarak bam bam ilerlediğimiz bir oyun zannettim. Oğlum oyun beklediğimden iyi lan!


Oyunun hikayesi sevgili Galaksi'nin Koruyucuları ile birlikte ilk fazda para için göreve çıkmışız, her şey yine filmdeki gibi espriler şan şakrak. Birden kaçak mal taşıdığımız için bizi tutuklayan bir Nova Birlik Gemisi. Arada geçen eski manita ve kızı ile sohbet ve bummmm. Birden herkesin beynini yıkayıp kendi yarattığı tanrıya taptıran düşmanımız. Evet, tek tük anlattım çünkü oyunun bu kısımları yarım saatte veya 1-2 saatte açılan bir hikaye değil. Öncelikle hikaye kalitesini aradan çıkaralım. Normal ve standart. Heyecanlandığınız bir şey yok çünkü bu bir süper kahraman oyunu. Eninde sonunda kazanacaksınız. Sunum kalitesi ise gayet iyi. Yani hikayeden ayrı gayrı kopmadan kendinizi vererek oyunu oynuyorsunuz, şüphesiz. Ama tempo konusunda bazı olmasını istemediğim şeyler var. Şunu söyleyerek başlamak istiyorum. Oyun uzun bir oynanış saatine sahip. Genellikle bu tip oyunlar 10-12 saat ortalamasına sahip olurken ben bu oyunu 25 saatte bitirdim. Bu aslında iyi bir şey, çünkü hikaye bam güm gidip aradaki zamazingoları oldu bittiye getirmek yerine her şeyi nakış nakış işleyebilecekleri uzunlukta. Nitekim başarmışlar da. Oyun uzun olmasına rağmen gram sıkmadı. Sadece bazı bölümlerde (spoiler olmamasına adına isim vermeyeceğim) gereksiz bir uzunluk bulunmakta. Bunlar diyalog falan değil, bulunduğun mekanın keşfinin uzun sürmesinden bahsediyorum. Bu kısımlar tempoyu biraz kesiyor, biraz da keşif merakını öldürerek direkt olarak göreve gitmeme sebep oluyordu.


Oynanış beklediğimden iyi. Animasyonlar, hareket ettiğindeki o hissettiğim akıcılık iyi. Yani karakterler düz NPC gibi değil kesinlikle. Zaten gruptaki diğer karakterlerde bunu hissettiriyor. Savaşın içine girebiliyorsunuz. Ama bu son saatlerde çok bayıyor. Neden mi? Her karakterimizin kendine özel 4 tane özel gücü bulunmakta. Bu da bize toplamda 20 tane eşsiz yetenek demek değil mi? Değil, çünkü sadece bazıları gerçekten çok işe yarıyor ve onlarla ilerlemeye başlıyorsunuz. Oyunun sonuna kadar aynı komboları yapıp geçtim, diğerleri tamamıyla fantezi nedeniyle konulmuş. Hayır, denedim ama yok gram etkileri yok. Son saatlerde artık düşman çıkınca "hay amına koyayım bi 3-4 dakika yine spam atacaz" kafasındaydım. Her ne kadar bu kısmı tatsız olsa da toplamına bakarsak iyi combata sahip. Ha bazı bölümlerde düşmanın çok olduğu kısımlarda aksiyonu iyi hissediyorsunuz onu da belirteyim.


Fazla uzatmak istemem. Herhangi birine bu oyunu rahatça tavsiye edebilirim. Bayık bir oyun beklediğimi söylemiştim ama kesinlikle yanından geçmiyor. İyi combata, iyi diyaloglara sahip. Karakterlerin kendine ait derinlikleri var, hikaye ilerledikçe geliştiklerini hissedebiliyorsunuz. Puanım 3.5! Ortalama üstü olduğu için de tebrik ettim gitti oyunu yapan stüdyoya.

Me surpreendi positivamente com esse jogo, sendo alguns bugs meu único motivo de não dar 5/5. A gameplay não se afeta nem um pouco pela exclusividade de controle apenas do Senhor das Estrelas, pelo contrário, limitar o controle de seus aliados ao controle do uso das habilidades apenas reforça o sentimento de liderança que o jogo procura passar, a combinação efetiva de habilidades pode ter um retorno imenso.
A história tem um ótimo roteiro, se desprende da franquia de filmes, optando por uma jornada mais fiel ao material de origem

cute game love this version of them more then the mcu one

Shooting stuff is fun.

Highkey a horrendous story and the level design is terrible and I hate the dialogue between characters getting cut off every time I move ahead a little. But the combat in this game is so fun. Using all the different abilities and the guardians while fighting is amazing. Definitely give it a shot if you like having fun.

It's an idle game where you don't know what you're doing.

Falem oq quiser mas eu simplesmente amo esse jogo.

Ele tem uma combinação com música e gameplay maravilhosa, a sensação de conseguir o especial e começar a tocar música em alto som dá uma adrenalina absurda, mesmo a gameplay sendo repetitiva, ao meu ver ela consegue se manter com os diferentes momentos e situações do jogo, eu não a trocaria ou mudaria em nenhum fator, ela ficou perfeita nas situações q foi colocada.

Enquanto a história eu já vou deixar claro q é o melhor ponto do jogo, a evolução da amizade q se cria entre os guardiões é muito satisfatória e quando mais vc joga mais vc descobre sobre eles e mais eles ficam próximos de vc, no capitulo 13 isso fica perfeito e une toda a jornada q aconteceu até ali, é o momento de maior união deles e o momento perfeito para a preparação do clímax. E toda a história em si é muito bem contada e cadenciada, todos os capítulos são únicos e conseguem contar a sua própria história e tbm continuar a trama principal q só aumenta com o tempo. Ele também consegue diferenciar muito bem os momentos de gameplay com a história, as pausas são muito boas e ele segue muito bem oq os principais jogos de ação e narrativa fazem (Os famosos jogos da Playstation basicamente), todos esses fatores complementam a história e completam esta experiência.

Estava esperando um jogo bom mas nada muito além, mas realmente encontrei uma experiência divertidíssima e com muito conteúdo, foi um dos jogos q me fez pensar o dia todo nele e toda hora q eu podia eu jogava.

How did this capeshit not have a single character I hated with pretty decent gunplay, this is highly unprecendented

I activated a super and got Rickrolled I'd like to have a word with these developers

Fun story, repetitive gameplay and drags on a bit, ended up trying to end combat sections as quickly as possible so I could just watch the cutscenes. Also there's like a 3 hour section in this game where Rocket becomes unbearable, I nearly gave up

Now THIS is what I want to see from AAA games. I just don't know that I can say about this game...It's just really, reaaally good.

I like this interpretation of the guardians, the game looks fantastic, the writing is good and the characters are funny, the motion capture and animations are amazing, there are a few cool alternate costumes for each character, and the combat system is really fun and engaging.

I adore the idea of pausing the entire fight every once in a while so Peter can have a quick pep talk with his team, and depending on the approach you take, you either inspire all of them or fail miserably and only you get powered up. It's just too good.

I also really like the selection of licensed music they picked. They were clearly heavily inspired by the James Gunn movies, but they still picked songs that the movies never used, while still composing original ones I think. Actually, the entire game feels more like its own unique take on the guardians and these crazy characters; it isn't just a one to one copy of the movie versions, which I appreciate.

Only a few times I felt like the writing was a little bit too corny, or the character animations were too awkward when looking at what the characters are supposed to be expressing. But that was never too distracting.

Overall, this was a really pleasant experience, and a really fun and exciting game. Please give it a shot if you haven't, chances are you will really enjoy it, even if you are not a fan of capeshit or Marvel. It is much more than just that.

A pleasant surprise! Would recommend.

Nunca perdoarei Marvel's Avengers por ter feito eu achar que esse jogo era ruim também.

Eu acho que essa é uma adaptação quase perfeita de uma história de Guardiões da Galáxia que eu assistiria no cinema. Porém, esse jogo se passa em um universo próprio, sem ligações com os filmes ou HQs. O que eu achei ótimo, porque deu uma liberdade criativa no roteiro e nos designs dos personagens. E essas são as versões mais visualmente interessantes dos guardiões, excluindo o Quill (não consegui gostar dessa jaqueta).

O roteiro e os personagens são muito bem feitos, todas as interações entre os guardiões são muito divertidas de ver. A história demora um pouco para pegar um ritmo bom, mas em nenhum momento é monótona. O jogo possuí uma mecânica de escolhas que é simples, mas bem aproveitada. As consequências da maioria das escolhas são impactantes ao ponto de não serem escolhas vazias, mas nada muito complexo que mude o desenrolar geral da trama, dependendo do que você escolher.

Ah, e esse é um dos poucos jogos que eu acho que a dublagem brasileira é obrigatória. A maioria das vozes dos filmes retornaram e eles fizeram um trabalho sensacional aqui.

O que eu queria que fosse um pouco melhor, apenas, é o combate repetitivo e o combate da nave. No mouse e teclado nenhum dos é muito satisfatório, mas é bom o suficiente para não ser um grande problema.

Não devo jogar novamente tão cedo, mas é uma experiência que eu recomendaria para qualquer fã da Marvel, principalmente dos filmes dos Guardiões.

Este juego es la definición de infravalorado, después del fracaso de Avengers, muchos se quedaron con ese mal sabor de boca y creyeron que este juego sería más de lo mismo, no podrían estar más equivocados. Espero que en un futuro más gente se dé cuenta del potencial, de verdad es una joya infravalorada.

Firstly, some negatives. Combat itself is fine but nothing special. Like it gets the job done and is generally fun, but it's not super fleshed out. Puzzles are simplistic but also mostly fun. The original music is also very fitting for the scenes, but forgettable outside the game. There are some very odd graphical quirks present throughout the game as well. Finally, the amount of crawl spaces and tight spaces you slowly have to go through is way too much in this game. Like I get they are there to mask loading (especially on consoles), but it doesn't stop them from being boring.

Now, for the positives. This story is utterly fantastic. Super well paced, very engaging, and surprisingly heartfelt and emotional. It helps that the cast is also super likeable. They have wonderful, natural chemistry. The writing for this game is also very well done. Like, I love how your teammates react to the environment, your actions, and in combat as well. Makes them really feel like a team! (even if their chatter can be a bit much at times). They are also further brought to life by great animation and even greater voice actors. The voice actors for the entire cast, primary, secondary, whatever, were all fantastic and gave great performances. The game also looks great with nicely detailed models and super colorful and imaginative environments. I love how exploring these environments constantly rewards you with cool stuff for upgrades and even some awesome costumes for your team. Speaking of upgrades, the upgrades you can do for Star-Lord and your team's abilities are also great with each one having some use in combat which is nice! The game is also super short. It knows exactly how much time it needs to tell you its story and experience its world. It doesn't drag you through 50 hours of extra nothing just to pad the game out. Aside from the crawlspace and tight spaces stuff I talked about, this is a 20 hour game with little to no fat. This also helps me enjoy the combat a lot more than I would have if the game was longer, as it stays engaging until the end of the game's length.

So while this is not the deepest game out there mechanically, it is still a great game. What it lacks in game play complexity, it more than makes up for with a fantastic story, great characters, and even better world for all of this to take place in. If you want a very solid action adventure game, look no further than here.

The Guardians of the Galaxy movie was a surprise success. This game suffered the opposite fate and is extremely underrated and underappreciated. I like how it differs from the movie's interpretation of the characters, the music is great, and the gameplay, while simple works well enough. This is a great Marvel video game and worth playing if you're a fan of the Guardians.

Really awesome story and fun gameplay. Is just a tad long winded for my taste, but very enjoyable.

There's a perfectly ok game here but my biggest gripe is that gameplay just gets a lil bit repetitive, basically towards the end I rushed through every combat section just because story was the one thing that really managed to hook me.

pô imagina jogar um filme de guardiões da galáxia
com os mesmos dubladores em pt-br e os personagens que ficam discutindo a cada 5 segundos por motivos aleatórios

gameplay absurdamente divertida e trilha sonora fantástica

de fato o melhor jogo baseado no universo da Marvel

Pretty ok game, liked the story ok

Низайший поклон Филу Спенсеру за эту игру в Xbox Game Pass!
Плохая рекламная кампания Square Enix, а также провал Avengers сыграли злую шутку с лучшей игрой от Eidos Montreal, которую мне когда-либо удавалось пройти. Множество восторженных отзывов игроков, благодаря которым игра зафорсилась, привлекли мой интерес: добавил игру в список желаемого. И тут неожиданная новость: в подписку Xbox весной попадает вышедшая сравнительно недавно ААА-игра. Я скачал и запустил её сразу же, как она стала доступна. И залип..

Последние годы играл в непродолжительные игры, что плохо сказалось на мне: стало дико сложно играть в проекты, прохождение которых занимает 10 и более часов. Guardians of the Galaxy излечила меня от недуга: за 5 дней набил 24 часа, выбив почти все достижения и получив массу удовольствия.

Не являюсь фанатом Marvel (и тем более Стражей Галактики), но лор худо-бедно знаю. После игры же очень захотелось посмотреть экранизации. Проект с великолепной графикой, суперскими анимациями, потрясающей цветовой палитрой, шикарно раскрытыми персонажами (к примеру, линия Дракса врезалась в сердечко больше всего), уникальными и увлекательными механиками, интригующим сюжетом с бомбезным саундтреком (любителям метала особенно зайдёт), не надоедающим геймплеем и добротным юморком. Проект определённо стоит вашего внимания!

I really really enjoyed this game. The story was really good and the writing was the icing on the cake. The Guardians really felt like they did in the movies. A band of misfits that found a family between themselves.

The combat was really fun for me. I can see how sometimes it would get repetitive, but for me, I had fun with every encounter. One aspect I really liked is that, as Star-Lord, you really felt like a team leader; commanding the team during combat, hyping up the team, and choosing dialog that affects how you're team is feeling in the moment.

My one major complaint was during a mission to find Fin Fang Foom and my game completely glitched and I couldn't tell Drax to move a rock for me to progress forward. I didn't find it a big deal and decided to wait for an update to hopefully fix the game, but there was no such fix until 6-7 months after first getting it. After I was able to pass that, I enjoyed the rest of my experience with the game.

Action-packed space adventure that always pushes you forward while brandishing its established cast and setting to reward paying attention.
+ distinctly flawed characters who become very endearing by the end
+ many creative and visually stunning environments
+ entertaining team banter with player input throughout
+ decent story featuring a good number of impactful choices
+/- unusual combat system that showcases everyone fighting together beautifully but also relies too much on auto-aim and spammable skills
- some exceptionally embarrassing dialogue
- unskippable cutscenes making random quick time events even worse
- extremely linear level design for the most part

Even though have some Marvel fatigue, this was a good story based game.