Reviews from

in the past

The original NG3 was ok, Dragon Sword only sucked. Not raw as hell

Decepcionó a muchos, lo jugué de niño así que eso realmente nunca fue una opción para mi. Sin duda regresaría a él algún día.

>Be terrorist
>Murder countless innocents and destroy cities
>No remorse
>Man with sword in ninja pajamas is somehow able to slaughter your entire squad
>Beg for your life
>Game is actually trying to make the player feel bad for killing a terrorist in a ski mask killing innocent people
>In an action game about killing bad guys

Worst shit ive ever played they fucking ruined ninja gaiden with this piece of hot garbo

did you like ninja gaiden black or ninja gaiden 2? do you like action games? if you answered no to both of these then this game is for you

Finished it on normal back there in 2012. Never came back

This game was made for, and by, people who hate Ninja Gaiden and wanted it to be something it was never supposed to be. That's the only way I can explain the utterly baffling inclusions of QTEs, walking sections, focus on narrative, and some of the most shithouse combat I've ever played.

combate péssimo e história pior ainda

Una entrega insultante para los fans de la saga que renuncia a todo lo que sus predecesores hacían bien. Simple, casual y poco que ofrecer...

Quick time event: the game

Demasiado fácil para ser una entrega de esta franquicia, y lleno de quick-time events pero de los malos al nivel de RE6

the pinnacle of the Ninja Gaiden series better than that pussy ass Ninja gaiden Black.


this is the strawman version of the last of us part 2

it was decent and i enjoyed it at times when i wasn’t getting my ass beat

nah man this was better than nier autoamata

Não chega a ser nada muito horrível, mas em todos os sentidos, é um jogo inacabado; tem seus momentos, mas os sistemas e até mesmo os temas que busca trabalhar, claramente não tiveram o tempo devido para serem trabalhados. Grande parte do tempo o jogo é redundante e chato, mas vez ou outra consegue se segurar por reflexões interessantes que busca trazer para a franquia, a base sólida herdada de seus antecessores, e alguns poucos inimigos que conseguem aproveitar bem o combate. A questão, é que esses elementos nunca alcançam o potencial que almejam, as novas ideias que o jogo traz para o combate, como o sistema de assassinato em cadeia, soam desbalanceadas, mal polidas e pouco controláveis, utilizando de fatores randômicos onde não se encaixam, muitas vezes eu utilizava esse tipo de coisa acidentalmente e quando percebia, no meio do meu combo, eu estava matando 3 inimigos ao meu redor sem esforço algum, o que acabava quebrando os planejamentos que eu tinha para os encontros, e constantemente me tirava dos controles de minhas ações para ver um monte de animação de finisher com QTEs desnecessários no meio. Mas além das mecânicas, uma das coisas que mais me chamou atenção no jogo, foi a discussão central do jogo. Em uma franquia marcada por violência desenfreada e um Ninja que muitas vezes parece deslocado do local e época que se passa, a ideia de questionar a reputação do protagonista e suas tradições, me chamou bastante atenção. Porém, acaba que esse ponto não consegue escapar dos problemas do jogo e essa discussão não chega a nenhuma conclusão realmente satisfatória.

Infelizmente não consegui dormir.

Jesus fucking Christ. Razor's Edge may not have been very good, but at least it vaguely resembled a video game. This is one of the most passive experiences I've ever had with a controller in my hands.

Absolutely bizarre attempt at mass market appeal from a game series that, for how casual unfriendly it was, sold pretty well. The attempt managed to fucking kill the Ninja Gaiden series entirely, even with a severe course correction like Razor's Edge.

It's not possible to put into words what a preposterous game this is, has forever stained an otherwise rock solid franchise almost irreparably.

The only Ninja Gaiden I played, and it's considered the worst. And yes, it's really bad. I'm about to play the trilogy this year, I'm hopping the 1 and 2 are good.

Ninja Gaiden for Xbox was considered one of the hardest games in recent gaming history, at least one of the hardest of the 6th generation. I had Ninja Gaiden Black and couldn’t get past the third level it was so hard. Ninja Gaiden 3 dumbs down the difficulty and concentrates on cinematic combat like God of War, but doesn’t pull it off as well. There is no reward for combat, the levels are highly linear, and the same patterns repeat often. This is a fun weekend rental but nothing more.

Usually, in a Ninja Gaiden game, you die several times in the first level. The game starts out pretty cinematic with Ryu jumping from heights and gliding down. The combat consists of light and heavy attack and dodges. The problem here is that the same moves and animations repeat constantly and just gets tiresome less than halfway through. There are no upgrades, no new weapons, no new Ninpos , nothing. Just hack away until everything dies. The game is still really tough with dozens of enemies being thrown at you at once, but you restore full health after every battle this time and there are no health potions, in fact, you can’t even shop at Muramasa’s anymore. Why they took such core elements away is beyond me. The only new gameplay element is using Ryu’s infected and cursed arm to instantly kill enemies. When you kill enough you can hold down Y and do this, and his dragon fire Ninpo will clear the entire screen. Seems like cheating when it comes to Ninja Gaiden and is hard to get used to.

A lot of people claimed NG3 wasn’t a true sequel and dumbed it down for today’s audience that is used to being handheld through games. This may be true, but I think the QTE’s are what got people so mad. You use them for everything like in combat and even climbing walls and wires. This is fun at first but grows tiresome quickly because they repeat so often. The same helicopter fight, spider bot, and other enemies repeat quite often and it gets boring and uninteresting. The only thing breaking up the monotony is the unique boss fights which are a lot of fun and challenging. I wish there was more to this game but that is about it. The locales are familiar at least with jungles, city landscapes, military bases, and various others. They change quickly so at least that doesn’t get boring.

The story is actually quite interesting despite how much people complained about it. Ryu gets a curse on his arm and it is rotting his arm away. The Lords of Alchemy is working on some plot to take over the world and eventually you find out how towards the end. The characters are at least likable in that quick satisfaction way. You won’t remember them long after you finish the game, but they are entertaining enough to keep you in the story, and at least the voice acting is decent.

The graphics are really good for the Xbox 360, but you will notice the gore factor is severely toned down. No longer do enemies slice in half and heads fly off. A bit disappointing, but there’s still buckets of blood. Overall, NG3 is a disappointment in a long-term way. You won’t be trying to master speed runs in this game, but there’s enough challenge here for a bargain bin purchase or weekend rental. The combat is so dumbed down that becomes repetitive and nearly boring, but at least the fear of death is always near, but there are frequent checkpoints to counter this. There are no upgrades or anything like that, but at least Team Ninja saw that most people never finished previous games and tried to make it easier, this isn’t the way.

vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3 can be best summed up as a Ninja Gaiden game made by people who don’t like Ninja Gaiden

Razor's edge (the fixed version) isn't even a good game.

But the vanilla ninja gaiden 3 is so bad that i couldn't even finish the first level For the size of the disgust i have acquired

Best thing about this game is the main theme, its dookieberries otherwise