Reviews from

in the past

Sinto falta das partidas desse jogo, uma pena ter morrido

I really enjoyed this game. It just sucks that it doesn't have a bigger playerbase. The idea has potential for sure.

solid fun, needs a larger player base

Omega strikers is a dumb free to play game about soccer or some shit. The game has a few cool character designs and the gameplay was sort of fun for a little bit but it got repetitive quickly. Theres also very little content in the game so that hindered the experience. 4/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #52

Enjoyed what I played of it. The character designs are fun and unique but the games dev cycle was extremely short lived and personally the game got stale quick. Only ever played with friends after the first day or two.

LoL x inazuma sans commu toxique et avec des devs a l'écoute

Genuinely one of the most underrated competitive games in modern gaming.

Omega Strikers has an extremely unique gameplay, I can only describe it as MOBA Air Hockey and it is addicting. The OSTs and artstyle of this game are immaculate!

In terms of criticism, I can only really say there is this lack of depth in the fun gameplay, I wish there was a much deeper mechanic to it that'll promote player skill expression more, in fighting game terms it's what players call the "sauce".

I am looking forward to what Odyssey Interactive is cooking, they've already announced that they're working on a new game set in the same Omega Strikers universe, I will be there day 1!

Really fun to play with friends. It doesn't have much replayability in my opinion. Gameplay is fun though a bit bottle-necky at times, it mostly feels like you score out of luck or unbalanced abilities rather than skills. Solid game.

bien muerto como tiene que ser, sigan tratando de hacer esports boludos

fell off soo quick, it was pretty fun for a few matches but other then that there wasnt much reason to play this again

Esse jogo mudou bastante minha vida, me fez conhecer vários amigos e foi uma jornada bem divertida, pena que o jogo não conseguiu florescer.

Only problem is everyone else is really good at this game and I suck

What a fantastic fucking game. The unique player expression along with the diverse cast of characters allows for no two games to feel the same. The one sad thing is the fact it's not getting enough attention.

No meu time, Flamengo 2005. No time adversário, Flamengo 2019.

Curti muito esse jogo no lançamento e os devs ouviram e atenderam todas as reclamações que eu fiz na época, o que mostra que eles estão atentos aos feedbacks da comunidade. Eu achei ele muito divertido e com bastante potencial, mas infelizmente, não conseguiu atrair uma base de jogadores sólida e portanto, as filas demoram muito pra achar partida. Além disso, os devs basicamente desistiram do OS pra focar no próximo lançamento, o que fez com que o jogo recebesse pouquíssimo contéudo ao longo do tempo e continuasse estagnado. Triste.

Aliás, se você é goleiro... NÃO SAIA DO GOL.

league of legends if it was good

Great character design and fun gameplay.
But a gigantic skillgap between new players and active ones.
First 3 matches, my butt has been more railed than me dropping soap in the shower while being in prison.

I personally couldn't get used to the fact that you didn't shoot to where your character aimed but to where your cursor aimed, but that's a me problem and not the game's fault really.

Casually, a fun little game without any big issues.
The problem is that the devs struggle to find ways to retain player interest and end up adding bloat meant to introduce complexity, but all of the mechanics they've tried adding to the base formula have only ever taken away from the gameplay.

liked it a lot better in the beta

Very simple to understand, yet engaging, deep, incredibly unique and fast-paced gameplay, check. Cool graphics, check. A distinct roster of characters? Great cosmetics (seriously the emotes in this game are godlike)? I wish this game was more popular.

We let Omega Strikers down, but it's a masterclass of a MOBA. I can't wait to see Odyssey's next outing--but in the meantime, GO STRIKE!

2.5☆ - Pretty unique and fun but doesn't have much memorability to the gameplay.

A neat little game for casual play. I often feel like it's more luck based than skill. Still pretty solid with a nice artstyle.

Tons of fun with friends, just wish they were able to keep players interested

fun for a bit, suffers from the typical multiplayer MUST be an esport problem

Pretty fun with friends but fell off quick sadly

Dropped this game after 5 or so matches. Just not for me

not for me, personally, but my roommates seem to really like it