Reviews from

in the past

Blizzard isn't run by humans,
But by the dollar one eye pyramid

Die zweite Season von Overwatch 2 hat leider einige Schwächen gezeigt. Der Battle Pass ist immer noch ein großer Kritikpunkt, da es wenig Inhalte zum Freispielen gibt, wenn man ihn nicht kauft und die Umsetzung nicht sehr ansprechend ist. Das griechische und chinesische Event hat mich auch nicht abgeholt und ich fand es schade, dass es nicht mehr Inhalte gab, die mein Interesse geweckt hätten.

Ein besonderes Ärgernis war, dass ich Ramattra bis zum Ende der Season nicht spielen konnte, da er im Battle Pass freigeschaltet werden musste. Dies führte zu einem dickes Minus in meiner Bewertung und war eine Enttäuschung für mich als Spieler. Als Tank gegen ein Ramattra zu spielen war traurig, wenn man nicht selber ihn auswählen konnte.

Insgesamt war die zweite Season von "Overwatch 2" leider nicht so stark wie erwartet und es gab einige Schwächen, die verbessert werden müssen, um das Spielerlebnis zu verbessern.

Gameplay macht Spaß mit Freunden :)

Hahaha.... so fun and not mind numbing at all.

This is getting embarrassing. This is how not to run a "live service" game. Team 4 is just gets worst every day.

Ramattra is a fun character to play and it is probably my favorite OW2 hero. But new map SUCKS. It is one of the worst Overwatch maps ever, if not the worst.

Events are just miserable. Battle for Olympus was fun for few matches, but it was just that. Actually no, it was more than that. It was an ad for their new shiny shop skins! Also want some titles? Get 300 kills with every selectable hero, yikes... It definitely wasn't worth the grind.

Lunar New Year and Winter Wonderland is... just a damn joke. Remember when a year ago everyone was mad because OW1's last Lunar New Year event had 2 legendary skins? Hahaha yes I remember, I thought it was a pure shit event. But I must say, I miss those days because newly released Overwatch 2 can't event reach that level lmao.

Battle Pass is still ok, but it needs to improve ASAP. Also shop prices still suck and they can't even push enough new skins anymore.

Challenges become more obtainable and it is nice change, good job Blizzard.

Overwatch 2 still lacks lots of stuff, I was happy with Season 1 because, you know, it was a new release. I was hyped but Season 2 isn't enough for a live service game. And without a new hero, Season 3 destined to be a disaster without any big changes.

And I am worried for OW2's future. Overwatch 1 was more alive and updated even when it was not getting any new content. I can't even be excited for PvE content (Team 4 is so slow, they say PvE modes will be launched in pieces...). I just want to ask... WHAT HAPPENED?

i fucking hate this stupid omnic

having all your limbs cut off with a rusted knife is probably a more enjoyable experience than this

Season dominated by Roadhog and Sojourn one-shots. Really terrible metas the whole way through and the events were disappointing to boot

please for the love of god nerf roadhog

The “novelty” wore off so it’s time to go back to acting like I’m too good for this game.