Reviews from

in the past

The only thing I can say about this is that it's "fine." You aren't really going to see much else in this game that Avalanche's other games don't already do, and in most cases this game just gets completely outdone by Just Cause instead.

The gameplay of rage 2 is extremely fun, if you're looking for a good shooter with post apocalypse vibes, this game rocks. Unfortunately the writing is just unbearable.

Tan olvidable que ni recuerdo cuando lo jugué.

Muy repetitivo pero el gameplay está interesante. Nada extremadamente bueno

Just isn't a fun game to play, the controls feel bad and no matter how much time I spent tweaking the settings I couldn't find something that felt good.

Holy fucking shit how could a game this bad be ever made. I feel like the devs wanted this game to be a cross between Fallout and Doom, but just failed miserably.

Firstly the story, it was really bad and boring. It uses the basic theres a big bad, find some people to defeat it with, which is fine. And the fine things end there. The story just doesn't take itself seriously, its like a parody of itself. For example at the start of the game, your mother just gets killed and you are just like: Eh, who cares, lets go kill some monsters. Every interactions with other characters just feel out of place, and with ten layers of irony on top.

The shooting itself was pretty good, it felt like Doom shooting. But the enemies. Oh the enemies. A lot of enemies just take so much fucking ammo to kill, they are just so spongy. Like for fucking real, why do I need to shoot you in the head THREE TIMES just for you to die??? The game isn't hard, just frustrating. The main way the devs tried to make the game harder is just spamming so much enemies that you run out of ammo. The other is making an enemy so spongy you run out of ammo. And when you come across a difficult encounter all you can realistically do is sit behind cover, and shoot like 2 bullets every 20 seconds until the enemies die.
There are some good moments with the abilities, they can be really cool. But them being on a long cooldown, and not having any chance to go close to enemies because you'll die really quickly if they start throwing grenades, it just makes abilities not usable. There are like 5 bosses in the entire game, but youll have like 20 encounters with them, and it just makes them boring too.

The world doesn't feel empty, just annoying. There are things to do, the 3 same things all over the map. So it too just gets boring and repetative. You can also find data pads with some lore on them, but with the story being so bad it's not even worth reading.

Adı gibi RAGE geçirten oyun.
Vuruş hissiyatının güzelliği ve post apokaliptik evrenini çok beğendiğim için uzunca süre oynadım. Eksi yanları çok ağır bastığı için sonunu getiremedim. Optimizasyon sıkıntısı ve buglar çok fazla. Ekstra olarak da 15 dakikada bitirdiğim yan görevde 30 dakika kutu arayınca dedim ben napıyorum?

História engraçadinha, gameplay bom e mundo aberto divertido.

Somehow this sequel is even more uninspired and unoriginal than the original game. It's just so generic and boring.

It’s horrible. Terrible everything I don’t know what they were thinking.

Very pink, somewhat fun, no real substance

The gameplay of rage 2 is extremely fun, if you're looking for a good shooter with post apocalypse vibes, this game rocks. Unfortunately the writing is just unbearable.

I should go back to this one day?

Id Tech 6 barely keeps this game afloat through a mediocre world and forgettable story.

Finished the game , was pretty fun, but nothing special

You'd think Rage 2011 plus Mad Max 2015 developed by Avalanche Studios (+id) would be a killer combo, but it's just fine. That Mad Max game was really close to being something special and Rage2 doesn't get any closer to fulfilling that potential.

Damn, hard to think ID went from Doom (2016) to this. Its not the worst game in the world, but it is an enormous downgrade. The game feels bad in most aspects and just feels like a checklist based game, the only saving grace is the sound design and OST which are still pretty good.

Who knows maybe in a future a give it a go again, but for now its staying shelved

Jugablemente es muy divertido, pero la historia es infumable

Infelizmente a Bethesda reviveu Rage 11 anos depois do lançamento inicial, e como de costume, cagou no pau, não chega aos pés de seu antecessor, ainda fui e explorei todo o mapa pelo meu amor à franquia, mas era só a loucura de um esperançoso.

Um completo potêncial disperdiçado, esperava demais

the culmination of every awful design decision from late-2010s gaming. A miserable open world with a miserable story that pulls the control away from you constantly so that you can suffer more miserable dialogue. I hate this game.

Much better than the first. Gameplay is way more fun, all the guns are cool, firestorm revolver is one of the coolest guns I've used in an fps. Skipped all the story tho lol. Enjoyable time.

Gunplay was great, vehicles controlled well, the setting was pretty cool considering the first game ended with a whimper. Overall, I enjoyed the game a lot but there were several missed opportunities here to really create a deep world.

Fun- Wish the game got more hype