Reviews from

in the past

Incredible rhythm game. With two players it becomes an absolute jam.

one of the best rhythm games out there

one of the best rhythm games i've played, comparable to the likes of rhythm heaven. great game

You NEED to play Rhythm Doctor if you're a fan of rhythm games--especially Rhythm Heaven. The game does so, so much with just one button; it introduces various different cues, combining and expanding upon them in really cool ways from one level to the next. On top of that, there's a genuinely great story that works hand-in-hand with the gameplay; nothing super complex or groundbreaking, but the patients and staff of Middlesea Hospital are quite a compelling cast of characters. The game's still in Early Access as of now, but for my money, it's already one of the all-time greats of the rhythm game genre--and I'm certain it'll be even better once it's complete.

also i absolutely LOVE IT whenever the game does that. no spoilers, iykyk

jogo muito foda, musicas boas pra krl e recentemente lançou o ato 5, vale a pena ver denovo.

Easily on of the best rhythm games I've played. The pixel art is amazing, the music is 10/10, and it's such a unique concept.

New update will be out soon and I will probably play it when it releases. Game was pretty enjoyable when I played it a while ago. Really cool effects, great workshop.

Imagine if To The Moon was a rhythm game. Honestly what a concept.

A simple mechanic, done in such a satisfying (not to mention at times surprising) way, what's not to love. Especially with the thoroughly enjoyable soundtrack.

Excellent jeu de rythme avec de nouvelles mécaniques à quasiment chaque niveau. Très touchant à certains moments. Un peu court.

Super unique Rhythm game - it has a progression somewhat similar to Rhythm Heaven with these short stages that introduce new mechanics, but what makes it special is that each of these mechanics continuously roll over into the next.

In Rhythm Heaven, each game is disconnected and focuses on one rhythmic pattern before eventually mashing everything together in a Remix at the end - this game takes the super unique approach of making each level feel like an expansion of the last, and has a properly great feeling progression!

The soundtrack is spectacular and the game is always doing so much to exceed expectations - establishing rules and then remixing them within themselves once you think you have a hang of them. Consistently engaging and dynamic for each stage, and has a high skill ceiling with harder versions of each stage to try and perfect.

Great little early access game and I'm excited to see where it goes next! It's already so polished and full feeling!

Amazing take on fun rhythm games, amazing indie game I must say. Incredibly unique but can get quite annoying with the second boss only.

Despite being in early access, this game is perfect in a lot of ways. Just feel the rhythm!

great fun, an excellent take on the rhythm game genre from the developers who brought you a dance of ice and fire

fuuuck. this shit is too hard for me. really cool though

Technically this is still in early access so can’t say it’s finished just yet, but with Act 5 out it seems mostly content complete as is. And what’s here is really good, very creative rhythm game that makes just tapping one button much more difficult than it would seem

The goal is to tap on the seventh beat of the song, but it tries its best to distract you from that with the visuals for each stage. Trying to pay attention to the beat while also looking at the level’s really cool, especially for certain ones throughout that caught me off guard. And as it goes it’ll start adding new beats to listen to that can quickly ramp up what you’ll need to keep track of. Hopefully there’s a bit more levels to look forward to before it’s officially released

有几首歌很好听 总体来说不错 选关操作环节设计的不好

“How hard could a one-button rhythm game be, really? I mean, I’m just counting to 7, right?” (Clueless)

It’s so peak.


Jogo unico e bem feito, com criatividade e identidade de sobras, além de ser uma alegria de jogar e completar, não conseguia parar de sorrir jogando ele, vou deixar em aberto para quando sair do early acess

Delightful rhythms that keep things fresh and challenging– if only for a couple hours.

Rhythm Doctor plays wonderfully on my Steam Deck, and it's the perfect game to pick up for a few minutes at a time. I'll definitely return to this as the developers continue to add more content (hopefully).

Music is cool, gameplay works very well and become really complicated after a while, the story is fun and there are some great ideas game design wise, i'm not gonna spoil anything but sometimes the game just does unique things


one of the best rhythm games i played tbh

VERY addicting rhythm game with top notch music. Looking forward to the next story chapter.

O melhor jogo de ritmo que ja joguei