Reviews from

in the past

Aother REALLY damn good Megaten entry, and quite an overlooked one at that!
This has some of the best characters in themes in the series, and while it has more questionable moments then the first game, I still liked it about as much

Definitely lives up to how good the first game is, gameplay changes are good and storycharacters are also enjoyable, I don't think its better than the first one but its not far behind at all.

The seemingly more dire yet somehow more lighthearted follow up to Devil Survivor, DS2 is a mixed bag. Mechanically and game design-wise, it's much more solid than the first game, with expanded skill options, much improved demon types, and a much larger cast that are more available to use giving you much more interesting and flexible party compositions throughout the game. The story on the other hand is much more lighthearted and often takes the premise as a farce at many times, which can be a dividing factor for people. It is decently funny at times, but I do feel the overall narrative is weaker. Still, there's a lot to like here and it's a good companion to DS Overclocked if you wanted a more polished version of the tactical gameplay present there. Record Breaker ups the bonuses in the transition to the 3DS hardware by giving a whole extra story mode to play, which is very nice.

many silly guys :) not as amazing as the first but still a good game! :)

Just as good as the first one but with a less interesting story and the game drags too long at times imo.

Literally Neon Genesis Evangelion and I'm not even joking

it hurts how much worse this game is than the one that game before it

Great title that doesn't quite match up to the original. First major issue is that getting the true ending is borderline impossible without a guide. Second issue is that characters feel more one note and anime-tropey compared to the first game, even if they're still likable. Third issue is that the added content doesn't change depending on ending like the first game, just assuming you got the true ending.
Gameplay wise, however, the game is great. It's basically the same as 1 but with more moves, demons and characters to mess around with, making team building super fun. The story, while not matching up to the original game, is a unique premise detailing a more capitalism vs communism narrative instead of the usual SMT God v Lucifer one, and explores the concept well.
Overall, while not as good as the original, it's still a great sequel you should check out

Pretty good. The story, though derivative of Shonen anime, in particular Neon Genesis Evangelion, the plot is still enjoyable. The characters range from mediocre and nonsubstantial to genuinely enjoyable and rather humorous. The plot also establishes higher stakes by making you save all of your potential party members from certain death, as well as showing that unlike the first game, where the conflict was contained to a single city, this game's conflict is on a global scale. This game took the good but flawed combat of its predecessor and buffed out some of the kinks, such as creating a more balanced difficulty curb and keeping physical skills useful throughout the entire adventure, as opposed to them being outclassed by magic skills in the first game.

The visuals are on par with the original, as is the soundtrack, though some may prefer the electric guitars of devil survivor one to the synth waves of devil survivor two.

Over all, the reason I'm not giving this game a five star rating is because it could have benefitted from receiving a port to personal computers or the Nintendo switch so that the presentation wouldn't be held back by the limitations of the Nintendo Dual Screen.

Não é tão atmosférico quanto o primeiro e tem uns momentos bestas de anime, mas não deixa de ser um ótimo jogo com personagens legais, música muito foda e com certeza é melhor que Purse Owner 5!

got bored near the end of the game
the gameplay was fun but aside from that i didn't care about anything
a big let down compared to the first one

Caralho como pode ser melhor em todos os aspectos comparado ao 1 pqp

i'd argue this game lives up to the first one though it fails to surpass it. in many ways this game is easier (thanks mostly in part due to a lot of qol and streamlining of tedium from the previous entry) and suffers from a weaker cast and less grounded story as a whole, but this title still has many redeeming qualities and remains one of my absolute favorite megaten games along with the first title.

atlus has robbed me of everything i love by not continuing this series. i want to hurt people.

Gameplay's still good. I'm leading with that because I just wanna get that out there before I say just how awful of a downgrade this game is from the first Devil Survivor, and that if you only care about gameplay, this is still a good game.

Unfortunately I loved DeSu1's story, and to see its themes not followed up on for the sake of some of the most generic anime shlock of all time is frankly depressing. Characters range from the most annoying tropes in existence personified to the dizzying heights of "this one's fun, actually", but mostly inhabit various ranges of mediocrity. The story's just some Evangelion ripoff, not to hate on Eva but it's not a good Evangelion ripoff. I dropped this game at the last phase of the final boss, that's how little I cared. Allegedly, the 3DS remake's new chapter actually improves the game a lot, but at that point, I just didn't care to try it.


Love Joe but it´s just as mid as the first one

Devil Survivor 2 falls short in comparison to its predecessor in almost every aspect, but I'm still glad that we got a second game in the series. The gameplay is enjoyable and different enough from mainline SMT games to make it worthwhile. However, the characters, OST, and overall progression don't quite measure up to the first game. Perhaps a third installment in the series could be worth exploring? I hope to see Atlus trying again. The first one is almost a classic.

Um excelente SRPG, muito customizavel e com diversos finais. Combate bem estruturado, historia boa, com um cast de personagens criveis e interessantes. Alguns pontos, como os DLC's, que são bastante quebrados do ponto de vista de balanceamento, prejudicam um pouco a experiencia, mesmo este ainda sendo um dos principais RPG's do 3DS.

I enjoyed it, but the story isn't gripping me as hard as the first one was. It is nice that the game deviated from the usual Law VS Chaos endings. The cast of characters is amazing as well. Otome, Fumi, Makoto, and Yamato are the best characters.

Persona 4's influence is all over this game. Goofy moments and fanservice everywhere. If you're into that, that's cool. I just didn't find it appropriate for the game's setting. I did enjoy it a lot, though.

My other major complaint is that the characters have personalities that are inconsistent with their alliances. A character will start to understand someone with views that are opposing theirs, then they will all of a sudden regress for the sake of the plot. Then they realize that going to extremes for their beliefs is wrong after you beat them up??? Very silly, it makes the story leave a lot to be desired. Still has some amazing moments though.

Triangulum did not have this problem. It was very enjoyable and I'm not gonna complain about more video game. Those endings hit the feelers hard

There is just 1 word to describe the ultimate strength of Devil Survivor 2. Variety. Just one listen to the OST and you will come across calm music to contemplate your options, upbeat yet stressful music for fights, sad & creepy music to reflect tragedy and revelation, goofy and odd music for having fun, or hopeful songs to raise your and the cast's spirit. With the characters, you will come across people ranging from charming hardcore meritocratic demagogues to justice-loving rebels to people who just want their lives back. In the combat, you will receive a constant drip-feed of new enemies, new allies, new abilities, new win scenarios, bosses that completely frazzle your pre-conceived notions, and more. This is my most replayed game and it is because every playthrough offers something new, exciting, and fun to try. This is some of the peak gaming as a whole can reach.

Personal Note/Devil Survivor 1 comparisons: I will grant that Devil Survivor 1 is much more grounded in its story and weaves a more emotionally compelling experience (it is also a bit harder but just in the way of "damage number bigger and more enemies resist physical"). But with all that drama comes exhaustion and being frozen up over choices. Devil Survivor 2 is my most replayed game because it gives me more freedom, it provides more ups rather than just downs, and the build diversity and achievement system is also more forgiving which makes it more tempting to just do "one more playthrough" (as I just finished my 4th playthrough and still want to 100% the game & get the other endings.)

This review contains spoilers

Pretty good. A step down from the first game in terms of narrative and atmosphere, but still incredibly fun and a pretty interesting twist at the usual alignments that I wish more games in the franchise could do.

There's actually two parts to this game; the Septentrione Arc (aka DeSu2 vanilla) and the Triangulum Arc (which was added in this game). The vanilla arc itself is fine, but not that interesting narratively. The stakes are a lot higher than in DeSu1, but the atmosphere is severely lacking, especially with the presence of the JP's giving the protagonist and the group nearly everything they need. I did like the ideological alignment split though, and I wish more SMT games would go with a similar alignment split. That said, the game really didn't need to be as light-hearted as it did. It really weakened the game's atmosphere, with it also having one of the weirdest moments I've seen in these games (the Airi/Kama scene).

The Triangulum Arc is a lot better. The stakes feel a lot higher this time, with it having some actually interesting story beats and revelations (Miyako, the protagonist "glitching", the world regressions, the many Administrators, etc.) I feel the game really shined here, with the overall writing getting considerably better (both plot-wise and character-wise), with one of the cooler endings in the series (Human Admin).

The gameplay of DeSu2 itself is a lot better than its predecessor, with demon race upgrading skills, more skills in general, and Phys getting buffed.

I also liked more characters in this game (Joe, Makoto, Fumi, Daichi, Miyako) than in DeSu1 (Yuzu and Atsuro), but the weakest characters are really weak (Jungo, Keita).

Overall it's no Devil Survivor 1, but it's very good in its own right. Easily one of the most underrated (and overhated) games in the franchise.

It's ok, but a definite step down from the first title in writing. The story is excessively slow in the first few days, and while I enjoy the scenario and endings, it's hard to slog through the beginning to get to that point again. Characters are all worse, very tropey, very annoying, outside of a select few which shine. The extra content, the Trianglulum campaign is better all around and is the length of a whole new Devil Survivor title, but suffers from sharing the same cast. It's still good though on merit of its gameplay, but it could have been a whole of a lot better.

Yamato Hotsuin is potentially the biggest dick rider of all time

in terms of gameplay it's essentially the same as the first game but improved

story isn't as strong as the first game though and the characters are alot more forgettable (specifically keita and otome) though there are examples to that such as al saiduq

DeSu 2 is markedly more fun to play than the first one, and with two stories effectively making for two games, this was quite the package.