Reviews from

in the past

Alongside Devil survivor, the peak, it's just peak.
If you don't like hardcore dungeon crawlers you're not gonna like it (Fortnite might be more up to your speed).
Don't play the remake unless you like the idea of the original's story being spat on the face and beaten to death.

Gracias por todo Kaneko

Stop me if you've heard this part before: The whole world is in a state of chaos. Crime and war runs rampant, resources are dwindling rapidly, and the planet is becoming increasingly more uninhabitable. Still with me? Okay, there's this tiny blip that appeared on the south pole with black hole-esque properties, and it's slowly but surely expanding, threatening to swallow the planet whole. Government officials from across the globe band together and decide that their best course of action is to send their best military and scientific minds into this vortex, dubbed "the Schwarzwelt". As you might assume, everything goes horribly wrong, and our intrepid heroes find themselves on a very strange journey as a result.

The Schwarzwelt is full of unknowns. Areas that seem to reflect the sins of humanity, materials unfamiliar to man, and in typical Shin Megami Tensei fashion, demons. None of this operation would be possible without your handy-dandy Demonica suits, allowing the users to breathe in this foreign atmosphere, and making the invisible become visible. Even new demons show up as visual noise until you defeat them at least once. They also let you equip sub-apps, which give you a variety of benefits in the field. Some apps heal you every few steps, others tell the random encounter rate to calm down. Each app has a point value equivalent to how useful the ability is, and since you only have 10 app points, you really have to think about which ones you need for any given situation.

Strange Journey uses the DS's hardware to present your perspective in a creative way. It's a first-person dungeon crawler, but you're always wearing your Demonica suit, and the UI reflects that with a stylized HUD in the corners of the top screen, and detailed information on the bottom screen, like you're looking at your wrist computer. Also, I am enamored with this game's soundtrack. It's loud and bombastic, like government officials with self-importance on a death march, and the sounds of the Schwarzwelt are these overbearing chants, as if the areas themselves are alive and antagonistic. It's thematically appropriate, but it's definitely much harder to listen to for extended periods of time. Other SMT games lean harder into grungy rock music, and it's music that I listen to outside of the games frequently. Strange Journey's soundtrack starts to make me feel insane after a certain amount of exposure.

Post-Nocturne SMT combat is pretty recognizable, so leave it to Strange Journey to throw me some curveballs in that department. The "press turn" system is absent, and we have "demon co-op" in its place. Whenever someone exploits an enemy's weakness, other party members of the same alignment perform a bonus attack, with more party members equaling more damage. Yep, the law-neutral-chaos alignments play more than just a plot-related role in this game. Along with your own alignment, every demon you encounter falls somewhere on this spectrum, to the point that some will outright refuse to talk to you (just like real life). It adds an interesting twist to the usual team building and weakness exploitation of SMT, even if it's really only an extra step to consider.

After much deliberation, despite being pretty fond of first-person dungeon crawlers, I may lowkey hate this game. Out of all the SMT games I've played, I think the labyrinth gimmicks are the most obnoxious they've ever been in this game. I can turn a blind eye to funny nonsense like pitfall traps or floor that damages you. Where I draw the line is when the game asks me to navigate chunks of areas in complete darkness, leaving the map unmarked the whole way. Then you demand I navigate conveyor belt mazes under complete darkness. Then you finally give me an upgrade that lets me see in these dark areas, and immediately invalidate it with a different type of darkness in the next area! Followed by a gigantic unmarked teleporter maze! Etrian Odyssey came out two years before Strange Journey, and that game's whole gimmick is drawing your own map so you know where everything is! Why does the ATLUS game where you wear hi-tech future armor not let you manually edit the map?!? Strange Journey has all these cool mechanics that are wasted on navigation that feels tailor-made to annoy you.

All Shin Megami Tensei games center around a clashing of ideals, "law vs. chaos", that sort of thing. I think it's truly poetic that for one of the stronger, more character-driven plots in an SMT game, they contrasted it with some of my least favorite gameplay to grace the franchise. How's that for law vs. chaos?

Shelving this for now cause I haven't picked it up again in months.

This one is for the real JRPG masochists. If you're the elitist type that defends grinding and loves combing through every square inch of dungeons, fighting countless battles for rare drops and incremental progress, this is gonna be your jam 100%.

But for me it's a lot like pushing the boulder up the hill. As I progress more into Strange Journey the harder I'm finding it to want to even pick it up again. I adore the writing, characters, and art. The scenario is also really dark and unique and surprisingly complex. But it's all bits and pieces between the bulky, fatty meat of the game, which is hours and hours of wandering, fighting, returning to base, healing, repeat, as you slowly map out these massive, increasingly difficult dungeons.

There's a lot to love here, but I'm also at a point where it's starting to feel like the gameplay loop is engineered to draw out its length and waste your time.

yeah dude i mean the game is fully sick obviously but it just does not respect my time. fuck off with a labyrinth of unmarked portals that all lead to identical rooms like this is not level design u fuck heads.
graphics are awesome tho. mall dungeon is tight.

Perhaps the last truly SMT feeling game in the series and arguably one of the few if not only ones to reach such heights in the entire franchise.

The amount of atmosphere the small Nintendo DS speakers can put forth with this game is alone something to just experience and reason enough to try this game out

Guys. News flash: video games are awesomeness.

Great game so far. Currently at the point right before Mitra’s bossfight in Bootes. One thing that dissapoints me is the lack of the Press turn system, instead replaced by Demon Co-Op, which, while a decent way of giving the incentive of building your party around a certain alignment, and also a reliable way to get extra damage in, lacks the substance of the press turns used in previous games.


So, the three star score may indicate that I think this game is average or mid, but that's actually not the case. Strange Journey is hands-down one of the greatest JRPGs ever made, with its amazing combat and level design, and its story to boot... However, what really bogs the game down for me, is the first-person dungeon crawling. FPDC never works, I have not played a single game where that style is remotely okay, and sadly here, it's the same outcome. Which is a shame because, like I said, the level designing in this game is outright great... I just wish we had good dungeon crawling gameplay. Oh well.

But, regardless of my opinions on the game's structure, it is still well worth your time, and who knows? Maybe you'll like the first person perspective; doesn't hurt to try, right?

Definitely one of my favorite games in the series. Having adult characters lets me experience a story with characters that know who they are from the start which makes things more interesting. The difficulty kept me on my toes the whole way through even though the password system is pretty janky. Section E is fine btw

Strange Journey is a game I look very fondly of and kinda just view as a previously played title. Character wise, SJ is very different from a lot of the games around it. By this I mean that characters are actually interesting this time!!!! WOW!!!! Story is pretty okay, but I wouldn't call it anything breaking in comparison to the rest of the smt games. Combat is still smt combat, but it's new additions are kinda iffy in my opinion. What can I say, this sure is a smt game

Beat: a long time ago

If someone put me at gunpoint and made me choose, in a rush, where do I think the concept of "JRPG" peaked, I would pick up this game in a heartbeat.

Feels like they were favoring Chaos when writing this game. Good for them, good for them.

É difícil existir algo tão interessante, com tão boa música, estética e ambientação quanto SMT Strange Journey, o mais desafiador da franquia que joguei até então, tanto na exploração de dungeons quanto em seus picos de dificuldade em bosses específicos. Existem diferenças quanto ao Press Turn System que podem ser uma armadilha fatal para qualquer um que decida jogar o jogo hoje em dia, afinal é necessário usar um dos novos sistemas do jogo, que é o compartilhamento de demônios por meio de uma senha hash e... bem... não é como se fosse comum encontrar pessoas que estão jogando algo que sequer é possível de se obter de formas legais atualmente. Outra mudança aos sistemas comuns na franquia, é a adição de Demon Sources(DS) na fusão de demônios, é bacana, mas não entendo porquê diminuir a quantidade habitual de skills dos demônios de 8 para 6 visto que as DSs embaralham ainda mais a permanência de skills nos produtos de fusões, e que o protagonista só pode ter 3 skills. Strange Journey beira a perfeição, mas infelizmente existem algumas seções na exploração que distoam muito em "complicação" do resto do jogo, não só na infame dungeon Eridanus mas também na dungeon final, e outra coisa... Existe um salto de dificuldade gigantesco do penúltimo boss para o último em um ponto que vencer é questão de sorte ou grind extremo, felizmente fui sortudo e consegui vencer em um nível normal (79) mas foi com a melhor party que tive em qualquer playthrough em qualquer jogo da franquia, mesmo considerando outros infames em sua dificuldade como o Nocturne(TDE).

Vamos lá, a historia, narrativa, personagens, musica, arte tudo de parabéns, e até o combate mas o foco dele que é o dungeon crawler, eu nao sei se o problema é do gênero ou sou eu mesmo, previamente tinha jogado persona 1 e SMT IF, todos péssimos nisso tbm, Persona Q2 é a ultima chance, se n desisto dessa bosta de gênero

Ladies and gentlemen im going to keep it a buck 50 this might just be the worst game ive ever played

I dont think american developers should try to emulate japanese media and vise versa because this is the result of that.... Whats up with the shitty music its like they want to be shitty dragon quest so bad

Save yourself the money and time just go buy Final Fantasy VII instead

Easily one of the greatest games in all of Megaten.
Gameplay-wise, this is easily the best of any of the first person SMT's, and everything from the Story, characters, themes, music, atmosphere, it is all incredible.

My favorite game i never finished. Not because it's too hard or i'm stuck, but because i'm cursed.

In my first playthrough i got to Sector F, then my mom accidentally broke my DS and the upper screen died. I tried like 5 times with phone emulators. All my saves died for some reason or another.
I buy Redux.
My launch 3DS crashes all the time for random reasons, making progressing miserable. It also has like an hour of battery life disconnected.

It's like i'm not meant to beat this game, but i will someday. The itch for first person dungeon crawlers always comes back, and this one is perfection.

Esto le paso a mi amigo chapu

Sector E gave me PTSD, playing that shit guidless for hours on end until FINALLY getting through it is something everyone needs to experience at least once in their life, truly cathartic experience. Oh yeah the OST here also goes fucking insane.

Truly my favorite SMT game sure the dungeons can get long and tedious but I assure you this will give you reward in your life after you complete your journey. Also the Final Boss is one of the hardest bosses you will face in your life! Have Fun!

the maps are horrible and even the words Sector E will awaken the devil in the soul of any megatenist. but this game has bugaboo so you cannot say that it's bad

jokes aside, one of my favorite SMTs story-wise next to II and III. but i don't think it's worth going through the hassle of playing it. slurp it off the wiki or youtube or something

insanely unbearable maps but story is peak